Governor Martin O’Malley called Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump an “immigrant-bashing carnival barker” and said that America’s “symbol is the Statue of Liberty” and “not a barbed wire fence.”
O’Malley took a shot at the Republican presidential candidates, specifically Donald Trump, and discussed immigration during the second Democratic presidential candidate.
“The fact of the matter is, and let’s say it in our debate because you’ll never hear this from that immigration-bashing carnival barker Donald Trump— the truth.”
“The truth of the matter is net immigration from Mexico last year was zero–fact check me” he said. “Go ahead, check it out.”
well at least he's not a democrat
Martin who???
Much much better than OWE'Malley
Mexico is not the only country sending illegal immigrants over the southern border. Anyone remember that Mexico passed a law just last summer making it legal to cross into Mexico without paperwork as long as you as just passing through. And Mr O'Malley, nobody has problems with the legal immigrants, which are the only ones accounted for in that report. It is the illegal ones that bother us!
What about the word ILLEGAL isn't understood?
O'Malley is a drunken barfly
Lets remember..O'Malley is the wimp that apologized to a group and corrected his statement saying that "black lives matter". He isn't even man enough to look at ANY person and say "All Lives Matter".
Let's be honest it's white live matter. With out us the country would have know one to tax or pick on.
Donald Trump has more sense in his little finger than otaxie has in his whole body!
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