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Monday, August 04, 2008

We Need A New Congress!

I have read different figures, but I believe the most valid polls say that only 14% of the population think that Congress is doing a good job. Now if you are one of those 14%, your might as well discard this letter now.

But If you think that Congress is doing a bad job and is leading us to ruin, read on.

Here is my solution: Historically incumbents are usually reelected. So if this holds true, after this election the "new" Congress will be no better than this one, unless we take action now.

I suggest that people forget whether they are Democrats or Republicans, and that they also forget which party their Senators and Congressmen are, and simply vote against the incumbent. If we wipe the slate clean, at least we will have a chance that the new Congress will be better than this one

I have no axe to grind, except I am trying to save our country. The time is ripe. Either we get rid of this do-nothing Congress now, or we are facing ruin.


Anonymous said...

agreed 100%.....cant be done soon enough! I prefer a hanging tree, but thats not politicaly correct...

Anonymous said...

agree 100% ... I don't usually get in to politics very much and I can't say I'm a Bush fan, but he can only do what Congress lets him do for the most part. He gets the blame for going to war with Iraq, but didn't Congress have to vote on it. Didn't they vote "Yes". They should take some heat as well. As far as new laws or bills, he can't sign them if they don't pass them. So we should be just as concerned with who's running for Congress as we are who's running for President.

Anonymous said...

I have a proposal, that none of them will vote for, however, it will spir them into action from their complacency TERM LIMITS.

If it is good enough for the President (thank god) then it is good enough for them, and it will probably save the American People, our cuontry and our money.

Anonymous said...

its already to late guys, were goona have to hit bottom befor anything in this country changes, concentrate on k-street where the real coruption is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we need 250 Ron Paul's for congress!!!! FAST!!!

Anonymous said...

I want a congress full of Dennis Kucinich clones and a White House full of Ralph Nader! And YES, Ralph Nader WILL BE ON THE MARYLAND BALLOT this November.

Anonymous said...

Yes, lets wipe the slate clean and while we're at it give them no more than two terms to serve. Also, lets reqiure there be no "Pork Barrel" spending by any of them. Maybe this way we can get our economy under some controls and save our tax dollars.
Also, we can cut out the offices these guys have all over their districts!
A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul would be a great President. However, I believe in Bob Barr and am voting for him this year. If you all compare the candidates, you will find him to be the most American choice.