In case you hadn't noticed in the past few weeks I have been toning down this Blog and trying to stick more along the lines of news and information and not so much personal attacks. However, there are certain people and certain situations in which I find it even more difficult to, oh, how shall I say, bite my tongue.
I have spoken with several Salisbury Police Officers who are well aware of the new me and where I'm headed with my Blog as well as Firefighters and as you can clearly see, Barrie Tilghman and I are now best of buddies. It's the new and improved Joe Albero just waiting for that Bi Polar Moment. LOL
Seriously though, things have changed and I/we hope you're enjoying the new environment we've been delivering? I can promise you that I won't be on the warpath on certain stupid situations but someone has to show who the bigger man is and I'm making that first step.
Oh, sorry if I made you throw up a little in your mouth when you saw this photo. I haven't slept since it happened, so I know the feeling.
I should add, the nasty comments are being rejected as well. Considering this is my Blog, if the tone of your comment is out of line and or off topic, the comment will be rejected. One thing I can tell you is, less than 1/10 of 1% of the people visiting this Blog daily actually comment. That being said, if I lose some people visiting simply because I won't allow curse words or personal attacks, so be it. We hope you enjoy the new format.
Did you have that cardboard cutout made especially for that picture?
Yes, I threw up a lilbit.
I have enjoyed the new tone.
I am surprised you have not made comment regarding the Daily Times website debacle.
Keep up the good work. I would like to donate some gas and a match for the cardboard cutout of Godzilla!!!
I enjoy the new format, Joe. Keep up the good work! :-)
Joe give your new found friend a call please.. got some info.. we saw eachother friday..lol..
Since your such good buddies now, Joe, why not ask the mayor why we leased the firehouse instead of outright buying it for much less? Or is it, she has stock in the bank that is handling the transaction? I think I know the answer.
A. Goetz
I do believe you will continue to call 'em like you see 'em, and that is what we all like about this blog. I also think this new tone is much more professional and will lend credibility to what you and others are trying to accomplish. It is hard to maintain professionalism on some hot botton issues, especially when you see the same people trampling over the "little guys" over and over again-just because they can. I do believe that continuing to expose the deeds without bringing in people's extended family's, their physical liabilities, etc. will make you and this blog an even more vital force to be reckoned with than it already is! So, keep up the good work both in your expose`s and your own journey. I wish you the best, cause I too hate it when the little guy gets picked on by the bullies.
The buzz is that the City just lost historic zone case on appeal where the property owner acted as his attorney against a lawyer from Wilber's office. What's that all about -- please ask you girlfriend tonight!
What a touching and obviously heartfelt photograph...as always I'm delighted to see a reconciliation of the warring factions....
Didn't I see that cardboard picture floating aroundthe Salisbury Festival?
Joe, you should run for political office. Anyone who can pucker up and kiss babies and old women and act like you're enjoying it certainly has a future in City and County politics. You have my vote now.
Gosh that's funny! It is a decent looking facsimilie (sp)of Herr BPT,too. What circa would that be?
OMG Joe, your lips are going to fall off if you dont go wash your mouth out with soap.
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