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Jose's Path as of 9/8/2017 |
With Irma all over cable news, it's clear from her path, we have nothing to worry about this time; however, it's been a while since the Eastern Shore has been struck. Hence, we aren't out of the woods just yet!
We all remember Isabel's wrath in 2003 and while we've had others brush us - like Sandy - she was really the last massively damaging hurricane in our area. Many locals have stated, we're long overdue and Jose may be our doom.
Watching Governor Rick Scott and several Florida mayors on the idiot box, it sparked a most urgent question: Who would Salisbury be able to trust in a similar situation?
After all, look at all the infantile behaviors we've witnessed just in the last year alone. We've seen petty arguments over things that should alarm most residents paying attention and only serve to diminish their capacity as leaders. Some of so called hot bed issues not only put us in peril should a crisis occur on a communal level but also touch us all on a personal one as well.
For example, why is there any argument whatsoever over an additional fire station? Isn't more firemen better than a shortage regardless of whether they're paid or not? Some of our lunatic clingers have foolishly proclaimed they would rather burn to death than have a volunteer answer their distress call. Well, that's easy to say when you're not in a crisis but I'll bet that tune would change considerably if your home was on fire or you were having a heart attack. Victims don't bother to vet emergency personnel. People watching their worlds go up in flames or dying have bigger things on their minds than such triviality.
Yes, we've also seen some of our local leaders engage in retaliatory antics like ticketing fire trucks that are likened to childish, schoolyard bully tactics which only go to demean their position and office. Yet, we're supposed to trust these jejune people to guide us in times of emergency.
Who would you trust in a time of crisis? Don't you think it's time we started electing adults with solid common sense and a sense of good governance to fill our leadership needs?
TC, I give it to you again. The new word for the 2017, depicting the "lunasea" (monthly word at Seacrets) of Salisbury is PETTY!
Such a joke and very sad!
Keep up the great commentary and work!
The Eastern Shore has made several attempts to separate from Maryland. Proposals were debated in Maryland's General Assembly in 1833–1835, 1852, and 1998. There were earlier proposals visualizing a state encompassing the Delmarva Peninsula. The 1998 proposal by state Senators Richard F. Colburn and J. Lowell Stoltzfus did not specify a status for Eastern Shore's nine counties following secession, but suggested the new state's name could be "Delmarva".
Thornton, I truly believe there will be challengers with wisdom and experiencing fed up with what they are seeing who will challenge Mayor Jake Day.
As for Bob Culver, I'd trust that man with my life. His #1 priority is protecting county residents. I cannot nor will not say the same for Jake Day.
Not Fake Day - and not the RINO County officials!
10:40 AM OH THE HORROR - geesh get a grip. Even the prediction of IRMA has been overblown. The islands blew apart because they are third world countries and built that way.
The keys will sustain typical damage of a hurricane. But they are holding up well, as will the rest of the state since its category diminishes as it hits land.
Texas had other issues that complicated the matter, as did new orleans. They have known for decades that the levees are crap and need to be replaced and have done nothing.
The sky is falling the sky is falling!
Need to create a petituon to get that dam snake day out of office or go on mainstreet and let him know hes always the one with coffee walking around in them tight leggings
Jake Day will meet his maker some day , he will fall to his knees and will not be recognized. Our country is very tired of these types , he should be afraid , very afraid.
As far as the the weather , it's obvious that this is an open door for the climate change idiots , you and I both know who controls the weather.
September 10, 2017 at 11:24 AM
I wish Joe would publish what I would really like to say to your stupid butt. This is far from any typical hurricane. It is the strongest EVER recorded in the Atlantic. I don't know where you get your information from, CNN?, but I have yet to see anything overblown about the hurricane unless you mean roofs on buildings including the one that blew off the top of a hospital.
Not to mention there is another hurricane following directly behind IRMA. People and kids have died from these events and jerks like you want to make light of it just to get your uninformed and ignorant comment posted.
I don't know what else to say to someone like you. Read a book sometime maybe?
Think you missed the point of the article, buckaroo.
Some forecasters were saying Miami was out of the cone but I see it getting hit hard.
Glad TC wrote this article by inserting Hurricane Jose. I have been saying this since Irma was approaching the Islands. Also Bob Culver is probably organizing the County plan as we speak. The so called leaders, slum lords, SFD of Salisbury will beg for Bob's help when a hurricane hits the Delmarva. These people do not have a clue and will not when they get the screwing they have / are giving the tax payer. I have also supported the Delmarva leave Maryland's control over us.
I realize that this is a dangerous storm but it also has opened the door for the drama kings and queens of the weather channel , they really are into it outside in the storm , that just tells me it's OK to be outside , idiots. Just make sure you remember to call them meteorologist . I call them weathermen .
Katia is behind Jose. One of them is bound to hit us even if we get just a swipe. I don't trust Day to do anything productive or preplan for any event. He's too busy worrying about the folk festival which will probably not go through if the promoters actually investigate Salisbury in person.
Good Article , as always!
Yes, replace All of them, but
are there enough Good people
in this town to fill that bill?
Day will put on his diaper(military uniform) when he gets upset , he wears an infantry insignia on his uniform, he wouldn't make a pimple on an infantry man's a$$.
12:27 PM Yes IN THE ATLANTIC. By the time it hit florida it was a 4. Sorry you believe everything the MSM fees YOU.
Other cat 5 hurricanes are.
Name Dates as a Category 5 Sustained wind speeds
Hugo September 15, 1989 160 mph (260 km/h)
Andrew August 23–24, 1992 † 175 mph (280 km/h)
Mitch October 26–28, 1998 180 mph (285 km/h)
Isabel September 11–14, 2003 † 165 mph (270 km/h)
I am not making light of anyone dying, never said anything about it. But your idiotic rant about how decimated the peninsula would be is just stupid and it would take a tsunami to put the peninsula under water. And even then it would have to be catastrophic.
But hey did you know that the US and New Zealand conducted secret test of a Tsunami Bomb designed to destroy coastal cities by using underwater blasts to trigger a massive tidal wave?
I would worry more about that than your made up hurricane scenario.
Keep your day job, because a meteorologist you aren't.
1:48 PM Heck they can't even keep the drains clean to prevent flooding, you actually think this guy could manage a true disaster?
I have trouble with him down in Greensboro representing our town. He's not fit to be mayor and the last couple years have only proven it. He's an embarrassment and now, we are embarrassed in front of the people in NC.
Do we really need to trust anyone when we have 11:24 to keep us informed? 11:24 ts watch a different TV channel then I am. Sorry folks but I trust FOX.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Katia is behind Jose. One of them is bound to hit us even if we get just a swipe. I don't trust Day to do anything productive or preplan for any event. He's too busy worrying about the folk festival which will probably not go through if the promoters actually investigate Salisbury in person.
September 10, 2017 at 1:48 PM
Katia WAS at Mexico. It is now a tropical storm or was, it may be gone by now. Mexico did have an earthquake, however. Sorry if that's saying the sky is falling for some.
The same one judges who enters heaven - and babycakes, that is not you and it is not me
our Exec Adm won't face the officials or the people about this fire company debacle, what makes you think he can supervise a real problem. Sorry but no I do not think he can be the leader needed during a hurricane.
254 that's the same thing they said about Katrina.
Emergency Services isn't prepared in this area for the real sh** to go down but nobody worries about it until it all hits the fan.
September 10, 2017 at 2:39 PM
I don't know what your problem is but after it went down to a cat 4 it then regained strength and became a 5 again. Also, I don't understand why you name other hurricanes. IRMA is the strongest one EVER recorded in the Atlantic. People are dying and you want to have a pissing contest?
A tsunami is usually caused by earthquakes I believe. My "scenario" was just a generic statement about being surrounded by water, low sea level and what could happen if all those water sources converged, by whatever means. Also, I never claimed to be a "weatherman", nor do I aspire to be one.
Seriously, dude, I think there is something wrong with you. I even deleted my comment so I would have no more contact/conversation with you and you are still ranting. Just go away and leave me alone, please. You are causing a distraction and taking the focus off of these storms and people's suffering.
This post was about who would people trust in an emergency. I demonstrated I would not trust the current mayor in dire circumstances ("my scenario"). Who would have thought it would cause this type of "debate".
Oh wait, are you the current mayor and I hurt your feelings? Too bad I don't care. Go find someone else to stalk.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Do we really need to trust anyone when we have 11:24 to keep us informed? 11:24 ts watch a different TV channel then I am. Sorry folks but I trust FOX.
September 10, 2017 at 2:51 PM
I don't know what he is watching either but maybe someone should be watching him.
Unknown: LOL You nailed it at the end. The kids must be back from Greensboro. They've started stalking already.
I don't know if I would have left Miami....but I know I would have left if I lived in the Keys. Forecasting the weather is a little like trying to play God. I don't think any mortal can say for certain what will happen in a storm and I know you cannot count on man to tell the truth as far as what materials were used in construction. There are too many variables for me to bet my life on.
. I don't think any mortal can say for certain what will happen in a storm and I know you cannot count on man to tell the truth as far as what materials were used in construction. There are too many variables for me to bet my life on.
September 10, 2017 at 3:45 PM
But you would stay in Miami during a hurricane? lol yeah ok
All the times the MSM stirred the pot, created chaos, and then it turned in to a nothing burger - is why people don't leave.
When people have to ride out a storm stuck on a highway after running out of gas, I would also be inclined to shelter in place..
They have had over 2 weeks to prepare for this storm / evacuations and still ran out of gas at the stations. Why. They had plenty of time to put an emergency plan in place and didn't
If the hurricane belt can't get it right then ghettobury has no chance.
3:40 PM What a tool. Stalking? Someone calls you out on your BS and you accuse them of stalking.
Just validates their point of how ridiculous you are.
September 10, 2017 at 8:46 PM
Lord. How are they going to make a plan two weeks out when they don't know which way IRMA was going. Even still, there are things to do before anyone could leave. Boarding up houses and businesses. Most still had to work if they had jobs. Take care of animals. etc etc etc. Everyone so keen on telling people what they should and should not do when they are thousands of miles away.
All I can say is everyone's common sense had better kick in real fast if there was something like that here. Boy mayor would be completely lost and probably have everyone evacuating in circles through downtown.
3:40 PM I also fail to understand your rant when 2:39 has clearly demonstrated that we have had storms just as strong or stronger than IRMA.
Just because it is a first for this side of the country doesn't mean we won anything other than a participation medal.
In fact IMRA only won a second place medal of strongest hurricanes ever. OUT in the ocean where she bothered nothing was where she had her strongest winds.
Unfortunately, your ignorance knows no bounds and believe everything the MSM spews and based on wind speed, Hurricane Allen was the strongest storm on record in the Atlantic hurricane basin, packing sustained winds of 190 mph when it moved through the central Gulf of Mexico in August 1980.
Irma's was only 185.
So what is your point? other than being another ignorant internet bully and public blowhard.
You deleted your first post because someone called you out for your stupidity and for no other reason, because their rebuttal was withing 45 minutes of your post, not because of "stalking" because you continued to post after that, if you were so concern about being stalked you would stop running your mouth.
Also you accuse them of hijacking the thread and going off topic. But your comment was not relevant to the article either.
Poor baby got his little feelings hurt? 2:39 is correct - Keep your day job, because a meteorologist you aren't.
Sorry dude, but you've been blogged.
10:03 PM and while they were telling people to stock up on water, food, gas, plywood the guberment should have also been making plans to provide extra water, food, gas, plywood to stock up on don't-cha think? they had 2 weeks and they knew it was hitting florida, BECAUSE THEY EVACUATED THE SOUTHERN STATE. SO I GUESS THEY KNEW WHERE IT WAS GOING.
This is not our first hurricane.
Ah Duh.
Same thing happened in Texas. Ran out of water even though they knew it was coming and had time to ship extra in. Then can after the fact but not before????? Really????
So my suggestion to you is, better prepare now because when it comes here there will be NO preparation at all.
Or are you one of those that need instruction from your government?
Are you all obsessing on IRMA because you're trying to avoid the inevitable? The Eastern Shore IS long overdue for a major hurricane to grace our area. You people squat pissing over IRMA are ridiculous and stupid. You should be looking at Jose and some of the other hurricanes starting to form off the coast of Africa. It aint' over until it's over.
PS: A Hurricane would be best thing to cleanse the Eastern Shore of the swamp we have right here in Salisbury.
Sorry dude, but you've been blogged.
September 11, 2017 at 7:23 AM
Maybe you should research the hurricanes listed as stronger and find out their status when they made landfall in the US. At least one had weakened to a tropical storm. But why are we still comparing hurricanes anyway I forget. It all started with a potential scenario with the peninsula being surrounded by bodies of water and what could potentially happen and it has escalated into a pissing contest.
My feelings are not hurt 723. You call me ignorant and I call you ignorant. Big deal. It's all a matter of opinion and yours doesn't matter much to me. You continue to rant over this for days in a desperate attempt to be right as I see it.
I deleted the comment to distance myself from you yet you keep calling me back and I oblige. For the life of me, I cannot understand why you picked this topic and won't let go. The best I can guess is there is something going on that I am not aware of. Whatever it is I hope you find help with it.
Bob Culver truly cares about the people of Wicomico County. He follows through immediately when a concern arises. We should all be grateful to have someone like Bob in office. He is there for all the right reasons. Keep up the great work Bob!!!!!
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