Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey posted the video on Facebook Wednesday, two days after a deadly workplace shooting in nearby Orlando claimed the lives of five people.
“Folks, now more than ever is the time for our citizens to be prepared to serve as the first line of defense, not only for them, but for their families,” Sheriff Ivey said.
As images of the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting and Pulse nightclub massacre flashed on-screen, Ivey warned residents that attacks have happened locally as well as abroad.
There is nothing wrong with that logic. Like a smart person once said, "When seconds matter, the police are only minutes away"! I would rather see the coroner carting off someone in a body bag rather than having others see me being carted off in one. As far as that goes, I'd rather have other see me being carted off in a police car for defending both myself and others illegally instead of dying submissively because we followed our State's gun laws.
Just my two cents.
Common sense for people who do not listen to the nonsense gun control laws of communist states such as Maryland.
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