Only 29 days are left until the election on February 12th.
One of the top issues facing our nation is illegal immigration. I wanted to take today's post to discuss it. My parents legally immigrated to this country to escape communism in Eastern Europe. My parents understood the horrors of communism. Growing up, they taught us to cherish the wonderful freedoms and blessings America had to offer. They truly understood the American Dream, and because of them, I am living it today. When my parents came into our great nation they followed all of the rules to come here. They had to sign a paper promising they would not accept free government benefits. That like so many other things has changed. Today, illegal immigrants cost taxpayers billions of dollars.
As a State Senator, I have been a leader in Maryland against giving illegal immigrants government benefits. I have co-sponsored legislation to ban illegal immigrants from receiving drivers licenses. I also successfully fought against giving illegal immigrants in-state tuition at our state colleges and universities by threatening to filibuster the legislation.
I will take my fight against illegal immigrants in Maryland to Congress. As your congressman, I will:
Vote to secure our borders
Oppose all forms of amnesty
Vote to hold businesses accountable
Vote to improve the system for immigrants to come to this nation in a legal way.
I hope you agree that our nation must end illegal immigration now. Illegal immigration not only costs taxpayers billions of dollars a year, but is also a threat to our national security.
I hope you will keep checking our website for updates. If you have a good sign location, want to help phone banking or knocking on doors, or just want to help the campaign, please contact our campaign through our website.
God Bless,
This guy is impressive. I appreciate the fact that he took the time to come knocking at our door. He introduced himself & I had a chance to talk to him person to person about his stance on the issues. He's got my vote.
I find it interesting that Duvall would rather endorse Pipken now because of Joe's endorsement. He also will NEVER post any comment that in any way shape or form offers a logical arguement for voting for Harris.Now I see why the lawsuit he handled against Barrie failed.
Andy is definitely the right guy for us. I agree with the first comment. I have never seen Wayne Gilchrest or any of his people for that matter at my door. Harris was the first candidate I ever had knock on my door, and it is greatly appreciated!!
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