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Thursday, August 28, 2008


[a Sbynews exclusive report]

Another report, verbatim, by our delegate source at the Democrats’ circus this

I’ve decided to depart after the third day of the convention, so this is my
last hurrah from Denver. The tentative decision occurred when I learned about
the faux Greek staging for Obama’s acceptance speech and stadium rally tomorrow
(Thursday), as I have no desire to be present as he is portrayed as a god just
arrived from Mount Olympus. And the program tonight (Wednesday) iced things.
It’s now all over but the confetti and balloons that will accompany the
investiture ceremony, to be held at Invesco Field (no pun intended) so that no
faithful follower need miss the revelations by the anointed one. But, back to
recent events.

The past master I wanted to hear light up a crowd one more time was a
disappointment, despite a well staged performance, because of his trite and
slogan-filled statements about the Obama fantasy. Slick Willie showed that he
can still sell his snake oil to the suckers, but I’m waiting for him to tell us
what the meaning of “is” is. Maybe he will enlighten us on that point someday.

It was another day and evening of misrepresentation about Obama’s experience
and competence as well as what he “will” do if elected, combined with Bush
bashing and McCain trashing. Does any sane person believe that Obama is better
qualified than John McCain in foreign relations or to be our commander-in-
chief? The suggestion that Obama would do more for the welfare of members of
the armed forces is sickening. Both Clinton and that wannabe president, Kerry,
spent much of their time ranting about Bush with little spirit and much bluster.

But Joe Biden delivered a pointed, emotional and strong speech – IMO the best
one so far at this convention and possibly his personal best ever – even if I
seriously doubt about 90% of his premises and promises, which he presented with
genuine conviction. Aided by the presence of both his son, who is deploying to
Iraq soon, and his elderly mater, it deserves credit as a masterpiece that was
diminished by the unannounced appearance of the big O himself at the conclusion
as if he were the man behind the curtain in the Emerald City. That stage and
podium certainly looks like something from the land of Oz, which is said to be
the subliminal theme of this Convention.

Biden’s presence and performance has transformed what was until then a very
banal and bland convention, and that may be the catalyst in bringing off a
Democrat victory this fall. I could say more about the palpable and very
dynamic effect of his effort, but I must stop at this point because I want to
reschedule my flight to visit my son, recently back from Iraq, his wife and my
grandson. It looks like a flight today could be hard to get; lots of white,
female (and angry) Hillary delegates are leaving this morning, many wearing the
NOBAMA and DEM. 4 MCCAIN buttons and signs that have popped up everywhere, and
carrying bags of PUMA paraphernalia.


Anonymous said...

"But Joe Biden delivered a pointed, emotional and strong speech – IMO the best
one so far at this convention and possibly his personal best ever"

The real question is? Who'd he steal it from?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Bush and McCain have done a great job for vets--remember the disgrace at Walter Reed? You have short memories. that happened under Bush's watch, and under McCain's watch. A total disgrace.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

PUMA's stand together;
Don't give up the ship.
From now til November,
We got to make that B&O team slip.


Anonymous said...

Nooner Nut:

Actually you have the "short memory" -- the Walter Reed mess predates Bush -- it festered during the Clinton years when Biden was on the scene, too. It was fixed during the Bush admin, when it came to a head.

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah, "delegate."

Anonymous said...

It was fixed only after the Wshington Post (you know, that liberal rag that you guys love to bash) exposed the scandal, YEARS into the Bush administration! So don't try to lay that at Clinton's feet--your guy left it derelict for Iraq War vets--I don't remember an Iraq War under Clinton. Nice try, though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vote "Bill Cosbey". He will straighten things out.

Anonymous said...

What a crock of shit this is. It's truly amazing the amount of support for Republicans in this Blog. Y'all complain about the government but are too afraid to throw the bums out. And for what? To keep yourselves safe from the "evil doers" you masters tell you mean you harm. Give me a break.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." Benjamin Franklin

joe albero said...

What is wrong with you?

There are Republicans and there are Democrats. This Blog is here so you can debate the issues. Why do you think everyone should only agree with you?

You must live in a neighborhood where all the houses are exactly the same, the same addresses, same phone numbers, same colors, same cars?

Come on now, lighten up, this isn't the Superbowl, this is a real live choice.

Anonymous said...

These posts are laughable. The only credible thing in them was the Biden observation. He was fantastic, no doubt.

I see you bumped the placement of this post up, too.

While there are Democrats here, c'mon, Joe, the majority of your posts are pro-Republican (many of them the Rush Limbaugh wacko side) as are many of the comments.

It's your blog, that's cool. But admit what it is. The commentary here is so one-sided Republican that you don't have a lot of Democrats' input. They are wisely putting their resources to work on those not already firmly committed to McCain and Harris.

Keep preaching (or ranting) to the choir folks. The Democrats love it.