Good News, Word Verification has been turned off. This will allow everyone easy opportunity to leave comments without getting frustrated trying to figure out what each letter is.
So you know, the purpose behind it was to stop spam messages. The bigger your Blog, the more spam you get. Considering we're at this so many hours a day we figured we could deal with the additional comments and reject them as they come in.
We hope this pleases all of you and I hope it helps you leave more comments on each article. Time will tell. Have a great day everyone.
Tks. Joe
Thanks Joe I appreciate it.
man what a pain in the arse that was.
I noticed awhile back the email function from the posts is gone. I used to forward alot of Sby News material onto friends. Why did you remove that feature, Joe?
anonymous 7:31, I hadn't noticed. Blogger changed a LOT of things on us the other day. I'll have someone look into it and change it, if possible.
That's OK if you find that you have to re-enable it. I just clicked submit, and if I didn't get the letters right, new ones would pop up...
It was turned off as I was in the middle of commenting on 5-6 posts. I thought,"what a good idea to only require 2-3 verifications and suspend the rest once my IP was found 2b human operated!" Thanks, though. That was quite an annoying obstacle.
Thank you Joe!! I didn't mind one word verification, but did not like the two word verification. It was frustrating at times.
Don't be shy about turning it back on, if needed. Bad enough sorting through the goofballs, but the spam bots can get outta control.
Thank you! It really was a pain.
Great idea! I would sometimes just give up and not post cause I didn't have. My glasses on and couldn't make our the letters!
It really helps us old people out!
More like your numbers are dropping and you're doing everything you can to increase them.
anonymous 9:51, Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan, you poor thing. Our numbers are better than ANY news source on the entire Eastern Shore and you know it.
Try to get over your hate and do something good, (for once) for this community.
Unfortunately we were completely unaware we could remove that option. Once it was mentioned in a comment we researched it and found we could remove it, so we did just that.
Sit back and watch jonathan. The comments will go through the roof. They already have.
Dropping compared to what? The Times? You could count the daily comments with your fingers.
Thanks Contributor. I see the little envelope icon now. I think it was under the date and time before and you know us "old dogs"---change is sometimes not something we are good with.
Appreciate! And I just noticed the follow-up comments option! Nice!
Joe, I completely gave up leaving replies, because I simply couldn't understand the letters. If there must be a verification, at least be able to read the chicken scratch. I bet you missed 1,000's of good honest comments.
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