Perhaps it’s all the talk about across-the-board debt forgiveness or maybe the total amount of outstanding student debt has simply grown so large ($1.3 trillion) that even those with no conception of how much money that actually is realize that it’s simply never going to paid back so there’s no point worrying about, but whatever the case, the general level of concern regarding America’s student debt bubble doesn’t seem to be at all commensurate with the size of the problem.
And it’s not just the sheer size of the debt pile that’s worrisome. There’s also the knock-on effects, such as delayed household formation and the attendant downward pressure on the homeownership rate, and of course hyperinflation in the rental market.
Of course one reason no one is panicking - yet - is that the severity of the problem is masked by artificially suppressed delinquency rates. As we’ve documented in excruciating detail, if one excludes loans in deferment and forbearance from the numerator in the delinquency calculation, but includes those loans in the denominator then the delinquency rate will be deceptively low. In any event, as WSJ reports, even if one looks at something very simple like, say, the number of borrowers who haven’t made a payment in a year, the picture is not pretty and it’s getting worse all the time. Here’s more:
Lemmings the lot of them.Mom went,dad went,so they go just to go apparently.Consequences are no longer taught to children.
Look how well they learned US economics :(
How many can pay but are just waiting for a massive government bailout that will eliminate everyone's student loans, even theirs?
For-Profit colleges are to blame. Wait, ALL colleges are for-profit.
the gov't should tax their paychecks no different than the gov't taking one's bank account because of past due taxes
I am a WAR VETERAN AND MUST PAY THE VA for MY MEDICAL TREATMENT AND MY PRESCRIPTIONS. The first month I do not pay the VA attaches money from my civilion work pay. IS THAT NOT GREAT. Yet the government will let them go FREE.
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