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Sunday, July 28, 2013
Bill O'Reilly: President Obama And The Race Problem
On Friday, the President delivered surprise remarks to the press about the Trayvon Martin case and race in general. His main point: a plea for understanding.
OBAMA: There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store, that includes me. I don't want to exaggerate this but those sets of experiences inform how the African-American community interprets what happened one night in Florida.
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His spot-on comments, will of course, make the left go crazy.
I haven't seen this much passion in O'Reilly for awhile. His talking points were right on.
Those of us who are logical and rational thinkers are tired of being called racists and having the race baiters constantly in your face accusations. It is not the problem.
And the POTUS should NEVER have inserted himself into the Trevon case. It was inappropriate and possibly even racist.
O'Reilly doesn't do a dance around anything and tells it like it is.
I'm glad he made a point to focus on these so called "musicians" who promote and glorify not only the gangsta lifestyle but also show utter disrespect for women. Obama is a sick "man." I use the word man lightly because no man especially one with 2 daughters
unless they are perverted and sick in the head would ever embrace someone who "sings' such trash.
It's time the black community stops embracing freaks like Obama just because they are black. They need to start embracing leaders with some class and not transplanted ghetto trash like Obama who is so sick he thinks it's okay to have people who sell trash to young people in the white house.
Listened to him the night he said it and just read it again and what he says is absolutely the truth.
O'Reilly is a blowhard. Does anyone with an IQ over 70 even listen to this guy anymore?
8:13 You are either a communist who believes in government control of our lives or you are the one with an iq of less than 70.
Look around you and the evidence is clear in all sorts of ways. From culture to economy. Look, Listen, Learn.
The truth sucks doesn't it 8:13?
It's obvious your IQ is somewhere down near the imbecile, moron, idiot level because if it were up into the intelligent range you would listen to O'Reilly. Or if you disagree with him you would point out why instead of doing the Demonizing Dance so typical of those who can't stand the truth.
O'Reilly is a huge success and has the number 1 rated show on cable TV in his time slot. His audience is greater than all other 8pm cable news shows combined.
Anyone like him who is a huge self made success is always worth listening to.
The problem with "you people" is you are grossly jealous of success and when the person is not only successful but tells it like it is and not what you want to hear that really burns you all up.
Okay 8:13-Point out where O'Reilly is wrong or off base?
Put you money where you mouth is and point this out. Adding some of your own solutions too would be the stand up thing to do.
I have a feeling we will never hear from you again because you are not a stand up person and are a coward who yes instead of intelligently pointing out where O'Reilly may be wrong you did the Demonizing Dance. I guess you just think you are so clever don't you?
Small people like you are the problem.
Maybe what Oreilly has to say hits to close to home for 8:13.
Maybe, just maybe the white culture is the problem here. O'Reilly has a long history of racism, he is the worst kind of human being. Just google O'Reilly, racist and absorb the facts for a few hours.
You hit the nail directly on it's head 8:46. Yesterday on FoxNews (the day after this was broadcast)
quite a few of their shows focused on this. They brought in some guests and for the most part (except for a small number) the black guests didn't want to even discuss what Bill O said. They tried every which way to change the subject. Finally Greta on her show last night got a black reverend to admit the illegitimate rate is out of control among black children. All he wanted to focus on was no jobs no jobs no jobs. This is true but in order for any meaningful solutions to appear the focus has to be multi faceted. The whole picture needs to be addressed.
8:13 is right. O'Reilly is a blowhard. Like Rush and for that matter, Bill Maher. My skin crawls whenever I agree with any of them.
This plan may sound racist but
it applies to all.
After the first illegitimate child the birth mother agrees to be
sterilized the government buys her
a new car(say $20,000 value) and
gives her $12,000 over two years.
Result--no more babies and she has
transportation for her and her child
plus money for daycare to get an education or a job.
9:04, Dwelling is a mental condition so stop dwelling on what O'reilly did or may have done and focus on what he is saying.
Do you really think it is expectable that 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock? Do you really think it is expectable that Obama embraces those who sell violence, drugs and other undesirable things to children?
Is the rampant crime in an overwhelming number of black neighborhoods acceptable to you?
You don't think fathers should be in a child's life?
^^^Expectable or acceptable?
9:52-either word is appropriate.
I'm sure 9:37 meant to type acceptable in all 3 sentences though expectable can be used and does take the questions to a whole new thought level as in "do you really think it is to be expected that 73% of ....."
Liberals are brain dead. Look at msnbc. They had one guest try to blame detriot situation on republicans. There has not been a repubilcan in office there in over 50 years. Liberal democrats where show their ignorance each time one of them speaks because they are so blind to things
Who commits 80% of the crime in this country? Enough said.
To paraphrase Ben Franklin, the sting in any rebuke is the truth
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