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Sunday, July 21, 2019

‘If You’re Not Happy Here, Then You Can Leave’

President Donald Trump is not backing down from calling on progressive Congresswomen critical of the U.S. to move out of the country, saying Monday, “If you’re not happy here, then you can leave.”

“If you’re not happy here, then you can leave,” President Trump said, prompting cheers from the audience at a planned “Made in America” event at the White House. “As far as I’m concerned, if you hate our country, if you’re not happy here, you can leave.”

“But if you’re happy in the U.S., if you’re complaining all the time, very simply you can leave, you can leave right now. Come back if you want, don’t come back, that’s okay too. But if you’re not happy, you can leave,” he added.



TheRealRay said...

That's the trouble. All the ones that said they were leaving if Trump got elected are still here...

Anonymous said...

I agree with PRESIDENT TRUMP 100 %. It would be great if they would take a lot of democrat politicians with them

Anonymous said...

This whole "racist" thing is becoming boring. The literal definition is one who practices discrimination in any form or persecution, etc. Because of the careless and often used manner to slander someone it has totally lost its meaning to the point probably every one could be deemed a racist. "The Squad" has demeaned the House with loose rhetoric and fractious radical innuendo, they are usurping the authority of the leadership, and they are undermining the precepts of society and the constitution. IMO they are disgruntled snots who have been told to go clean their room and are reacting with obstinate and open disdain for America.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, people have forgotten the wisdom of the founders.

From the Constitution:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I'll single it out, lest you didn't catch the important part here :
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Protest is one of America's founding principles. It's LITERALLY a protected right.

To suggest that those who exercising this right should "leave America if they don't like it" is distasteful, and dishonors our rights.

Remember, for Trump, it's all about Trump. If America benefits from it, that's a nice side benefit for him, but don't ever forget.... it's all about him. Nothing else.

Jersey boy said...

Couldn’t agree more.
It is not racist to tell someone who hates our country to find another country that they would like better and which is more compatible with their values (like Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, China).

TheRealRay said...

Don't let the door hit ya where Mohammed split ya...

Anonymous said...

Bravo 7:20

Anonymous said...

President Trump is absolutely correct. They don't like it then get the hell out. Or better yet run for a local office and clean up the mess in the districts they represent in Congress. They come from areas comparable Baltimore City-cess pools that I wouldn't even allow my dog to walk through much less a place where humans have no choice but to reside. They have no choice because the democrats have kept them in chains. The democrats herded them up and have kept them chained up in the cess pools of crime and poverty. This as a way to control them. Keep them dumbed down. Don't allow them to have school choice so they don't have to attend sub standard schools. The democrat platform is to keep people chained up so they then can be controlled They don't want people self sufficient. The demcorats want to say you get this many food stamps a month, you get this much in renters assistance, etc. When you have to depend on the government you are nothign but a lowly slave in chains and nothing more. Wise the heck up and start voting like you have a working brain and that means voting straight Republican.

Anonymous said...

yes but we dont have to agree with it. and Trumps response is also protected, and most feel as he does..America love it or leave is really that simple

Anonymous said...

yes but we dont have to agree with it. and Trumps response is also protected, and most feel as he does..America love it or leave is really that simple

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:20,
Spare us the holier than thou argument. Free speech applies to everyone, even Trump.

Look no further than Rashida Tlaib for DISTASTEFUL. On January 3, 2019, at an event sponsored by your freedom loving friends over at Soros' MoveOn, she said of the President, and I quote:

"We're gonna impeach the motherf-----".

Trump and the rest of us are sick of "The Squad" and all the rest of you snot nosed punks!

Anonymous said...

7:20 No one said they have to leave Junior, but should feel free to if America isn't pandering to their every wish

Anonymous said...

I totally disagree with 7:20!

Anonymous said...

Trump is doing and saying what most of us feel and are proud of him. I feel the same way you all just want to snatch those covers off their heads and tell them YOu wanted to be in america then act and dress like it. These people leave their country, to come here and then want to change us to what they didn't like in their own country.

Anonymous said...

7:20-You make zero sense. This has absolutely NOTHING to with the Constitution. NOTHING NADA NOT A THING.

Here's a little lesson for you before I continue. The amendment you quote offers protection against a government taking action i.e. arresting people simply for protesting, arresting someone for speaking out against the government, It does not apply to this AT ALL and makes no sense to even bring it up since it does NOT apply.

What President Trump did was offer his opinion to those who have done nothing but cause trouble. They keep on offering up their opinions and making statement after statement so the President responded with his own statement.

Anonymous said...

They First will be Leaving Congress & any other position
in Govt authority !!! wait & see !!!!

We Real American Voters will get them OUT next time !!!!

Anonymous said...

Majority is WHITE so if Ya don't like it Leave !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nobody has Forced these Enemies to Stay Here !! They are
Free to Leave !!! Nobody is twisting their arm to remain !!!

Freedom is a Great Thing !!! See Ya !!!

Anonymous said...

This is Land of the FREE / Home of the Brave and we Not
stupid !!!

We not letting anyone take over Our way of life & country !!!

Anonymous said...

While you are taking away first amendment rights please take away second amendment rights