SBYnews covered this about two weeks ago whereby there wasn't anyone supervising the traffic flow at the intersection of Route 50 & Tilghman Road - (near K-mart). Well this morning I saw Bubba pull-up into the K-mart parking lot and never got out of his vehicle. The time was 7:45 a.m.
At 11:30 a.m. today, this is what happened. A driver shot through the intersection and is pitched on top of a brand new traffic signal box at that intersection.
Anyone know if Bubba is connected to that project or not?
I drive through there everyday and it is the biggest cluster I've ever seen.
I was one of those in line a few weeks ago and it was totally unnecessary. No one was directing traffic and the American Paving workers had halted all traffic to move their dump trucks through.
Where are the job overseers - SHA.
What an absolute nightmare.
7:45? Mr. Comegys' is early to work. Good job. You've got my vote.
Just did come through that intersection--a disaster; cars all over the place trying to stop and change lanes. The striped barrels are lying on their sides. Somebody is not doing their job at SHA.
There is no way a man can do a descent job at his full time job and hold the offices of Airport Commission, Zoo Commission, City Council position. So it comes as no surprise when I hear about his gallavanting.
He just isn't working.
Joe, I've traveled through that intersection twice today and it's a hellava lot better than that Seaford to Laurel road disaster.
And what were you doing there at 7:45 AM. Are you stalking him?
Just what is your problem with him?
When they did the road work between Delmar and Seaford, the Del State Police were there in force each day with their lights flashing. It made so much sense and people seemed to respect it. I only went up that way 4 times, but no matter when they were there. I live near K-Mart and am avoiding that intersection at ALL cost! Spice
It wasn't Joe that saw him at 7:45 a.m.
If you haven't heard, there has been a 'APB' issued for monitoring Bubba's where-a-bouts.
By the way, it has been a few hours since the last known appearance for Bubba. Has anybody out there spotted him again. If so, you might want to keep posting.
Look I work for UPS and only have a few moments to check-in on my Wi-fi.
I'll make some calls to some of the other UPS drivers and see if they have spotted him. Will also consult with Fed Ex breathren for update.
Got to get back to work.
Response to 4:08 PM post:
Where have you been? Don't you know that there are literally hundreds that are watching on this blog who are also trying to track the work habits for one State Employee that claims to be working on our dime.
In the name of promoting efficiency on behalf of our great State it is mandatory that we all try and keep up with this deadweight.
Only then can we purge ourselves from the manifest waste of taxpayers dollars.
Careful, UPS Man. Bubba will come after UPS and they'll come after you.
I hope you folks keep your spotting of Bubba to what looks like professional shirking or something. Much as I can't stand Bubba, taking National Enquirer shots of him all the time just on his own time just seems kind of over the top for a small-time public official who already has an overblown ego about how important he is.
Anonymous said...
Careful, UPS Man. Bubba will come after UPS and they'll come after you.
I hope you folks keep your spotting of Bubba to what looks like professional shirking or something. Much as I can't stand Bubba, taking National Enquirer shots of him all the time just on his own time just seems kind of over the top for a small-time public official who already has an overblown ego about how important he is.
7:37 PM
Look you liberal morphodite bubba is a public official, small time or not and he is fair game.
Is he connected to the project? He is the area engineer you know. He is, or at least thinks he is in charge of over seeing all of the projects in district 1. I heard that the only reason he got the job is because someone else turned it down. In other words, he was not qualified, but no one else was dumb enough to take the job.
oh, great. Now we have a whole group of s-t-a-l-k-e-r-s! If we just get ever single person in Salisbury to spy on their neighbor, it would be much more efficient. Joe if i see my neighbor reading something i don't agree with I'll call you and you take a picture, put it on the blog and we can ostracize'em. That, my friends is what taking pictures behind curtains will get us.
I drove up on this accident. How in the world did he get on that box?
As for Bubba, I'm keeping my eyes open for him each time I'm out.
7:19 if you know so much about Debbie you would know that she has only one sister.and she doesn't get into the public official lime light. i know her very will,so if you are going to call her a piglet have the balls to do it to her face. NOT ON A BLOG!!!!she doesn't bother anyone.
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