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Monday, April 28, 2008

Balls to the wall!!!!

A popular automotive fad has emerged on truck bumpers everywhere, and it ain't bumper stickers , and it goes way beyond those cutesy dog heads and boat propellers you see on trailer hitches ! As seen above, alot of guys are fond of those swinging bull testicle replicas made of materials ranging from metallic to rubber and the good ole boys in Florida are no different but lawmakers in the Sunshine State are trying to enact a law banning the ornamental gonads, and violations would be punished with fines.Can anyone say "pork"? What a waste of the states' time and only the latest example of such.
In Louisiana, legislation to ban those baggy falling-down pants was shot down and there is a good reason why. If I had a son who wore pants that way, I would b*tchslap him because its not proper upbringing and nobody wants to see the "plumber buttcrack" but it is a matter of taste-and you just cannot dictate that. As much as I hate those baggy pants, to make a legal issue of it and actually fine people for their choice in clothing would be akin to Communism.
As far as the debate in Florida over "bumperballs" goes,I have only seen a few "pairs" of the silver finished ones, and while they are tacky and,lets face it, testicles ain't pretty-real or replica-it is a matter of personal taste rather than outright obscenity. And they ARE fake-its not like the cowpokes are castrating live bulls and teabaggin' the highways with them! As long as Florida is enforcing common decency, maybe they can start letting state police ticketing those people with the annoying old "Bush/Cheney 2004" stickers-thats REALLY offensive!


Anonymous said...

BLUEMOM..I have a set on my pu and have had them for 3 yrs now.they are beige and were a fatherday gift from my older son.They attended nasa races in martinsville va. where they bought them.They also said in that part of the country every pu had a pair hanging.You can check them out on BULLSBALLS.COM. Va. tried to pass law banning offense items last yr. but failed.I am just putting a sock over them in the states that ban them. EARL

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think they are ridiculous. What is the message that they are trying to send? That they HAVE balls, or that their balls have been cut off? Neither message is particularly interesting to the rest of us.

Final frontier

Anonymous said...

I think they are pretty gross to be sitting behind a truck at a stoplight and have to stare "at his balls" Not a pretty sight. Along with sitting behind a car that says.."My Child is on the Honor Roll"....How Tacky!!!

Bob said...

C'mo y'all! They're just truck nuts for Gods sake. Lighten up!

Anonymous said...

Come on people lighten up I much rather see these fake truck nuts than the teenage kids walking around with their drawers showing.Personally I think its absolutely ridiculous and would not have them on my truck but the rednecks gotta have something to show off with.It ranks right up there with the baby on board bumper stickers and the car alarms some of us have to set off to get attention.Just what we need is someone telling us theres another thing we can or cannot do.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think they are pretty gross to be sitting behind a truck at a stoplight and have to stare "at his balls" Not a pretty sight. Along with sitting behind a car that says.."My Child is on the Honor Roll"....How Tacky!!!

2:09 PM

My favorite is "My child beat up your Honor Roll Student"

Ddubb said...

so is it ok to walk around in public with a set of those FAKE nuts hanging out of my zipper? How would you feel explaining that one to your child. "Those are testicles, Suzy, but those are ok because they're fake." How about I hang one of those dildos with the suction cup from my windshield and call my truck a unicorn?

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with your truck taking on it's owners personal characteristics. Mine has hemorrhoid's hanging out the tailpipe

Anonymous said...

anon 7:48am go ahead do it I dare you bet you wont get too far though. I have to admit it would be quite interesting though. Wonder if there is anything the law could really do about it it seems that the kids running around with their rear ends showing are getting away with indecent exposure.You have to ask yourself where or when is all of this type of lewd behavior going to STOP.

Anonymous said...

America - Land of he free. I have a bumper sticker on the back of my truck that says, "Honk if you know that I screwed your old lady."