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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Question Of The Day 11-7-14


Anonymous said...

Pay off my entire family's debt, cars, mortgage, whatever. Put the rest in my no risk bank.

Anonymous said...

Call my estate attorney and deposit it with the rest of my millions.

Anonymous said...

Anything i want...

Anonymous said...

start drinking with all my new friends

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Depending on how big I won I would establish accounts for every member of my family.

If I won big I would be very generous - if I won small everyone would still get something.

and of course I would take care of myself and my future needs.

Anonymous said...

2:32 Agree with the debt issue, but there is no " no risk bank" unless it's buried in your back yard. Under Martial Law, all your accounts are frozen and are owned by the government.

Anonymous said...

Throw a party like the great gatsby

Anonymous said...

Buy a Jaguar. I could buy one now if I wanted because I have the money, and probably not miss the money, but I'm not one to spend money too quickly.

Then I would use the money to support an animal related foundation I would like to start which I would leave all my properties and other assets to.

Scott said...

I would give my brother my house, and get a winter home in either Florida or Arizonia and a summer home in Vermont or somewhere up north. I might just buy an RV so I could travel with the seasons and have a car or truck hitched to the back of it when I get to where I'm going. I would also take care of my elderly mother to see that her needs are taken care of.

Anonymous said...

Quit my rotten job!

Anonymous said...

Move out of Maryland so they couldn't tax the hell out of it.

LadyLiddy said...

Pay off the debts of all my family members. Try to relieve some of the stress of daily living for whomever I could.

Anonymous said...

Move away.....

Anonymous said...

Move out of maryland yesterday..i would even put money in any md bank..catch first plane to new mexico

Anonymous said...

Go get the money.

Anonymous said...

Buy a house and help good people with the rest.

Anonymous said...

Change my underwear

Anonymous said...

Run for Wicomico County Executive

Anonymous said...

1. Try to breathe normally.

2. Then set up trusts for family.

3. Set up a charitable foundation.

4. Travel and give big tips to hard working people. I don't want grand stuff. Traveling and surprising people would be grand enough.

Anonymous said...

Inform my ex wife. Then try real hard not to smile.

Anonymous said...

Buy up all the property on Smith Island and then declare independence from the U.S.A.

Anonymous said...

Kinda greedy 2:39? Pompous arse

Anonymous said...

And the winner is...


LOL! Thank you, but without doing that, all the others can't happen!

Anonymous said... house is paid off, vehicles are paid off, and I'm already retired.

But, I'd love to buy a little place by the beach, either down in Hatteras or the Keys. Make my family take a lot more vacations and force em to enjoy the good life!

Anonymous said...

I like Scott's RV idea. I think that's what I would buy and that way the dog would be more comfortable traveling and I think we would be too. I like the idea of having all my stuff with me but you still have the option of staying in a hotel if you like.

Anonymous said...


Tina said...

Pay off my debts, pay some bills ahead, new car, new home, then save and invest the rest.

Anonymous said...

To my wife:
ME: "Pack your bags, honey, I won the lottery!!"
WIFE: "That's GREAT! Where am I going?"
ME: "I don't care. Just get the hell out of here."

Anonymous said...

Thank Gog. map

Anonymous said...

Donate to the children's wing at Johns Hopkins and establish a very nice place for parents to stay while there in memory of my grandson.

Anonymous said...

Buy the downtown plaza and put in 25 outlet stores and 1 big canned goods and non perishable food store in the library (if they ever decided to relocate).

Anonymous said...

Tell my boss to suck it

Anonymous said...

Deposit in a foreign bank in a foreign currency, and wait for the dollar to fall like the Germany's economy in post WWI. I am think of Vietnam and the don.

Anonymous said...

2 weeks notice, baby!

Anonymous said...

7:22-That would depend on just how PO'd I was.I've seen the time when I wouldn't give 10 minutes notice.

Anonymous said...

Take the annuity.

San Box John

Anonymous said...

I would give thanks to the Almighty GOD.