When a Police Officer tells you to do something you either listen or you get treated like a criminal. Our post the other day called it like it was, animals in a zoo.
As an old friend used to tell me, "It will only happen once, unless you're that stupid."
No where have i seen a video of bottles being thrown.all I've seen is a peaceful get together.and a tradition that takes place every year.only people claiming thrown bottles are city police and their cronnie buddy fire fighters.if bottles did get thrown I'm sure it happened after the city police showed up and instigated.
There is a link to a youtube video that I posted on 47 website yesterday. It CLEARLY show bottles/cans being thrown by the little angels. It was posted by "dirtybury" herself. Ironically, she is the one that is so adamant that they did nothing wrong. If Joe will allow it, I will post a link on another comment.
The videos that I saw posted on you tube were pretty mild. Looked like typical college behavior that was not out of hand. Police overreacted.
Reminds me of Kent State.
These punk college kids think they're above the law...Not in this town Skippy!
SPRAY them!! I hate kids!
I was there and I saw idiots thorw bottles at the cops. We did this to are selfs because some of are peers dont know how to act.
What do you expect? The Communist College Professors and Obama are encouraging the kiddies to riot.
8:00 you are correct the liberal teachers and professors are poisoning the minds of our students,unfortunately when they graduate they are ignorant than those who taught them - very sad SU is an enabler of this.
I look at that still photgraph and see a bunch of kids standing around, many even with their back to the officer, who seems to be casually spraying pepper spray like its a silly string canister. Looks really afraid for his safety. The kid right in front of him seems to have his hands in his pockets. A REALLY riotous crowd, thats for sure....
Some years ago, perhaps around 1979, or 1980, there was a bar on Bateman St called the Phoenix. It was a nice bar for locals, with no problems. One night, a few SSU football players, came in, and busted up a member of the Delmarva Van Club, because he won money shooting pool. Two weeks later, on a Thursday night, about 85 vans from 4 states showed up with 5 or 6 guys in each. I guess back then it was called a Militia . After that there were no more problems.
this is a much bigger threat than the muggings, rapes, and thefts that occur around the college. As a student I feel much safer knowing the police won't hesitate to pepper spray students and shut down multiple roads rather than focus on the real threats to the community.
Joe... Seriously I have heard way too many brats on here telling the officers to focus their attention elsewhere. Apparently they are too dense to understand that when a cop is called by a propery owner to have a person (whether its one or 1500) removed from the property it is their job, thus taking them away from the "real" crime.
Any way we can get this through their thick skulls?
If people are throwing bottles then you single them out and arrest them. They pepper sprayed a largely peaceful crowd over the actions of a few. NOT okay. If I was a victim of the spraying I'd be suing.
Lets all meet at the zoo this weekend and spray them again...LOL
Looks like OWS.
Sorry, 9:21, but if you chose to be in a party crowd and some members go violent hurling anything at the police, the police are FULLY within their rights to use the level of force necessary to protect themselves AND the REST of the crowd from getting hurt.
Pepper spray is the lowest form of force for police to use on a crowd, other than a riot control horse, which the police here had but don't any more.
You have NO grounds on which to sue, no matter what ambulance chaser attorney tells you that you do.
The police were called, they did their jobs, and from what I hear, nobody sustained an injury.
Count your blessings and go home practicing to be a grown up because you have a long way to go.
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