I was there it was packed there where white plastic on the ground to protect the grass which also made blank spots show up obamas inuguration was full of welfare non paying taxes freeloaders.
Trumps base is working Americans Obama's was mostly people who choose not to work. But most reports show Trump had at least same amount but the big difference was viewership Trump 10's of millions more.
Like to know where Chris Wallace got his photo it sure wasn't this one but he spent a lot of time talking about his photo.
I was there it was packed there where white plastic on the ground to protect the grass which also made blank spots show up obamas inuguration was full of welfare non paying taxes freeloaders.
Who cares? He's already got to work undoing obummers mess.
That's kinda of rude dont you think, oh good you must feel not ever needing any help in your life..
Trumps base is working Americans Obama's was mostly people who choose not to work. But most reports show Trump had at least same amount but the big difference was viewership Trump 10's of millions more.
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