I know many of you have been waiting for an official report from Wicomico County but the official figures are not yet available to tell you just how good or bad things might be.
That being said, expect a Press Release from the County around 3:30 or 4:00 pm. Here's what I do know so far.
If the power does go out, the County will open the Civic Center as a shelter. The County is asking you to refrain from parking on all secondary roads so they can plow.
Once they see snow they will start salting the roads. Once 2" of snow fall hits the roads they will start plowing and the County is set up, (prepared) for 10" of snow.
Wicomico County depends on the Wakefield Weather Station for their official report and again, they'll have a better idea of what we can expect in just a couple hours.
If we do get hit as bad as some are saying you can expect to see delays and school closings right here on SBYNews. We can't keep you warm but we can keep you informed.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, bread, milk, Toilet Paper......
This is all because you drive a car around..
For Obama sake, stop Global Warming....ahhhhhhh....walk everywhere....no more cars!!!!
all that upgrade work Delmarva Power been doing, better help.
Each report ups the inches...hope that people heed the warnings and stay off the roads. Understand there have been several conference calls on situation this morning with county getting prepared. Good that county is working on latest info and getting ducks in a row (or should I say snow plows), before putting out statement.
Department of Emergency already posted to FB and put out their alerts 6-10 inches of snow with majority falling between midnight and 8 am. Should start to see snow as early as 4 pm this afternoon.
Thanks for the heads up , without all the BS that the weather channel gives out now.
I've never witness such sensationalizing as now-a-days.
Have you notice the new sensation.
"50 million people affected by this snow storm." You don't say , as in all snow storms that hit the east , lots of people live here. What a bunch of BS.
WE have had winters before this one , I've lived through 72 of them.
I might add , thanks again for the news and good information on your news media JOE.
Anyone know if Worwic Comm College is closing this evening?
Thank you! Just saw that too!
This snow will accumulate quickly and stay put for some time due to the temperatures. I think the totals have been kept modest due to cold overload...but I'm taking this seriously.
It's 5:12 and the roads and stores are clogged!
Might as well close school for the week. Snow and then extremely cold weather.. Roads will be a disaster for a good week
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