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Monday, August 24, 2015

The Impossible Co-Bubbles: Stocks and Bonds

In the past, readers have been alerted to numerous “impossible” trends in our markets and economies, all manufactured by the Western banking crime syndicate . Here are just a few of those highlights (low-lights?)

a) It’s impossible for Western bond prices to be at all-time highs. Western nations have never been less-solvent (i.e. obviously bankrupt). The less-solvent the debtor, the higher the rate of interest the debtor is (supposed to be) forced to pay, and bond prices and interest rates are precisely inverse to each other. Interest rates should be at all-time highs, bond prices should be at all-time lows. Obvious fraud.

b) It’s impossible for our markets to move like one, gigantic, synchronized yo-yo, every minute of every hour of every day. Markets diverge, it’s what they do. When we see prices move together in near-perfect clockwork, we know we no longer have “markets”. Obvious fraud.
c) It’s impossible for precious metals prices to fall below the cost of production – and stay there – with large supply-deficits in both the gold and silver market. There is literally only one, possible “cure” for a supply-deficit: higher prices. These markets are being (permanently) prevented from doing what they must do. Obvious fraud.

Note also that all of these “impossible” trends are separate from the multi-billion and multi-trillion dollar mega-crimes which these same financial criminals are caught perpetrating, on a near-daily basis (and are allowed to continue to perpetrate):

1) They were caught conspiring to serially rig the $500 trillion LIBOR debt market.

2) They were caught conspiring to serially rig the $5 trillion/day global currency market.

3) They were caught conspiring to serially rig the “gold fix”.

4) They were caught conspiring to serially rig the “silver fix”.

5) They were caught conspiring to serially rig base metals markets.

6) They were caught conspiring to serially launder $TRILLIONS for the drug cartels and “terrorist” organizations. Isn’t there supposed to be a “War on Drugs”? Isn’t there supposed to be a “War on Terror”? Why do these criminals get a free pass?

[Meanwhile, the Lemmings continue to scoff at “conspiracy theories”.]

But all of these “impossible” (i.e. fraudulent) developments in our economies, and all these mega-crimes that are swept under the carpet by our puppet governments pale in significance next to the greatest impossibility/insanity of all: the co-bubbles in Western stocks and bonds, and more specifically the incredibly gigantic (simultaneous) stock- bubble and bond-bubble in the U.S.

Stock prices and bond prices can never rise together, in any legitimate marketplace. Period.


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