The Salisbury Fire Department will be hosting a MANDATORY class on Suicide Recognition for all career personnel at the new Administrative Headquarters. The classes will be held on September 8, 2008 and September 10, 2008 from 0800-1000 hours. Personnel are to attend the class ''off duty''. If there are any questions please contact Training.
If you think I'm kidding about this Post, GO HERE to see the Salisbury Fire Department Website and see for yourself. So now they're worried about their own Firefighters committing suicide? Like I said, have things become that bad around that place? Here's the kicker Folks. From what I've read, only the PAID Firefighters must attend this manditory class. Obviously the Volunteers are much happpier and have far less risk than the Paid Firefighters?
I'll have to go take a look at the Salisbury Police Department and see if they have a listing there too.
They should have done this years ago, job stress can be bad in this area.
And when you are dealing with administrators that are idiots, it gets worst.
Maybe bc they wouldn't send a volunteer out in a situation like this. If the cops and firemen learn more on this topic, it is simply adding to their value if the situation emerged. Doesn't have to be to save only each other.
This comes as no surprise to me. Every employee of the City probably needs this class. The stress of working for the City and the Mare has to be high. She's always looking for somebody to take out, because their talking to Joe Albero or bucking the SYSTEM. I feel for these folks and what they have to put up with. Are they getting paid to come OFF DUTY for the class ? Why couldn't they just take it while they are working? More money wasted. What a City.
I hope Sea is the first in line for this one. The way things have been for him lately, he might be a prime candidate.
Is this to recognize their own suicide symptoms or to deal with 'jumpers' or what?
This has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
How much is this going to cost the Tax Payers again? Can someone please find this out and explain to us why it is needed?
12:14 when its your loved one that needs to be talked down from the ledge...is it still going to be a waste of money?
10:53 AM was a bit close on this one... Before everyone goes nuts here - this is training to deal with suicidal citizens (more specifically, to improve each firefighters ability to deal with a 'possible' suicidal citizen).
That's like the SPD having a DUI training class and then someone attempting to build a story stating something like, "I guess the SPD is training their officers to drive under the influence."
P.S. - 12:14 PM, 'stupidest' isn't a word. It might have been better to say, "more stupid."
That's not your job as Firefighters. No disrespect but Police Officers are trained for that kind of work.
Anonymous said...
12:14 when its your loved one that needs to be talked down from the ledge...is it still going to be a waste of money?
12:35 PM
Look dumb f&ck, it is not about someone being talked down from a ledge so where did you get that information from. When was the last time a firefighter committed suicide in Salisbury?
Again it is a waste of tax dollars and it can't be justified.
It is the police officer's job, however, there are numerous times that fire and EMS personnel are the first on scene, usually because the caller was confused and the wrong agency gets the call to respond.
As to the person complaining about why they can't take the class on duty, it is due to the high call volume that this is not possible. What good is a class if someone is either coming or going every couple of minutes.
That's not your job as Firefighters. No disrespect but Police Officers are trained for that kind of work.
When was the last time you saw a cop riding in the back of an ambulance. The ems providers deal with patients first hand and before anyone else does. They have to be able to understand when someone is trying to kill themself.
There is a difference between taking some pills to sleep thru the night and then there is taking some pills to sleep forever. And the ems providers are the first ones to see this!
How can you people bitch when these classes are making our firefighters and ems workers better trained?
As an avid reader of your website, I would like to thank you for the great job that you do to keep us informed of what is REALLY happening in our area.
As a seasoned firefighter/paramedic (not SBY), I must say that you are really offbase on this one. It is the job of the law enforcement officers to secure the scene, so that we can safely step in and deal with the problem. Suicide is a medical problem, and we have the training, equipment, and the drugs (if they are needed),to deal directly with the patients problem.
I have great respect for the law enforcement agencies in this area. They are trained to handle the legal aspects of these situations. But do they have the training and resources to deal with the medical problems of these individuals?
The answer is clearly NO!!!
anonymous 4:04,
Obviously I watch too much television. Considering how you have responded I must back down and admit I may have been wrong.
Although I would have liked it better if you had used your name but its more the way you answered it that I will respectfully admit to my mistake.
That being said, (I';m NOT suggesting you're lying) I still find it hard to believe. I guess I'm on the fence. Perhaps the Law Enforcement Professionals can clarify this?
Better Trained, "my behind". This is just more of the crap that this regime is throwing at you every day. The firefighters have plenty of time to take the class on duty, because your call volume is NOT so high that you can't get it in on duty. If it's anything like the rest of the classes, you'll sit there and suck up the overtime and text the whole time on your cell phones.Throw that call volume line at someone who will believe it. This is just another way to rape the taxpayers again.
if someone really wants to commit suicide youll know it when you find them dead. anything else is a show and grab for attention.
The fire/ems responders, as well as police deal with suicides.....up to date training is essential in all areas of aid provided.
The class should be mandatory for all firefighters; not just the paid guys.
Just FYI, several firefighters have had depression and suicidal issues. These matters would be handled internally by the fire department, as well as at local treatment facilities. HIPPA prevents the release of specific information, but you never know what the guy helping you has on his mind or has tried in the past.
Suicidal thoughts and attempts aren't limited to any profesion or group of individuals; it affects all populations.
joealbero said...
anonymous 4:04,
Obviously I watch too much television. Considering how you have responded I must back down and admit I may have been wrong.
Although I would have liked it better if you had used your name but its more the way you answered it that I will respectfully admit to my mistake.
That being said, (I';m NOT suggesting you're lying) I still find it hard to believe. I guess I'm on the fence. Perhaps the Law Enforcement Professionals can clarify this?
4:17 PM
Joe you are not wrong, you are right on taget on this one. No disrespect to the firefighter/paramedic, but he is not speaking about this case in particular because he doesn't no or understand the situation in the Salisbury Fire Department. He is accurate about a medical emergency and the response of EMS and how the emergency is/can be handled.
The case in question (suicide training) is a feel good class for the Salisbury firefighters who may be at "risk" for suicide. It is being taught by the local quack that doesn't even have medical training. To bring up a point about police officers riding in the back of an ambulance is interesting because this quack has never ridden in the back of an ambulance.
Jet Black said...
I hope Sea is the first in line for this one. The way things have been for him lately, he might be a prime candidate.
10:14 AM
Speaking of that asshole Sea you should have seen what he looked like when he came back to work on Monday July 28. Everyone was laughing behind his back because it looked like he got his ass whipped. If I looked like that and got my ass beat that bad I would want to be on suicide watch. Maybe this class is for him.
"The Salisbury Fire Department will be hosting a MANDATORY class on Suicide Recognition for all career personnel at the new Administrative Headquarters."
As usual David See and Rick Hoppes are discriminating against the volunteers again. Why do they hate us volunteers so much?
Thank you very much Mr. Albero for keeping the public aware of all the wrong doings by these jerks.
Wow!!! You are some heartless individuals. Have you ever thought that maybe it’s a prevention tool. I work in a large metropolitan fire department on the western shore of Maryland and know of (were friends with) two individuals that have committed suicide immediately following their shift. Working in our field, the stress can be overwhelming. Do you ever think that what we see on our job is stressful? And we just can’t talk to anybody about what we saw or are feeling. We cannot go home to our significant other and talk about what we had to deal with on our shift. Yes some of us have a morbid sense of humor. That is the way we deal with the stress. You go anywhere in our industry, for that fact anywhere in the public service industry, and you will see the same humor. But not everyone can deal with this stress. They dedicate their lives to help others, but find it hard to get help for themselves.
You don’t want a minimal amount of taxpayer money used to bring suicide awareness into this department? Ever thought that there maybe a trend growing across the country in firefighter suicides, and the leadership of the SFD maybe taking a proactive approach to this to prevent this from happening here? It seems to me it will probably cost less in the long run to save one life from suicide. Not just counting the dollars it would cost to train a replacement for that individual.
I just cannot believe you people are that way. I grew up on the shore and can't believe that someone from my shore would think that way about people that help citizens. You people are obviously transplants and not from my shore. It just absolutely disgusts me. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. What do you expect the leadership to do? Stop training their people and just let the department flounder? Get a life. Let the leadership of the SFD do their business. Especially if it just might save the life of a person that does the job of saving lives.
M. Adams
That is the ugliest webpage I have ever seen in my life. Who's idea was that? Goes along with that ugly new station.
Anon 546-
"The case in question (suicide training) is a feel good class for the Salisbury firefighters who may be at "risk" for suicide."
Geez... so if the captain tells 5 firefighters that he recommends this class then I guess they should just jump since the class will classify them as a "risk". Com'on!
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