Obama supporters were out in large numbers Tuesday night celebrating President Barack Obama’s successful bid for re-election.
RebelPundit’s Anne Sorock was on the ground on State Street, presumably in New York City, and was able to ask some Obama voters what another term under the president may look like. The answers were, to put it generously, predictable and alarming.
“It really mean to me, no more Israel,” one supporter said. The rest of the man’s answer is almost entirely indiscernible as English. However, TheBlaze will try to transcribe his comments as accurately as possible:
Language warning
That celebration condones the fact that Obama watched 4 Americans get murdered in Benghazi and did nothing about it except go to bed.
Mark my word, these idiots that voted for obama will be eating there words in a couple of years,oops i forgot these people can barley put a sentence together and to think our soldiers are in harms way for these ASSH LES, Israel do what you have to do and protect your country and people because USA will NOT.
This guy is a typical Obama supporter and represents exactly the inteligence of anyone who did vote for that Ash Hole !
If Obama had a son he would be just like this guy. I truly hope this is not where America is going.
Calling all my fellow conservatives---We really do need to rethink our opposition to free birth control. We can not count on them killing each other nor getting sent to prison anymore in order to control the way they multiply.
They are not ever going to keep their pants on so we can forget even atteptinig to go that route anymore. If free birth control helps to keep their numbers down even a fraction it is worth it.
Who's dumber? Some drunk dude who allows himself to get played as a fool on camera? Or some idiots behind their computer that think this is anything more than just another vid intended to rouse your emotions so you'll keep tuning in to the source?
What a disgrace this guy is for our Country, or for that matter any other Country. If this where America is going perhaps I should consider changing Countries.
I only pray the Rapture is soon. It is hard to believe GOD is going to allow this to go on for long. You mess with Israel you mess with GOD.
This whole race is like this guy, and you all know it is the truth, or why else would we keep lowering the college entrance scores, job advancement tests, ect...The "Dumming Down of America", and now look at what we got!
Get off your high horse 10:17. You know as well as anyone that this guy is representative of the Obama voter. 100% of these black prison "muslim" types/sympathizers are Obama voters.
He will protect and give free stuff to this type, but can do ABSolutely NOTHING to protect those 4 in Benghazi that begged for protection. This warrants impeachment, but, no, will be swept under the rug while people are freeloading and not working ; of course, they are happy!!
No, 1055. He is what YOU believe represents the typical Obama voter.
I can assure you it isn't the case.
this chowderhead couldn't point out Israel on a map if his EBT card depended on it.
Paul Adams- If you are going to attack someone based on their lack of grammar skills you should check your own first. To everyone else- I am appalled by the hate that is spewed on this site. Those of you who promote such hate will get what ismcoming to you
I bet if he met in a dark alley with an Israel he would pee his huggies. He talks big but every one of the Israel is trained in the military. Pull your pants up son, put your hat on straight, stop being racist and GET A JOB!
Shoot, I would have made moves to corner the market on Kleenex had I known there would be this many teary eyes and snotty noses after the election. Keep typing away your hate on these blogs while the adults tackle the real issues.
This whole area is full of hate. It is ashame that these people still have that Jim Crow mentality. These people are making their peace with the devil.
10:02- PLEASE publish your name. A person with this much ignorance should be out in the open for everyone to know who you are. Take the sheet off. So glad the likes of you are a minority and slowly dying off (not fast enough though). It's people like you who continue to push that belief 'white is right' on others. You further divide this country with hate, racism and ignorance and I'll bet you call yourself a Christian. Only God is allowed such judgements not you.
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