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Monday, August 04, 2014

Dept of Agri Shuts Down Cell of Potential "Agri-Terrorists": Seed Libraries Outlawed in Pennsylvania

It looks like Michigan is not the only state with a Department of Agriculture that is adamant about the best interests of their citizens. Residents in Pennsylvania can now breathe a little bit easier since an illegal enterprise has been shut down.

The Joseph T. Simpson Public Library in Mechanicsburg was participating in an activity that put the entire ecosystem of the state at risk.

In an astonishing act of hubris, they were running a seed library, right there amongst the books, in the very facility where small children go to have stories read to them.

I’m not making this up. A SEED LIBRARY.

If you aren’t sure what this is, it allows patrons to go in and get heirloom seeds, for free. The borrower plants the seeds, then at harvest time, saves seeds and returns them to the library.

The horror.

Apparently this violates the “Seed Act of 2004.” That’s right, there’s a Seed Act that makes this illegal.



Anonymous said...

Can't this be done in a clandestine manner. This law is "unlawful"; if you know what I mean.

Don't pay attention to the law; just do it "underground"; without any ones knowledge. The less they know; the better...

Anonymous said...

another illegal action on the part of a federal government overstepping his bounds and siding with big corporations Big Pharma big agriculture and big business screw the little guy

Anonymous said...

This law strikes at the heart of stupid. Heirloom seeds present an established stock of fruits and vegetables, ones not touched by genetic engineering or patents. Advocates of the law may say that the heirloom strains may disrupt the gene structures of genetically modified plants (think $$$) so that they create hybrids which are not patented by the seed company owners, but to think that this will result in the disruption of the food supply is pure hogwash and the notion promoted by none other than the GM seed producers themselves who, incidentally, donate huge sums to congressmen and senators, not to mention the president.
Government, get out of our backyards, please!

Anonymous said...

So, what if I grow my tomatoes this year, and save the ones that the bugs got for seed next year? Will the Gestapo be knocking on my door for a receipt for the seeds?

Is this where we're headed, sheeple?

lmclain said...

Rest easy. "Your guy" had nothing to do with this.
The "Seed Act"?? Really?!
I wonder how many bribes, kickbacks, favors, and back room deals it took to get THIS passed.
How much are we paying these bozo's??
Whatever WE are paying them, it's not as much, or as effective, as what someone else is paying them, if you get the drift.
Keep cheering.

Your guy is going to put a stop to this stuff.

Anonymous said...

Ditto 5:07..big ARG at work......remember pretty soon you will need a number to eat.I won't be taking it, will you?keep cheering you libtards...pretty soon the vice will be so tight we wont be able to breathe without government approved corporate air

Anonymous said...

These heirloom seeds can reproduce unlike the seeds from GMO's which will grow an plant but not a vegetable or fruit.
BigAgri business' plan is to control the food supply and the democrat plan is to control the people. They are in cahoots. There are 2 ways to best control the human masses-food supply and healthcare.
The democrats are controlled by big businesses and are more than willingly to do the dirty work for them. This amounts to the people having less control over their lives which is the democrat plan.
It's time show all those bastards the door. I believe that the people know what is best for them and don't need some nothing democrat telling them what to do, what to eat, etc. Democrats are evil people who have no problem selling the souls of their own children for a vote.

Anonymous said...

Because Monsanto pushed it through.

Anonymous said...

7:08 drooled, and out came "These heirloom seeds can reproduce unlike the seeds from GMO's which will grow an plant but not a vegetable or fruit"

That is so FALSE, you made my head explode. Keep believing the hype, and stay a sucker for the "organic" "non GMO" agenda... Do people not even do research any more? Just believe scientist, who get paid millions to alter tests, findings.

Pathetic sheep.

Anonymous said...

708, why be so willfully ignorant. GMO seeds do reproduce. Try reading or better yet go ask a real farmer.