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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Boy Scouts of America end total ban on gay adults

NEW YORK (AP) — The Boy Scouts of America on Monday ended its blanket ban on gay adult leaders while allowing church-sponsored Scout units to maintain the exclusion for religious reasons.

The new policy, aimed at easing a controversy that has embroiled the Boy Scouts for years, takes effect immediately. It was approved by the BSA’s National Executive Board on a 45-12 vote during a closed-to-the-media teleconference.

“For far too long this issue has divided and distracted us,” said the BSA’s president, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. “Now it’s time to unite behind our shared belief in the extraordinary power of Scouting to be a force for good.”



Anonymous said...

Sanctioned pedophilia.....

Anonymous said...

This is pretty much the end of the Boy Scouts. I am sure the liberals are so happy they have destroyed another American institution that stood for integrity and morality (part of the oath I took mentioned moral straightness). I know some liberal will respond "The churches that sponsor the troops won't have to comply." Really, how long is that going to last with the militant homos challenging the church already? I saw a case mentioned today in the news in the state of Kentucky.

Anonymous said...

I want them to allow registered sex offenders to be scout leaders, you can't discriminate against any group now, so why not them too? This would put a new spin on camping, swimming, showering. Why not also let girls in, and female/male transgenders, why not do away with all rules and just open all clubs up to anyone. Then American's will all be equal, happy, and live together in pure harmony, with no conflicts ever again.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the South Park episode of Big Gay Al the Scout Leader of troop 69!

Anonymous said...

The coveted rainbow badge.

Anonymous said...

get ready for molestation to happen, and when it does, I bet you can't even get them locked up for it...

Anonymous said...

Exactly 1:22 PM

That is all this stuff is about, to ruin a great country and to do that you have to make what was once great not great... Notice most of all things great in this country are not so great anymore??? Why Muslims and the like can kill and do shit based on religion but christens cant? How you have choice to go anywhere you wish to buy food yet people go to christens belief places to sue them... they have a right to sue but as a christen you don't...

God said this would happen, and sure enough it is...

Anonymous said...

Why couldn't they join the girl scouts? ??

Anonymous said...

I can honestly tell you that my family suffered a tragic event from the scouts many years ago. As a result, there are now 6 additional gay men in this world, none of whom asked to be that way, but their scout master showed them at the innocent age of 12.

Anonymous said...

Exactly #!!! I guess the president of the boy scouts is gay. Or they already infiltrated the scouts. It's a shame but time to shut it down and see the very small population of fags run it when the money stops.

bloggerhater1 said...

The Boy Scouts are a Christian least, they were. And I am in agreement with 122pm...this is the beginning of the end.

Being gay is a mental illness and needs to be treated.

Anonymous said...

educate yourself and prepare.this is all part of the satanic hidden agenda.. revealed in the hidden dangers of the rainbow. We are under attack!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Sanctioned pedophilia.....

July 28, 2015 at 1:14 PM

You are absolutely correct. My children will not be joining the Boy Scouts.

The sad part is the courts will stick by the Boy Scouts if a child gets molested. What a country we live in!!

Anonymous said...

bloggerhater1 said...
The Boy Scouts are a Christian least, they were. And I am in agreement with 122pm...this is the beginning of the end.

Being gay is a mental illness and needs to be treated.

July 28, 2015 at 3:54 PM

You are so correct. Just because the DSM changed does not changed the fact that homosexuals are people with mental illnesses.

Anonymous said...

We are under attack and like society you can push but so far then we fight back. It's the fag judges that are ruining our country. They shouldn't be appointed they should be elected like they were supposed to be. The judges are the most if not THEE FACTOR as too why we are in the toilet.

Anonymous said...

When homosexuality was mental illness
byCA TreeHuggerFollowforTransAction

Until 1973 homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. Originally listed as a "sociopathic personality disturbance" in the first edition of DSM in 1953, homosexuality was "upgraded" to a mere "sexual deviation" in 1968 with the release of DSM-II.

In 1973, when homosexuality was removed from DSM-II, there was a great deal of controversy about that decision in the psychiatric community. Many psychiatrists and psychologists still believed that homosexuality was a psychopathology which must invariably cause impairment and distress. Others recognized that the impairment and distress often seen by clinicians were a byproduct of stigma and social repression of homosexuals. This group argued that the pathologization of homosexuality in the DSM was a form of social control that itself contributed to the social stigma and to the harm it did.

Anonymous said...

Pedophiles have conquered the BSA since its inception. Now you're upset? LMAO. Get a life.

Gay Day said...

The many new Merit Badges are "Nail Care & Color, Hair Care & Weaving, Yarn work, Sewing, Dolls & Pink Frills, Your Body & Sex with Boys, Cooking & Baking, Baby Care & Childbirth, Flower Arranging, Manners & Politeness".

Anonymous said...

Scouts will hold hands on hikes now, and kiss each other goodnight and goodbye.

Anonymous said...

The Gay scout leaders will just love teaching those new merit badge skills!! I'll bet the Mayor even becomes a scout leader!

Anonymous said...

Nobody makes a boy join the boy scouts except for their parent(s). If I had a boy in the scouts (I don't), and I found out the leader was gay, I would remove my boy from the troop. If the scouts start promoting gay agendas as part of their teachings, it will no longer be able to exist as a organization for "boys." Boy scout leaders are supposed to be mentors to boys to become men, not boys to become gay.

Parents, pull your sons out of this newly perverted organization. There are many other places where your sons can get guidance and mentoring in what it is to become a good man; loyalty to God, country, and family (traditional family of mother, father, and biological children), not some crazy redefined, perverted notion of family.

Anonymous said...

How would you know? ?

Anonymous said...

My sons are five and seven YO's. I am NOT a homophobe, but there isn't a chance in hell I'm going to let my boys go camping - go to the Jamboree - with a Gay man in charge of them. I would let them go with a man that at one time would have passed scrutiny and background checks from the upper levels and authorities of the BSA.
Today, my plans of scouting for my boys - and the possible accomplishment of being an Eagle Scout - has been completely scrapped.
What a shame....

Anonymous said...

Well, my family and I have ended all donatios & support to the BSA effective immediately. To lower your standards to allow sinners and those who are an aboontion to help guide our young men, just demonstrated your lack of honor and respect concerning the Holy Bible and the word of God!

Anonymous said...

The new name for the organization is going to be this; BSA

Boy Sexual Awareness

same initials, just different program.

Anonymous said...

Here's the irony of all this. Consider these points:
1. Gay men are sexually attracted to other males.
2. Straight men are sexually attracted to females.
3. Straight men can't use a women's shower room only because they are sexually attracted to woman.
4. Gay men CAN use men's showers even though they are sexually attracted to men.
This point was brought up by no less than an Army Brigadier General during the hearings to allow openly Gay men into the service.
The General was told that a Code of Conduct would be upheld in such situations, and that the man would be duty-bound not to engage in any type of sexual conduct.
The General replied that with that train of thought, men should be allowed in the WAC's barracks, but only as long as they agreed to follow the Code of Conduct.
So now, the BSA has determined that it's OK to put a man that is sexually attracted to other men (and some, to young boys) in a leadership role, and into some situations where bathing, showering, camping, etc., would be happening.
It's insane.

Anonymous said...

Now throw in a few transgenders and you have an even bigger mess. You know that is what is next to happen. When they go camping....which tent do they sleep in? What showers do they use.....and so on and so forth.

Anonymous said...

Will be a boost to the revenues of late night TV as the lawyer ads begin "Has your son been molested by a scout leader?"

Will make the Oklahoma land rush look like the Easter Parade.

Mr. Bob Gates has many accomplishments in life; this will be an indelible stain.

Anonymous said...

Farewell to the Boy Scouts! Won't ever support this organization again. Next the Girl Scouts will be forced to accept Lesbian leaders. We have lost our morality and belief in GOD. Our country is destroying itself from within. Sad news, sad day for America.