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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Here's A Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner Question No One In The Main Stream Media Has Recognized or Asked

OK, they are all calling him/her a "HERO". In fact, he/she has been recognized as such. That being said, IF he/she is being recognized as a "HERO"...

WHY AREN'T THEY CALLING HIM/HER A "HEROINE"? After all, that's what they call a female hero. Is he/she a female, or not? You can't have it both ways in this case. And don't give me that he isn't a she just yet.


Anonymous said...

Bruce Jenner was born male and all the makeup and skirts out there will not change that fact. Still he is no hero.

Anonymous said...

"It" is neither of these two!

"It" is nothing but an attention seeking has-been - with less of a reputation than before! I usually have great respect for athletes of this accomplishment level - he flushed this one!

Anonymous said...

If he wants to be a "she", to me that is his/her business. But, "she" is no way a hero. And for a television show to be coming out for "she" is sick. "She" needs to just go on with her/his life. It seems like the tv industry is going crazy with this.

Anonymous said...

Will never be a heroine - he was born a he and will always be, no matter what.

Anonymous said...

why aren't they calling him a pervert. and get this off the news and blogs.

Anonymous said...

MSM doesn't use the word heroine anymore because it shows gender bias.

Anonymous said...

not a hero, or a heroine! Just one very confused soul

Anonymous said...

We are living in our last days. . never has there been a time before that you would cast a drag queen" over an Iraq (or any war veteran or person in the military) or over a person who has overcome medical obstacles. HE is not a SHE and HE will NEVER be a she. You can put makeup on a female PIG but it doesn't make it a woman. He is going to cause so many children who are confused to become victims of bullying and suicide (which in and of itself are REAL issues). This makes me sick to my stomach. The US is going to hell in hand basket but yet so many of us wonder why other nations do not like the "freedoms" we have.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a darn shame that this man-woman is so desperate for attention that he would go this far in public with whatever he thinks he is doing? It's a sad state of affairs to keep seeing this mess in the news. This should have been a private issue!

Anonymous said...

12:57 It is hard keeping up with the kardashians.

Anonymous said...

Agree with it or not hero and heroine are like actor and actress. We seldom use the female form anymore and are moving to the male form for both men and women. So while one might disagree as to whether Caitlyn is a hero or not the use of the word hero instead of heroine means nothing.

I disagree with 12:47 that:" He is going to cause so many children who are confused to become victims of bullying and suicide (which in and of itself are REAL issues)."

These children have been bullied and victims years before now. they have also committed suicide. Perhaps now they at least have somebody to talk to about their situation.Of course those that think this behavior is a choice and not something they are born with won't have much compassion no matter what. It is hard for many of us to understand but there are many mistakes in the DNA of humans just like the chicks. the hatchery man discards every mistake he can find. We souldn't do that with humans.

Anonymous said...

Bruce is a wannabe transgender transvestite transsexual that's a transgression of nature and the real crime here is forcing acceptance down everyone's throat.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of this freak. I hate hearing or reading about it. With all the problems in this world that are truly important, I find it so sick about all this fuss over a mentally ill freak that doesn't know who or what they are or what he/she/it really wants.

Anonymous said...

He is as much a hero as John MaCain!

Anonymous said...

The word "hero" is fast losing its meaning.

Anonymous said...

This is merely served up as a distraction and exhibition of his ultimate sacrifice for his position. He didn't want to sacrifice a family member, so he sacrificed himself and the illuminati is using this puppet as a conditioning tool like the rest of Hollywood. Is it a coincidence that witches cast spells with wands from holly trees?

Anonymous said...

Off the Haldol again, Sparky?