SALISBURY -- Concern over the amount of money Salisbury might be spending on legal fees prompted two City Council members last week to draw a line in the sand, stating they will refuse to add any more money to the city’s legal budget.
After last week’s meeting, when Councilwomen Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields stated their opposition to moving any funds into the attorney fees account, the issue returned in ordinance form this week.
At Tuesday’s meeting, Councilman Tim Spies made a motion to introduce a budget amendment to “appropriate funds for attorney fees” but it died due to the lack of a second, largely due to Councilwoman Terry Cohen being absent and Council President Jake Day being unable to make a second. Day had questioned whether he could make a second as president and he was advised he could not. That was the end of the discussion at this week’s meeting.
Jake Day has to ask about procedural issues?
Shanie, the same person that did all that grandstanding when it was Paul Wilbers fees in question?
My understanding is Mark Tilghman has not turned in a bill since Oct 2012. If this is true Ms Mitchell and Ms Shields did the right thing.
Strange Tilghman thought Council budget for legal fee was #300.000. Does he believe that will be what his bills total? I would be interested in knowing why Mr Tilghman has been lax in submitting bills to Council.
Exactly 8:30!!!
Jake who?
spending money not appropriated? shields & mitchell opposed?
gadzooks. a common sense approach to our budget? couldn't be.
Rick has the money available from the education budget.
Mitchell and her cronies have done more than their fair share to run up the legal expenses in my opinion. Check further and decide for yourselves.
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