
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: "Local government and police entities"

Your recent local police activities involving a 14 yr olds physical beating from Salisbury police department has been noticed! 

This officer shall be terminated effective immediately! The cover ups of this extremely violent officer will be brought to light. 

While your local states attorney has failed to act in charges.....we have a voice Maryland has tried and convicted this officer. 

Mayor Ireton, failure to comply will result in all efforts to expose this tyranny. This includes civil gatherings at your office, the local police department and the officers home! 

Web attacks will be conducted to expose all documents and findings with out prejudice! 

You have been warned!


Anonymous said...

This might be good

Anonymous said...

How about the past council and FOP? Bout time that boy gets justice!
And I think ol jimbo better head this! That anonymous group can hack anything! If they can hack the feds, CNN , twitter etc.... All of salisbury's secrets are in trouble!

Anonymous said...

Go to Hell you low class bottom feeder. Don't you dare threaten anyone you terrorist.
If you have what you say then bring it on like a big person would do instead of in a mask like a terrorist does. Don't hide like the coward you are.

Anonymous said...

Take you "civil rights" and shove them right up your lying asses. People have about had enough of your ghetto tactics. No wonder you people are wallowing in your own filth of crime and poverty.
You are more of an enemy to blacks then the KKK ever was and thanks to trash like this racism is alive, well and growing by leaps and bounds.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who seriously means business and wants to adopt this precious 14 year old should do the paperwork.Since he is such an innocent victim and the cop is so mean do what is decent and good.That's what I thought.

Anonymous said...

Probably deserved it.

Anonymous said...

Whom ever wrote this appears to be semi illiterate. Documents and findings will be "exposed with out prejudice."
That makes a lot of sense-LOL.
BTW Einstein without is a single word.
"we have a voice Maryland has tried and convicted this officer."
What????Okay.....maybe you should come back later, preferable when sober.

Anonymous said...

A lawsuit was filed. How about doing what civil people do and let this work through the judiciary system.
Seeing the way you people act though civility isn't one of your virtues. Does the burning of Ferguson come to mind as well as killing each other in record numbers.

Anonymous said...

You can be anonymous, so why can't they?

Anonymous said...

Annon PLEASE hack the Mayor PLEASE.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
You can be anonymous, so why can't they?

December 24, 2014 at 1:52 PM"

Because if they want to act like a big shot then put on your big shot pants and act like one which includes putting a name behind your message. If you believe in your message you aren't afraid to stand behind it with your name.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to today's I am so afraid of the rest of the world all I can do is threaten people from the safety of my computer. Not sure which is worse the total poser threats or the almost laughable over reaction by the bottom feeders here. Terrific stuff.Great post.

Anonymous said...

Okay, we will be waiting oh so patiently for your "web attacks."
I'm betting you are full of crap.

Anonymous said...

Trash like this exposes trash like yourself. Have something to hide?

Anonymous said...

Don't shoot the messenger! Do you realize how serious this group is? Is this cop with several offenses worth keeping? Worth ignoring such an established cause with proven results Jimbo? There is a lot of skeletons here on the good old boy connected shore! I don't think its in our best interest to head their warning.

Anonymous said...

A "physical beating?" That's a new one.
The whole post screams No Child Left Behind.

Anonymous said...

I think people have seen what happens to named people here on this site. It's laughable. All you tough guy Anonymous comments now has a real Anonymous threat that you can't discredit. I feel so sorry for anyone involved with the mayors office and their dirty ways! These guys don't stop at the mayors office! Have you read up on them? Personal data comes out! Go Anonymous! The shore needs you!

Anonymous said...

A civil suit isn't gonna work for these guys! They want him held accountable, as the criminal he is!

Anonymous said...

Where is Ashanti?

Anonymous said...

Time for the cops to shoot first ask questions later. I'm for it if it means restoring justice!

Anonymous said...

They probly have all the info they need already! I doubt they would give a heads up first so better protection can be installed. Thin ice here!

Anonymous said...

Who is From ?

Anonymous said...

So u dont.believe in ur message,


Anonymous said...

yawnnnnnnnnn. boringgggggggg. Is that all you got, slick?

Anonymous said...

What a joke.

Anonymous said...

It could be your faimly. Thats the problem with a police state

Anonymous said...

Better protection? Are you kidding? If this is tuly 'Anonymous' Salisbury's computers don't stand a chance with this group, they can hack Salisbury's system like you open a bag of chips!!

Anonymous said...

The whole damn shore is clueless at to what these people stand for. Ignorance is bliss!

Anonymous said...

What's there to find? Who really cares?

Anonymous said...

This isn't Anonymous. Anonymous is the real deal. This is someone pretending, trying to instill fear. The real Anonymous contacts the agency directly to give an ultimatum, they don't send letters to the editor of a local blog or even a newspaper (who I am sure will run this story now that Joe has run it).

Anonymous said...

So y come to a shore news station? ??

Anonymous said...

Not sure how much I believe this is related to the actual "Anonymous" group..they like to put things out on Twitter and other outlets, yet haven't seen anything regarding Salisbury. Curious to see how real this ends up being

Anonymous said...

Maybe the local in charge of setting this in motion knows where to send their statement to be heard. Everyone knows wboc and wmdt are jokes.

Anonymous said...

First there are a lot of intelligent people on the shore. They may not gloat about our achievements but I assure you, they are here.
Anonymous, the real group are definitely the real deal.I highly doubt that this is from the real group, as they don't really advertise warnings.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
A civil suit isn't gonna work for these guys! They want him held accountable, as the criminal he is!

December 24, 2014 at 2:43 PM"

Well then they should have done what civilized people do, and had someone run against the State's Attorney if they aren't satisfied with his decisions.
While I understand being civilized is a foreign concept to these types, they may want to try it for once.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

For your info Anonymous is not an individual but a group.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly who wrote this. My crystal ball does not lie.
This same person was on this blog recently commenting and calling others names such as a-hole.
I have the initials of the person in my mind and if I were to mediate would have the name but since I see this is a person who is consumed with anger but is a person who knows the consequences of this anger will not make good on the threats. I suggest Mr Anon take a deep breath and chill out.

Anonymous said...

How about a civil gathering at YOUR home you effing coward.

Anonymous said...

Won't be long before Duncan, Kolb, Meienschein, King and Koerner have indictments with their name on it.

Anonymous said...

3:26 My thoughts exactly after reading the 1st few post, these people are living under a rock or to wrapped up in watching their sports....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The whole damn shore is clueless at to what these people stand for. Ignorance is bliss!

December 24, 2014 at 3:26 PM

You are absolutely correct.Just reading their comments show their lack of intelligence and common sense. But that is nothing new.

.I highly doubt that this is from the real group, as they don't really advertise warnings.

December 24, 2014 at 4:49 PM

You don't know anything about them. They have issued plenty of warnings, in print but mostly via videos.

I don't know if this is from the real group, anonymous is a collective, not a single person, and it is always amusing when you anonymous clowns tell others to post their name.

I hope it is the real deal and they post YOUR names, then we will see who the real cowards are.

Anonymous said...

They're a little upset that their "peaceful demonstration" at the Christmas Parade got them arrested. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know exactly who wrote this. My crystal ball does not lie.
This same person was on this blog recently commenting and calling others names such as a-hole.
I have the initials of the person in my mind and if I were to mediate would have the name but since I see this is a person who is consumed with anger but is a person who knows the consequences of this anger will not make good on the threats. I suggest Mr Anon take a deep breath and chill out.

December 24, 2014 at 9:48 PM

I think your crystal ball is cracked, like you.

Anonymous said...

"Whomever" is also one word.

Anonymous said...

This is a Facebook group of wanna be anarchists started in Australia. They have quite a bit of followers-many in the US- but so far have done nothing but blow a lot of hot air.
They are admirers of Julian Assange but collectively could never match his level and skills at hacking, so no fear again nothing but hot air.
Out of their 150,000 followers maybe one is local so trying to gather protesters is going to be a challenge for whomever wrote this post.

Anonymous said...

In the spirit of Christmas, it would be nice if these people could back off for one day!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I think people have seen what happens to named people here on this site. It's laughable. All you tough guy Anonymous comments now has a real Anonymous threat that you can't discredit. I feel so sorry for anyone involved with the mayors office and their dirty ways! These guys don't stop at the mayors office! Have you read up on them? Personal data comes out! Go Anonymous! The shore needs you!

December 24, 2014 at 2:42 PM"

A 'real' anon threat? Hardly.
As stated above this is a group of wannabe's who are proficient at talking a real good talk but as far as any actions-ZERO.
Okay Anon-Get busy, start hacking those computers, and get people together to protest. I bet you fail miserably in both actions-LOL.

Anonymous said...

Look what the civil suit did for Dr. Chambers, she won but didn't get financial damages she was entitled to. The system is corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
They're a little upset that their "peaceful demonstration" at the Christmas Parade got them arrested. Ha ha!

December 25, 2014 at 1:30 AM

"they' were NOT anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Whomever" is also one word.

December 25, 2014 at 8:24 AM

A word to the wise: Whomever is even more of a vogue word than whom. Many use it indiscriminately to sound cultured, figuring that no one will know any better.

and those of you who always attempt to correct others grammar look like idiots, whoever you are.

Anonymous said...

11:13-"A word to the wise"-if you are going to comment don't plagiarize in an attempt to make yourself appear clever.
My crystal ball does not lie, and tells me your comment isn't yours. You copied it off of someone else.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
11:13-"A word to the wise"-if you are going to comment don't plagiarize in an attempt to make yourself appear clever.
My crystal ball does not lie, and tells me your comment isn't yours. You copied it off of someone else.

December 25, 2014 at 11:52 AM

yeah you're right. I copied it out of a grammar book. thats what I usually do to insert some authority into such an asinine conversation that you started.

so your statement is still stupid and even more so now. congrats.

Anonymous said...

I would put "my hands up" butt if I do my pants will fall the rest of the way down!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
11:13-"A word to the wise"-if you are going to comment don't plagiarize in an attempt to make yourself appear clever.
My crystal ball does not lie, and tells me your comment isn't yours. You copied it off of someone else.

December 25, 2014 at 11:52 AM

bwahahaha most smart people stop digging when they realize they are in a hole.

and then there is

maybe you should try some super glue and windex on your crystal ball. or just keep running your mouth. it is entertaining to say the least.

or maybe try your tarot cards next time. or use tea leaves. or throw some bones. or just keep smoking whatever it is you seem to be inhaling.

we have a psychic in our midst folks. I bet you can even tell us the score of a football game before it starts can't ya?

I see weirdo's don't take christmas off. here's 10 bucks. go buy some more mad dog 20/20 . that will blur out that crack in your ball and your brain. cheers.

Anonymous said...

LOL-I'm not sure how much of a "voice" they have in MD considering of the 104,000 likes the FB page has, only about 3 of them are from MD. The overwhelming majority of the likes come from Australia and the UK.

Anonymous said...

There are very few of these people with the skills, knowledge, and capability to actually carry out any attacks. Most of the occurrences are DDos attacks, which are unsophisticated, but easily carried out. The rest is social media and email data mining, which most people are too stupid to realize how unprotected and easily accessed it is. 99% of the stuff you hear from this "group" is from wannabes who wouldn't know how to "hack" into their own system. You will never hear a word from the people that are actually capable of and responsible for the high level attacks that make the news.

Anonymous said...

A psychic does visit this site. When the Worcester county sheriff's office was looking for the owners of some property they found, she directed them to the owners right here on this site.
I know her and have talked to her a few times. She's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Why does Ireton have a grudge against people of color?

He lives off Government and doesn't pay his taxes. Is he "protected"?

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

It's a new page. Probly stemmed from some other page or group.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what, if any, Role Jake Day's cousin who is an SPD officer plays in stirring the pot. Day is aligned with the political agendas of Ireton and others who have shown that they will do anything to get what they want. Neighborhood unrest, racial tension, and other such tactics have historically been used in Salisbury as tools to tank neighborhoods and businesses so that cronies can swoop them up at rock bottom prices.

Anonymous said...

Was the 14 year old a gang member?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Was the 14 year old a gang member?

December 28, 2014 at 7:48 PM

THat would somehow make it ok?