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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Look At Me, I'm Somebody

I was tipped off this morning about an article written on one of the Anti Albero Blogs stating that the No BS Blogger was calling it quits AGAIN! Like Michael Jordan, he quits, then comes back. Then he quits again, then comes back. Similar to his early Post in which I read this morning, the crybaby was crying about he and his Family being EXPOSED by name, (in which I will not expose) and as I agree with the fact that Family does not belong in attacks on the Blogosphere, he is fair game.

It simply amazes me when a Blogger wants to have a Blog anonymously and when they're finally exposed they start crying like babies and can't take the heat. I have always had my name on my Blog, even when I started out as National Joe A Graphic, if you'll recall back then 3 years ago?

It's my feeling that if you're going to sit back and criticize, OWN UP TO IT and know the risks. So you know, they pulled the article this morning because, (I'm confident) that many people went right back on the attack again exposing this Pansie's name and even perhaps his Family?

Although Michael refuses to put his name in the top billing section of his Blog, he'd like to believe everyone knows who he is too. HA! However, every time we're at an event he'll proudly say, "I'm a Blogger too." Then the person will say, oh really, what Blog do you own. He'll reply with his Blog name and they'll go, really, I've never heard of that one. That's the honest to God truth too. Michael likes to believe that as soon as he tells them what his Blog name is, they're a new visitor.

GA Harrison is also guilty of not having his name in the top billing section of his Blog as well as many others. At least when he Posts on Salisbury News his name is all over it. On his Blog he goes by CATO?

That being said, I cracked up this morning when I read that the No BS guy stated he was getting 400+ hits a day when he only averaged, (according to Site Meter) 41 hits per day. Oh well, if you think you're going out on top at even 400 hits per day, at least we know you were 300% higher than old man Duvall. Nevertheless, he'll be back soon after he reads this Post, just like the last time. I've got some tissues at 300 W. Main Street for all those who get exposed on the Blogs.

Till then, the BS is finally over!


Anonymous said...

Joe, ordinary people with blogs have every right to stay anonymous. If there wasn't a chance that some psychopath somewhere wouldn't try to ruin their business, reputation and their family, maybe more would step up if full view. Most people, however, care about what other think of them and do not want lies told about them, or their pictures plastered up on a blog when they are just driving around, eating dinner, or playing softball! The psychopaths are the problem!

Anonymous said...

Yawn. Why is this news?

joe albero said...

Another Crybaby.

Look, if you don't like the article, simply move on to another. In the mean time, do send me your billing address so we can CHARGE you for visiting several times a day.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I see. Then who is Totmom, Earlssister and OC? Do they not want their names to be revealed? Why do you suppose that is? I eagerly await your answer, if you even dare. But, I'm sure this comment won't see the light of day anyway.

joe albero said...

They're women, that's who they are. Oh, they're probably Pansies too, that's what women are. No disrespect towards women. When I call a guy a pansie, I'm calling them a Girl, just to clarify it.

Anonymous said...

Blogger joealbero said...

They're women, that's who they are. Oh, they're probably Pansies too, that's what women are. No disrespect towards women. When I call a guy a pansie, I'm calling them a Girl, just to clarify it.

- Glad you clarified that.

Anonymous said...

I will own up to my identity when I get in your face at bike week and tell you what a fucktard you are.

Anonymous said...

Repsectfully Joe, what diff does it make if you're a man or woman? I don't get it. That's an easy cop out if you ask me. Now I don't recall either of those women hatefully calling anyone out but what's good for the goose is also good for the gander.

Chimera said...

"Then who is Totmom, Earlssister and OC?"

I am simply a very private person and therefore I use a "pen name" when posting on the blogs,just to protect my privacy.Obviously Joe knows my identity,or I would not be a sometime contributor and yes I really a woman LOL.I am married,have one child and work PT and as for age,lets just say Nixon was in office when I arrived in this world.....

Anonymous said...

Joe, one of your contributers said, "I am simply a very private person and therefore I use a "pen name" when posting on the blogs,just to protect my privacy." JUST TO PROTECT MY PRIVACY she says. I have seen how time after time people have stated the same reason for remaining anonymous here. Why is it different? HMMM?

Anonymous said...

That may be true, Totmom. But what if you said something here and it offended someone? Do they have the right to know the true identity of the person calling them out? I am simply playing the devil's advocate. Why is it alright (in Joe's eyes) for some bloggers to remain anonymous, but not others? It looks to me by the "Ralph" post, that only those who kiss Joe's ass should be able to remain anonymous.