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Monday, January 14, 2008

Blognetnews Responds & Deserves A Post


There are a few factual errors in your comments on BNN.

This is absolutely false: "Do you realize that once you put an article up there and someone clicks on it, you do NOT get credit on your own Blog for hits? Blognetnews retains those Hits. When you're selling Ad Space, this screws you up..."

BNN only posts the first few sentences of your posts so that anyone wanting to read the whole thing has to click through -- thus giving you traffic that helps you sell ad space.

This is only true if by "recently" you mean eight months ago: There was another flaw Blognetnews had that they recently changed. You used to be able to go on there and vote as many times as you wanted on a Blog.

You ask what does BNN do for veteran bloggers? We make the Maryland public affairs blogosphere easily searchable, we give Maryland bloggers a headline service they can use to promote each others latests posts (note the links in the service go directly from blog to blog, cutting BNN out of the middle), when there is news in Maryland we make it easy for BNN users in other states to click straight through and see what the Maryland blogosphere is saying.

Most people think that is pretty useful."

"BNN only posts the first few sentences of your posts so that anyone wanting to read the whole thing has to click through -- thus giving you traffic that helps you sell ad space."

Only recently did BNN change it so when you click on the title or read more, it now goes to the actual authors Blog Site. Many of us have just noticed that change and we're greatful.

1 comment:

BossHogg said...


It's good that they responded to your questions.

The real issue is that the system can be "gamed" for a higher position if you really want to.

Blog software is set up to send the RSS feeds to other sites and really get the news or message out there.

I like the layout and set up for Blognet but find it hard to believe that our local blog that really just pokes at the openly corrupt and crooked Pocomoke City government, is on of the "most influential political blogs" in the entire State of Maryland.

If our 500 to 600 unique visitors per day puts us in a top ten position then the rest of the State is pretty pathetic... not that I am taking a shot at your web traffic.

But some people find it important to 'game the system" for a higher rating.

At least its not the aggregator... but if they are selling ad space you know there has to be a little Boss Hogg math in there somewhere.