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Monday, April 02, 2012

Sharpton Explains How He Manipulates Media On Race Cases

Earlier today, MSNBC's Al Sharpton threatened the peace of a small Florida town if it doesn't acquiesce to his demand for the arrest of George Zimmerman. According to the Orlando Sentinel:

If George Zimmerman is not arrested in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin soon, the Rev. Al Sharpton will call for an escalation in peaceful civil disobedience and economic sanctions. Sharpton would not say the efforts would be taken against the city of Sanford specifically, but he has been critical of the police department's handling of the case.

If only someone had warned NBC News that they were giving a prime-time platform to a vitriolic, race-hustling charlatan. Oh wait--we did. Even some journalists on the left did. Recently uncovered video from over twenty years ago has Al Sharpton, in his own words, bragging about his ability to manipulate the media to draw attention to his race-hustling agenda. And he's playing out his blueprint to a T in Florida today.

In the video seen below, Sharpton brags about his ability to manipulate the media through his grandstanding, demonstrations and marches. He pats himself on the back over being able to convert a “one day story” into an international sensation by giving the media what they want: drama, contention, provocative images and charges of racism.

More including video Here


Gary said...

The saddest part....if this is the best representation that the AA community can put this does more harm than good. MLK must be rolling over in his grave.

Anonymous said...

Where's Obama with NDAA when you need him.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:14
Where's obama when you need him ?
That's a joke, nobody needs obama.
He has nothing but heartache to give.

Anonymous said...

Domestic Terrorism

Anonymous said...

peaceful civil disobedience is "domestic terrorism"? But the constant spouting of "armed revolution" because the guy you wanted didn't win the election isn't? ha ha, CLOWNS

Anonymous said...

Sharpton is directly responsible for the death of a young Jewish man in 1991. Sharpton is also responsible for the deaths of 7 people who died in Freddys fashion Mart, again most were Jewish in 1995. He incites hatred and violence, and should be in jail. He is also delinquent on hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes. He is a despicable human being. 10;39--typical progressive liberal,, NO FACTS< JUST ATTACKS.

Brian Dayton said...

Agree with anon 10:49. Sharpton is a pos to the highest degree. Likewise for Jackson.

Anonymous said...

He needs to be fired, AT LEAST.