That's right! The new Salisbury Fire Department was not Bonded. It is a lease/purchase, unlike the new Fire Department in Pocomoke. One of the main reasons why Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy refused to accept around $60,000.00 as a donation from the Volunteers to flat out pay for ALL of the furnishings in the new Fire Station is because they had plenty of money left over to play with in which they could take into their LEASE of the building, so they leased everything in the joint.
This means everything you'll see inside this building will have a payment tacked onto it and thrown right into the taxpayers debt. Chairs, computers, furnishings, kitchen equipment, you name it, it's leased and the payments will last for a total of 20 years. I hope you're sitting because here's the monthly, yes, you heard me right, the MONTHLY PAYMENT!
$34,764.58 Per MONTH!
How are you liking this Mayor and Department Heads now?
What bad policy and undue burden to the citizens of Salisbury! I hope that this will be addressed!! No wonder people are moving out of Salisbury propoer!
God I am so glad I don't live in the city....I can't afford to help pay hat house payment!!!
Almost an unbelievable situation! Who in their right mind would approve such a way to acquire a new firehouse? Was this brought to the councils attention? I never heard any mention of such a lease purchase being the way we got the firehouse, until now. What a waiste of hard erned tax payers money! That comes to a yearly lease amount of something more than $415,000.00, which becomes more than $8,000,000 over the 20 years. What I want to know is: How much of this is interest payments? What a hell of a way to run a ship!!
A. Goetz
Wait a minute. We paid millions to build this and we don't even own it?! How the hell is that possible?! Where did our money go if not to build and own the damn thing!
Well, the good news is if you do the math, it puts the total cost at just under 8.4 million, at least it's not 10 million.
this is typical behavior of the good ole boy system... which now has a new name; Fraud. and the tax payers are the victims.
Who leases chairs and tables????
I see why they didn'y care about the cracks in the concrete!
You guys need to get a grip on
that city.I'm sure that was public
information , how do they hide
that stuff!! The fact that it was not publicized is a crime!!
Not doubt'n ya Joe but, where is the facts to support this claim? Show us... It has been proving your wrong on occasion.
Hey Joe, maybe they're thinking in deducting the lease payment as a business expense? is that possible? But then...... where did the money go?? Mmmmm could this be like the landfill fiasco?
Ray W.
Oh, it's a fact. The building is leased and everything, (with exception of the Fire Trucks and equipment they already own) is being leased. Watch PAC 14 tonight.
What kind of dumbass leases ANY product for longer than its expected service life?
Furniture, phones, computers....we'll be stuck paying for those more than 10 years after they are replaced!
$34,764.58 Per MONTH!
That is more money than the majority of city employees make in a year.
What is the difference between lease purchase and bonding?
What do you mean the Kitchen was outfitted lease purchase? Give more detail.
Gordy and See are criminals. And the two names are written in the CORRECT ORDER! See the tail wagging?
Some sweetheart deal. Amazing a $35,000 a month lease payment for 20 years. I would like another question answered. What is the real cost of the lease for twenty years or is that the added $8,000,000? Which GOOD OLE BOY got their pockets lined besides the Mayor, See and Gordy? A Firehouse is own by the Municipality everywhere I know or have been associated with. Where is the Attorney that is supposed to be representing the Tax payer on such decisions? Where is the rationale on such actions / deals? A Pscyhiatrist is needed to psychoanalyze the mental stability of anyone who agreed or signed an agreement such as this. This also falls under the malfeasance in Office (IMO). This is where the Attorney should be earning their money not just charging the Tax Payer for services not rendered. I SAY WITH CONVICTION NO COUNTY MONEY FOR SUCH IRRESPONSIBLE DECISIONS / CONTRACTS / DEALS the City makes. The County is not responsible for the Cities irresponsible Leaders.
you people in Salisbury better stop sitting on your duffs and get these clowns out of office before more money and bad decisions put you all in the poor house with the higher undue taxes that you will be slapped with to pay for it. Dang i'm glad i don't live there.
By the way how's the recall coming?
stop being jealous it's built, they're in it, now get back to your day to day life and deal with it..guys i think it looks amazing!!
since the tax payers are paying for it i want to come fry my chicken up in that kitchen.
Anonymous said...
stop being jealous it's built, they're in it, now get back to your day to day life and deal with it..guys i think it looks amazing!!
7:27 PM
Gordy? See? Hoppes??
Where is all the proof of this stuff? There is 10 million floating out there somewhere and now we are leasing a building. And wait leasing all those fire trucks? Do you really think the FD was lease a fire truck? The Vollies pay for most of the equipment in the city. Get your facts straight. We do need more of the big 5-0 on the street to get all you crack heads off the street that think any of this is fact. If it was there would be proof and papers filed on everyone involved. Seriously where is the proof? I am one of your avid readers Joe and a city tax payer and now I want you to show me proof. Show me those BIG reporter skills. Lol. Just kidding. But I would like to see some proof though. Cause at this point this is all here-say.
Watch PAC 14, I'm about to ask it directly to the Council.
stop being jealous it's built, they're in it, now get back to your day to day life and deal with it..guys i think it looks amazing!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you none other than Mike Dunn. The same as he stated at a meeting of the Camden Assoc. We won, You lost, Get over it. How very typical. Is Mike Dunn's name on that LLC?
I believe it was stated some time ago that it was going to be leased from Palmer Gillis. Imagine that.
The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.
guys i think it looks amazing!!
7:27 PM
To each his own, I guess. It looks like a $10 million pile of ugly to me!
OK Landlords, get ready to pay more taxes to pay for the Fire Company rentals because all of the homeowners will be forced to sell to you due to much higher taxes. Those who can afford the new upcoming higher taxes have enough sense to move because they don't like being robbed.Good luck to all you city dwellers. Next month I'm moving to Worcester county.
Yes- I am anxious to get this cleared up. If this is true-then where in the hell is the 8 million? If it is not true, it needs to be cleared up right now. JOE-I am sure you will share your answer from the council as soon as you get it.
We all know Joe will share the answer to his questions IF he gets an answer. Lore will send him some BS fluff piece but no straight answer.
For that much money they should have gotten a couple of tennis courts too, without cracks of course.
I'm not comprehending this. Are you saying that the City flipped the bill (8 to 10 million) for the construction of the fire station and still have to lease it for $34,764.58 a month?
Or are you saying the "owner", whomever that is, paid the cost of construction, and the only cost to the city is $34,764.58 a month?
If it is the latter the following math would apply:
$34,764.58 a month, would be,
$417,174.96 a year, which would be,
$8,343,399.20 over 20 years. I would believe at the end of that lease the building will probably belong to either the Salisbury Fire Department or the City of Salisbury. If this way of thinking is true, I don't see what the problem is.
If the first scenerio is true. Ouch, that didnt even include a kiss.
Landlords don't care about property taxes. They pass that onto the renters that will never be able to buy a home of their own.
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