DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, August 02, 2015
Shooting In Salisbury
There has been another shooting in Salisbury. Several Police agencies along with EMS were dispatched to the America's Best Value Inn. There is one victim with a gun shot wound to the head. Police are holding several juveniles at this time. We will update this post as soon as we have more information.
It is now being reported that the victim of the shooting at America's Best Value Inn did not survive.
There is a currently a large crowd at PRMC.
UPDATE: 1:45am
SPD is now being dispatched to 1100 block of East Main Street for a report of shots fired into a residence.
Report of shots fired also at a Lake Street Address.
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Any new updates? Crime alive and well in salisbury
Gee the natives are restless again on a saturday night...big suprise.
Something is wrong with the SPD. They seem to have a lot of turn over. It is hard to believe all these new and "green" LEOs do a good job. My experience with them borders on incompetence. Where is the leadership?
answer 9:21:
not in the mayor's office.
large crowd at PRMC? why?
Because that's what they DO.
Major props the the officers that were on the scene...the first responding officer did CPR on the young man until EMS arrived even with an obnoxious crowd still hovering.
I guess the shooter didn't get the memo-#BlackLivesMatter.
If the black communities put just a fraction of the effort into the black youth and their issues as they did into the very very rare instance when a black is killed by LE, we wouldn't be hearing so much of this. It really is sad and unfortunate that black lives only matter when an agenda can be attached to the death.
It's not always the leadership.
There's a lot of turnover in cesspool maintenance employees as well.
That's Duncan's deal. She ran all the seasoned officers out so she could have a dept of yes men hired under her. She has serious psychological issues.
And any news on the home that was randomly shot at on E Main St?
Why do you blame the police? They can't be everywhere . Try blaming the person who shot and killed the other guy. It wasn't the police who shot , it wasn't the gun who shot , it was the murderer. It was the person or persons who pulled the trigger. They should be terminated to insure stability in our country , all of them.
Great job ,Mayor and police Chef UNREAL.
Thugs in the hood.
How about placing the blame where it belongs?
It doesn't matter who the mayor, chief of police or assistant deputy dogcatcher is. Any time there is a large proportion of blacks in a city, especially ones who refused to be educated, there is going to be this type of behavior. There is no "perfect" official in existence who can speak the magic words to these "youths" and put a stop to this type of criminality. Anyone who takes a job like that is fighting a losing battle. Most of those officials would be commended for the low crime rate, livability, and clean streets...if the demographics were different.
The blame lies on the person who pulled the trigger, first and foremost. Next in line are his parents. Then their "community" values and standards. And then hold accountable the politically motivated policies and directives that have enabled and empowered these people to exempt themselves from the natural laws that define civility as well as civilization.
I'll bet a bushel of # 1's he was involved in some shenanigans.
Ok. White guy trying to be a thug. If props were warranted ,it would be because the cops were already there and stopped it before it happened. The Leos were fully aware of what was taking place. Why weren't they sitting in the parking lot doing paper work?
SPD knew they were there. Why didn't they post up? That's right. That requires work and a chance of a dangerous scenerio.
Idiot. SPD can't be everywhere.
Finally!! An intelligent response. THANK YOU.
Idiot? Who me? I apologize for the lord shirting you on common sense. What part of they knew didn't you comprehend? And knowing that kids are partying...... Thug kids at that .....while in a notorious drug and hooker hotel..... Yeah they should've been there. They have no problems harassing innocent people minding their business walking. Why not be in the parking lot waiting for the inevitable.
11:14 and others, and when the cops do try and put a stop to one of these types of "parties" they cry racism and complain they are being harassed and profiled.
It's not IF violence is going to break out at one of these types of "parties" it's WHEN and who the next victim is going to be.
LE is in a no win situation. When they try and prevent by being proactive they are accused of racism and when someone does get killed LE is blamed as well.
Bottom line is the blame lies with the parents and the black community as a whole!
2:17 is absolutely correct. You can not have your cake and eat it too.
Black on black crime is just that, and there is nothing the white community can do or say that would make any difference. It is time for the parents, and the community to help maintain order in our own community and your own families. Not long from now that young man will be only a statistic, while the family continues to mourn. This is definitely a tragedy for our whole community. Had to be a lot of adults that knew what was going on there. In this new world order it seems nobody is responsible for themselves or their children, but we are all responsible for the actions of others.
Blacks shooting blacks keep them out of the west side neighborhoods. We have our guns legally to protect us in my neighborhood. White lives matter too.
The thug mentality is pushed on American society through the entertainment industry.
Now this is the type of thing the NAACP should be working on. But they could care less. The jokes on you. Time to wake up and face the TRUTH.
LOL. ....no thug here, just a man with common sense. ....guess the SPD left their magic wands off the chargers, or Detective psychic ball was off duty......How can you possibly blame the PD because the punks can't just knuckle up?
You appealing to a fictonal deity..who's the idiot.
This is what you get with democrats in office. Its their agenda that has gotten us to this point, and you all keep putting these foxes in charge of the hen house
2:17 is absolutely correct. When police are proactive they are video recorded and edited to place them in a bad light. They are then hung out to dry by politicians and administrations worried more about public opinion and votes than they are about protecting their communities. Officers then do only what they are paid to do. Answer calls. Investigate crimes after the fact. DON'T ask them to be proactive and then expect them to risk being fired or imprisoned for doing it. They have families to feed too. Witch hunts that take place in current society are to blame. And social media - including blogs - play a part in it. Don't comment and perpetuate rumors about the job police officers do when you know nothing about what they do or the laws that govern their behavior. You want them to be proactive? Be contributing members of society and stand up for whats right. Be witnesses to crimes when they occur. Stand up and testify in court. Take your neighborhoods back! Until then - Reap what you sow and choke on it!
So why isn't the NAACP having a protest? This is why the vast majority of Americans don't take those racist fools.seriously.
Yep 7:33. The video recording has gotten out of hand. They all congregate with their cell phones taping when they need to be leaving the area. When the cops tell them to leave they twist it and blame it on them video recording and how the cops didn't want anyone to see what they were doing.
The fact of the matter is it's dangerous for everyone when people start crowding around in an already hostile environment.
Then you have them saying how the guns need to be off the streets but when the cops Stop and Frisk they holler profiling, harassment and racism. How are the cops supposed to get the illegal guns off the streets. Wait until someone is shot and killed with one?
I agree they've reaped what they have sown.
Be careful what you wish for comes to mind as well.
I read comments saying how the cops should have broken up the party before the shooting. If this would have happened we then most likely wouldn't be hearing of this tragic loss of life.
But......within days we would be hearing how the white college kids have parties all the time and the cops never intervene. Then the NAACP would weigh in with their distorted thinking saying something like black kids are 10 times more likely to have their parties broken up by the cops then white kids and they'd be calling for an investigation.
The cops can't win.
The cops can't win
I disagree that the establishment should NOT be held liable. If there are no laws on the books to shut this type of event down then a law should be drafted by sundown tomorrow and in Annapolis by the next day. All the money in the world gained by renting a room for underage partying will be paid by every citizen that ignore this subject because these people that turn a blind eye will live in a town that values the almighty dollar more than the life of children that are stupid enough to attend these parties and risk their life. Things are different today...one bad decision could cost you your life.
Thank a neo-prog teacher, a liberal school administrator, the black community leaders and national socialist fools like Jim Ireton, chuckster Cook and Chris The moaner. There is plenty of blame to go around. Gee wiz, thank Obama for stoking the ignorance of the entire black thug culture. It seems the perversion of PC liberalism has infected the whole country and is well on its way to destroying America.
SPD should of sat and babysat a party.. hahaha that's funny They probably had 6-10 officers on the road (counting rookies being trained)SPD runs call to call everyday.
Don't blame the cops, blame baby moma on how she raised her kids.
Well said.
"But......within days we would be hearing how the white college kids have parties all the time and the cops never intervene."
Yeah right. I lived at the zoo in 2005. We had parties broken up by the cops EVERY weekend. Funny thing, no problems. Party was broken up, and that was that. Then, the black folk starting moving into the townhouse development...and it got bad after that. I left, and never looked back. Funny how that works.
Welcome to Baltimore-bury...
7:26 I know and you know that white kids parties get broken up by cops but we also know how the NAACP likes to distort the truth and they do their deception without a hint of shame.
Mary Ashanti president of the local NAACP is on the record on the Baltimore City States Attorney's Facebook as saying-and I quote it-
"Naacp Wicomico I have never seen a States Attorney with enough courage to prosecute police officers. To the citizens of Baltimore, please protect her from the blue shield (cops).Peace and blessings. Mary Ashanti"
(this is in reference to the Freddie Gray case)
She has "never seen a States Attorney with enough courage to prosecute police officers"?
What rock is she living under? This is black "leadership." Either she is intentionally lying or she is clueless since police officers are IN FACT being prosecuted each and every day in this country for offenses they commit both on and off duty.
He was a good kid who was caught in the crossfire. Coming out of a party getting his ride home. The person the blame is the person who pulled the trigger not the victim. Have some regard for this child's parents who are mourning a loss, I'm sure at this moment your opinion to them isn't worth a bushel of # 1's.
The fact of the matter is a innocent child has been killed. Who cares what color he is....does God care? This is 'our' community being splashed across the country as one of the worst places to live. Salisbury should have been an up and coming city years ago. Cities like Atlanta and Charlotte with large African American populations don't have the crime rates Salisbury does. Where there are jobs, affordable housing and entertainments there is less crime. FACTS
What about the abuse these "innocent children" were throwing at the First Responders? The harassment and name calling why they were working to help the young man. Maybe the Police & Fire depts should just get up and leave when this kind of situation happens. Maybe they should stop going into places that are unsafe for them. Is this how you treat your children to act?
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