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Thursday, April 05, 2012

O'Malley Still Pushing for Transportation Funding

ANNAPOLIS, Md. As Maryland's legislative session nears its end, Gov. Martin O'Malley continues to push for ways to raise much-needed revenue for transportation infrastructure projects.

Most delegates think O'Malley's unpopular gas tax legislation, which would add a 6 percent sales tax on gasoline to fund the state's Transportation Trust Fund, is dead.

On Wednesday, O'Malley again suggested that adding a penny to the general state sales tax could be a more viable solution.

"I always thought the most unpopular thing was when you combine the word gas with the word tax," O'Malley told reporters outside a building renaming ceremony in Annapolis.

He also said adding a penny to Maryland's sales tax would be much less unpopular, although it would raise a comparable amount of revenue.



Daddio said...

Need more spending money, Gov? Let's start with YOUR salary! Cut it 50% for starters. Next, let's do the same with all the legislators and bureaucrats in Annapolis and Baltimore.

I could find millions in wasted spending if I was let loose to look in on the dealings of the state ....

Anonymous said...

Hello Delaware!! Go ahead and raise the sales tax, it will just give me more reason to buy Delaware. It will also drive people to Virginia and Pennsylvania to make any major appliance or clothing purchases. Last time it did not generate the expected revenue do they really think it will now? We all know that if it is raised the money will just end up it the General fund for 'pet' projects!!

Anonymous said...

Simple fact. Take a look at the growth on the Delaware side of Delmar. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where spending is taking place. Don't forget that Maryland has used up 36 million bucks for snow removal this year. A year we have had no snow.

Anonymous said...

He is really mr. wonderful isn't he?