While the Maryland State Police and the Department of Natural Resources, (DNR) are losing a ton of Officers due to retirement, at least 12 SPD Officers have put in their resumes to these departments and are doing what they can to get out of Salisbury.
Lord knows Chief Webster will probably file another lawsuit against me on this one trying to get access to my sources on this matter but if he hasn't learned yet, I will again refuse to give out such said sources.
Morale is at an all time low in the SPD and who can blame them? The Chief should step down and someone needs to step in immediately and take back the City against gangs, prostitution and drug dealers. Granted, the stats will go up for the time being but proactive police work is what is necessary right now.
So much for the SPD being fully Staffed any more. The Academy classes are getting smaller and smaller and it is becoming very difficult today to get qualified applicants to consider joining any of the Police Departments any more. You should have kept these guys/gals happy Mayor, Chief, Comegys, Smith & Shields! Don't say you weren't warned here first.
joe, when the "chiefy" makes statements the way he does, its clear to the officers im sure that hes an ass, that he couldnt care less about his men or the moral of the department. maybe its time for "chiefy" to go, retire, mosy on. i wish all these officers well wherever they end up. tell me nobodies listening, its time to take out the trash.
Chiefy does not even live in the City does he? Does he not live in OC? So what does he care? He uses a City vehicle for transportation out of the County, strange. Why isn't the Police and Fire Chiefs required to at least live in the County? I personally believe they should have to live within the City limits of the position they hold. He would fire the Officers under him if they had his mentality and do nothing attitude. His leadership reminds me of a carbon copy of ECI.
I thought he was living in Marion(Somerset County) and hanging out in Crisfield. They have a good Chief as I hear it and don't want him now.
How can chiefy demand anonymous sources? Does he not know what ANONYMOUS means or is he just plain STUPID? I vote for the latter.
I don't blame these guys for bailing out as fast as they can. This ship called Salisbury has a severe starboard list on the bridge(its from all the shit stacked up there)and she's going down fast.
... --- ...
The current Chief ain't a hair on the late Chief Dykes rearend!! Chief Dykes was proud to wear the uniform and made himself visable to the public.However remember the Mayor and him did not get along, perhaps he saw through her??
The Chiefy lives in Ocean Pines.
The Chief, (Chief Webster) does NOT live in Ocean Pines. He lives in or near Crisfield. End of story on that.
"12 SPD Officers have put in their resumes to these departments and are doing what they can to get out of Salisbury."
Who wrote these resumes? Unless the other departments are looking for illiterate boobs SPD officers don't qualify.
My apologies when a good friend of mine dated him, he was living in OP, or at least that is where he took her to his "home."
Are we surprised? No just dissappointed once again the city is so full of shit it flows freely from thier mouths and the river. I personally thank any officer I see and mean it screw telling the council or administration the police work shows they take it as saying "look no crime". When the monies blown on her pet projects gets another friend of mine mug I will cast a spell that the favor is returned to her and the four deadbeats on the council.
1:54...This is the kind of crap ALL officers from every department are sick and tired of! GROW UP!
WCSO may have one position opening soon! Yikes
anon 1:54 UN COOL COMMENT !!! Show some respect, I'll bet you wouldn't say that to their face, especially if one of those officers stopped you for a traffic violation!!
Thats an awesome pic. Too bad the fatties standing around in the back ruin it.
The police officers have just two people in Salisbury government who "get it" -- Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.
If you folks want to see more turnover in the SPD and more crime in Salisbury, just gripe here.
If you want CHANGE FOR THE BETTER, come to meetings and let those three arrogant council so-and-so's know how you feel, even if they won't change their votes -- for now. Shanie may want to continue the chocolate train and Bubba wants to Mare.
Make sure Debbie Campbell stays in, Barrie = Bubba are barricaded from the mayor's seat and Shanie loses to a good candidate and has to buy her own chocolates after next election.
Salisbury can still be saved, but two voices of reason on the council and a few dedicated citizens at the podium Monday nights aren't going to do the trick.
Pull together, folks.
"Show some respect, I'll bet you wouldn't say that to their face, especially if one of those officers stopped you for a traffic violation!!"
Only if his gun was bigger than mine.
But SPD only play with their gun because it's the only big thing they have.
1:54 was uncalled for. Colbourne Dykes was a great leader, he led by example. In the early to mid 80's I saw him on several occasions undercover working in bars while he was Chief. Leather jacket, very different glasses and slicked back hair.
If I hadn't seen the pistol on his hip when he was shooting a game of pool, I wouldn't have known who is was.
Chief Dykes just wasn't going to be a Tighlman puppet. At least he had the nads to tell her to shove it!
Two bad the one of the fatties took the guy down before PD arrives to take custody with some other so called fatties. Pictures may be not show the full prope figure. Find the facts.
As an SPD officer, I am the first to say that morale is way down and and everyone is afraid to stand up to the command staff. Crime is out of control in Salisbury, I wish everyone knew what was going on in Salisbury. 1:54 your either part of the problem or part of the solution. We are a young department that is going through alot of growing pains. Without the support from the Chief, Mayor, and the counsel things will not change.
We are a young department that is going through alot of growing pains.
Stick around awhile and the WCSO and the MSP will teach you how to take your share.
Damn shame to see the city government in the shape that its in. I wish those Police Officers luck trying to get onto the MSP or DNR. They should even consider other agencies.
As a young man or woman why would you want to build and progress in a career at a place that no one gives a crap about. The admins and council care so little about the gang, drug, and gun problem that they gave the officers no new officers to help fight crime, and 2 percent raise in january oh yeah 1 percent increase in the amount of insurance you have to pay so really a 1 percent raise
The only thing they care about it taking care of themselve and screw the little young guy just trying to start out and make a career and a family. Unfortunately the young guys are sometimes unseasoned enough to believe the propoganda that things will change, we care, give us time, etc. The drug dealers and gang members will be taking over soon.
Hint to those that are leaving or teatering on who to go to. MSP great pay, benefits, retiremet. Seasoned officers should apply there also. None of the SPD Admin nor the council are suffering from the hard financial times, nor the low pay like regular everyday officers hence NO PROBLEM TO THEM
Salisbury needs a Colburne Dykes NOW!!!!!!!
11:58 lets get it right. The mayor, her administration and 3/5ths of her council don't care. Debbie and Terry Cohen fought the good fight for additional staff for both police and fire. They found cuts in the budget that could be made without hurting other departments. They fought tooth and nail to get at least 4 new fire and 4 new police officers. Gary Comegys flat out said NO. Shanie Shields flat out said NO. Louise Smith flat out said NO.
These are the same 3 idiots that want to curtail the flow of information to their other council members, C&C and they also want to stifle the amount of information they can share with the public via their new resolution, to be passed July 7th.
You would know this if you bothered to take the time to attend some of these work sessions and/or council meetings.
Don't blame the only 2 councilmembers that have stood and taken many beatings from the mayor, her administration, their lawyer and the other 3 bumbling idiots on the council, for the downfall of this city. That blame rests squarely on the shoulders of BARRIE PARSONS TILGHMAN.
Ok well if Comegys, Shields, and Smith A)don't believe there is enough of a problem with guns, drugs, and gangs, B)don't want to keep the promise that was made to the officers of SPD to increase their salary to be comparable to everyone else and C)dont think that SPD is short handed when it comes to terms of fighting crime, They are idiots, maybe they should work with the police for a day or two.
Then the every criminal or bum needs to be taken to comegys, shields, and smiths front door and be let lose instead of taking them the jail. Tell the criminal/beggar here you go partner your new neighborhood....maybe then they will WAKE UP
Joe, didn't you have audio files on this blog from the budget meetings where Smith, Comegys and Sheilds all said NO to more police and NO to more firefighters? If you didn't can you please get these files?
Joe, Alot of folks are leaving the MSP as well, It's happening alot in the central MD area where I am living, then it is on the Eastern Shore. It is not just the retiring ones leaving. It's alot more of the younger troopers leaving due to the county agencies and federal law enforcement paying alot more salary wise, better retirement options, and benefits. (i.e. PG, AA, Mont, Balt Co, Montgomery, Howard, and others). I recently retired from Montgomery and alot of ex troopers have applied to Montgomery Co.
9:47 Anonymous said...
As an SPD officer, I am the first to say that morale is way down and and everyone is afraid to stand up.
Please hang in there buddy, whoever you are. There are people in this city bucking the system, we get retaliated against too for speaking out, you all are worth the fight and we will keep the chatter going~! You have taken the first step.
We will maintain the pressure, just keep remembering and informing others that the next election could be the big turn around for Salisbury that we have dearly needed for a decade.
Just getting to tread water again will be an improvement and there are far more than a dirty dozen of us now. We are on your side Mate~! Hang in there City Police, the taxpayers are on your side, there are other things the city can do without until we get first responders right~!
That may nean the Zoo get's less (budget wise), however if we can settle this city down and attract more good people moving here Zoo funds may be had in the way of fund raisers and donations. Like the good ole days.
What I thought was hillarious was seeing a Ho. Co. Police Sgt. rolling around Salisbury recruiting SPD officers. A few SPD now work in Ho Co: you can't beat 75% of pay after 25 yrs.
President Bush has been to Iraq more in the past 6 years than Chief Webster has left his 3rd floor perch to go downstairs to give the officers words of encouragement.
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