I'll bet you good money there are laws and fines against defacing a Maryland License Plate, yet there are none against a Mother allegedly killing her own children prematurely! Perhaps people should think a bit harder about Gilchrest and others already in Office yet stupid enough to let something like this pass.
Right now the State of Maryland is looking like crap throughout the Nation and even the World. Perhaps Donald Schaeffer was right about the Eastern Shore? I personally think Joel Todd made a stupid move by not at least challenging Ms. Freeman. I mean, in the very least he could have charged her for the cocaine usage being a part of the 4 babies deaths? Again, I'm no lawyer but IMO dropping the ball like he did, well, Davis Ruark would have taken on the challenge and made something of it. Perhaps Mr. Todd has too much on his plate, like more important cases?
I used to rag on ole Donald Schaffer for that comment. The longer I live here, the more I believe he was right~!!
Amen Tim Chaney-
I have alot of faraway internet friends,mainly other mothers and they are just outraged that this state is so lenient on protecting unborn babies.
That's right, Joe. You are no lawyer. In order for cocaine charges to be prosecuted, Joel would need actual evidence of possession. ... I realize this is not a concept you can grasp, seeing as you are making allegations about t his case that you cannot even remotely support.
hmmmmmm Leaving a child in a locked car in the hot sun is serious business. Even a dog.
I'm actually pro choice, however it is murder for someone to assault a women and kill her unborn child, it's OK for the Mom to do it, where's the sanity? There is way too much gray area in those laws, they should be better defined.
I'm not a lawyer either, I knew from the begining and said so, that it was going to go nowhere.
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