Stephanie Moses (director of HR) and Stacey Messick as of December 28th, 2011. They are both are on administrative leave with pay apparently pending an investigation regarding their treatment of a union discussion.
Is someone a threat to Dr. Fredericksen? Isn't his contract up middle of this year?
Let her rip!
Karma is right! Thanks for confirming the comments under the budget post. I applied for a job there a few years ago and thought that Ms. Moses was anything but helpful or professional. Maybe I'll go apply for her job now!
I second that = Re: the above!! She is not a very nice person!!!!
Maybe she's keeping the path straight and there are those who do not agree?
S Moses runs the HR with an iron fist. Any decisions made has to go through her first because if she doesn't like you - you don't get any advancements - ever. In other words: its her world and we just dare be in it! Please get rid of her while theres a chance!! She has a very nasty attitude amd hits on all the young guys - thats a whole other subject.... Mark Thompson would be an excellent replacement btw!
The only path she would keep straight would be for her own benefit. She has bragged about the people she has in her "pack pocket". But she does know how to use men.
My understanding is that John Fredericksen is the one who makes hiring,firing and advancement decisions. Ms Moses follows through on his decisions. I have found her to be very professional and helpful to those that follow procedure and laws.
8:52 What in the heck is a "pack pocket" ?
I would be thrilled to see Stephanie Moses & Stacey Messick go and Cathy Townsend is the only one with the courage to do it! 8:39~Mark Thompson as her replacement? Given his history with the ladies at SMS, that will never happen.
Moses & Messick are both nasty. The HR people are all lazy and you are a total infringement on their day. I say, get rid of all of them and get some HR person outside the education world who knows about HR and how to treat people right. And, no one in that department should be related to anyone (I mean anyone else) in the WBOE. Time to fix this group once and for all and move on. Fire both of them and it will help us all.
I meant "back pocket"
How did Moses get the top job? Well, ... . How did Messick get re-hired in Wicomico County with a no re-hire policy? In other words, neither even belonged to be in HR and both should have been gone a long time ago. If they can't keep a confidence, they need to go. That is a cardinal sin for a Personnel Officer. Goodbye Moses & Messick. Glad to see you go!
There are some good people in HR; however, there is one other who broke the cardinal rule of not having an affair with another employee. A married one at that.
Why isn't Messick still with Dorchester County? Bet it is related to what it is going on right now too. Might want to check this out.
As much as people don't like Freericksen, you can see they really don't like the personnel people either. They must really be bad. I thought people were supposed to trust them.
Stephanie Moses is a good, honest, hard working emloyee. She has never been less than helpful with questions or problems that I've had. Perhaps she doesn't like the way the Superintendent is handling things. Maybe we should learn more about the allegations before we jump to conclusions and leave her personal business and personal attacks out of this.
9:27 i agree
9:27 LOL! G'nite Ms.Moses! Sleep tight!
Department heads carry out the will of the elected and appointed officials they serve. Ms. Moses has done just that with honor and integrity for 15 years. Frankly, such an individual deserves the community's support, not petty anonymous comments that disparage her good name.
Let's keep the focus where it belongs: a superintendent that acts as Dr. Fredericksen, particularly given allegations that he's in bed with the union, must be required to give an account of his actions to the community.
9:34 Well said. If the superintendent caves to the union and does not support his upper administration then he needs to go.
Time will tell. From what I hear, the board has until March to renew his contract. I say don't let the door hit you in the back end. Freddy is losing the support of his staff not just the community.
Rumor in the community is that if you are a women, don't cross Dr. Fredericksen. He does not respect women in high ranking positions and is just looking for reasons to get rid of them. If I were a women at the board, I would be worried.
You folk are priceless. I'm sure these two would not have been placed on leave unless there was evidence of something improper. To make this about Fredericksen and the union without any facts is no better than some of the other nastiness posted above. Let's hear the facts.
same goes for Moses. If your a man and try to get ahead she gets a thrill of seeing them fail. I've seen it with my own eyes. Woman power! She needs to earn respect to get respected & that she has not. She tries to get women in all the prime positions. She is not fair at all...
9:41 Except Ms. Wright!
Dr. Frederickson needs to go he is destroying our children education. Most of his staff dont have confidence or like him. In fact most people feel that he is a arrogant. The board of education who is suppose to be looking out for our children needs to look into this situation, but hey dont have the guts. Thats why we need a elected board. Stephanie Moses has always been a very professional person.
Anonymous said...
Department heads carry out the will of the elected and appointed officials they serve. Ms. Moses has done just that with honor and integrity for 15 years. Frankly, such an individual deserves the community's support, not petty anonymous comments that disparage her good name.
Let's keep the focus where it belongs: a superintendent that acts as Dr. Fredericksen, particularly given allegations that he's in bed with the union, must be required to give an account of his actions to the community.
January 3, 2012 9:34 PM
I think a big part of the issue was the discussion that Fredericksen may have been in bed with someone else.
Rumor has it that Bill Middleton is now the interim director of HR.
Moses didn't earn the job and has done a terrible job and not treated anyone with respect. Nearly every teacher does nothing but complain about her and most of the people in the front offices to the right. This is no secret. Most will be glad to see her, Messick and a few others go. Fredricksen too. Hope Dr Frericksen fires them first though! They really deserve it too. Wasn't Moses promoted by Dr. K???? Didn't Moses break the rules by bringing back Messick yet hasn't hired a bunch of very good teachers back? She makes up her own rules and acts like she can't be touched. Later Ms. Moses! And, Messick, you can hold her hand on the way out.
9:59, and Moses said something about that???
If Bill is there, that means Moses probably won't be back. GREAT!!
Allegations that Dr. Frederickson has tampered with personnel to bypass proper protocols merits an immediate response. This reeks of backroom promises, like those perpetrated against the former Ocean City Manager. He stood in the way of political promises made by elected officials, and though he kept the town afloat during some of the most difficult budget years in American history, he was removed. The officials who took such actions will be swept out of office in the next elections by citizens who don’t appreciate backroom deals.
If Frederickson has done nothing wrong, let him give a proper account to the people.
Did she and Messick break a confidence? There are more leaks out of this department than swiss cheese. They all talk too much. Not the right place for any of them to work. Clean house.
1015, are you kidding me? The HR department has done this over two decades. Before and since Moses. Moses just didn't care because she thought she had a trump card to protect herself. Now, it's all coming down. I say, about time!
You are wise! I heard from a high ranking official that this is what occurred. An investigation should ensue to verify the validity of this statement. Say what you want about Ms Moses, she knows the protocols. If she was just following them then she was fired without cause.
It is ironic that someone said someone is in bed with anyone on this blog. LOL! That is so funny. I wonder what will be said before it is all over.
9:54, you can't be taken very seriously when you abuse the English language as you do!
It's interesting to read the various comments about Ms. Moses. Some say that she is the ultimate professional, very good in what she does, while others think just the opposite. I'm wondering if those who do not have a very flattering comment to make are those who were not doing their job as they should have been and were thus upbraided by Ms. Moses. That's usually the case.
I smell lawsuit in the works! Get rid of 2 females and replace them with 2 males, even if temporary. Sounds like Freddy is about to get b!tch slapped! Good luck ladies.
11:21 you sound like such an idiot! It has nothing to do with male or female but rather competence and incompetence AND I AM A WOMAN who would work for a competent boss over an incompetent one ANY DAY - male or female, young or old, black or white, or whatever other criteria you are trying to make this!!! Bottom line is there are definite changes that need to be made in SEVERAL departments at the WCBOE Central Office - HR, Payroll, Maintenance, Transporation, etc.
Civil Action No. WMN-10-3582."??? Stephanie Moses got the WCBOE sued (they lost) because of her incompetence. More wasted money!
9:41, If you were anyone working at the BOE I worry. "Woman" is the singular, "Women" is the plur... oh, why bother! Can you spell "ignorance"?
While I understand the two in question are high ranking, never before has the BOE gone public with what is, for right now, a personnel issue. Doesn't anyone find this the least bit odd? There have been several people placed on "paid administrative leave" during my tenure with the board and no meetings have ever been held about them. Why start now? If the investigation shows there has been no impropriety, they are doomed now anyway. Perhaps this is the plan; "if we can't get them one way, we'll get them another". Don't get me wrong, I believe that there should be transparancy at the BOE, after all, the taxpayers are who pay my salary. BUT, I think in all fairness, an investigation should have been done BEFORE this went public. The only thing this method has accomplished is to open them up to comments such as these. Maybe someone else is trying to hide something and this is nothing but a smoke screen.
This is not good.
The voters of Wicomico,do not have trust of our BOE.Teachers who failed in the class room, and principals who also failed have been promoted to the central office with greater pay. Arrest and trouble in schools are not reported,public would not understand.Every thing is about the kids. BS, it,s about MONEY! Bottom line, BOE is about money. The teachers are the ones who are in the line of fire, and get the worse of it.The teachers union have failed the kids and public. It is all about money and savings their job!!!
Well said, 6:49. As a personnel issue, this should have remained within the BOE rather than been made public. You're right: The two are doomed no matter what. They will forever have this stigma attached, even if they are found to have done no wrong.
If you're an employee told to do something or say something or sign something you know to be wrong, you can refuse and hope your boss is not a vindictive liar or you can give in and do as you've told. Does giving in make you the culprit? If so, will all those who have given in on various issues be replaced? Will the mastermind be fired along with them? Talk about cleaning house.
Fortunately, these individuals are not being tried by the court of public (anonymous) opinion. Shame on those who hang the innocent out to dry but don't have the courage to pen their names along with their comments, and shame on whoever breached personnel privacy issues by informing the media.
"Whoever is without sin, let him cast the first stone." - John 8:7
In court, defendants have the right to face their accusers and jurors, and the outcome isn't predetermined.
If they are found to have done no wrong, I see civil litigation for pain and suffering, slander, etc. on top of fines for the school system for EEOC violations, labor law violations and so on. This could get very expensive very fast.
Maybe, just maybe, Moses and Messick have been doing their job! And maybe Dr. F. is not! Husband and wife teams working for the BOE, in administrative positions, placing "unsuccessful principals/vice at Central, giving promotions based on favor as oppossed to qualifications, sweeping wrong under the carpet and sleeping with the union , impact our children. We, as good humancitizens, need to know the facts. Moses an Messick will give the facts. Dr. F........????
The problem now, as I see it, is who is in charge of this "investigation". Someone trustworthy? Or someone who lives by the old, "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine."
Remember the issue of not posting certain jobs because he called them transfers instead of promotions so the Board would not get to approve them? Do you think the Board is catching on yet?
I hope it's the State Board of Education. Maybe while they're here, they can investigate other issues related to the current administration if need be.
Apparently those of you sticking up for Stephanie Moses have never been on the receiving end of her nastiness. Let me tell you it wasn't because I wasn't doing my job. And you can better believe that Fredericksen approves and encourages her to do what she does.It's the administration in this county Board of Ed that keeps the County Council from giving them money. They need to get Fredericksen out of there before the Board looses all of it's credibility. REMEMBER FRERICKSEN IT IS ALL ABOUT OUR CHILDREN! Not what you want it to be.
I worked for the WCBOE for a lot of years and during that time I met a lot of fine hard working dedicated people. I have nothing but nice things to say about Stephanie and Stacy. There were many times when I did not always agree with the decisions they made but I know they worked very hard to give the employee every fair opportunity. From what I have read so far the same opportunity has not been afforded to either Stephanie or Stacy. I feel for both of them as the damage caused will be hard to repair.
Sadly, most investigations are in house. Therefore, skewed.
If the one in charge gets to pick who investigates his administration, look for blame to stop fall short of the true manipulator. The public has caught on. Maybe the Board will. Sadly, if you can discredit those who would make allegations against you, you might just get away with lots of misdeeds.
Rumor has it that Dr. Freddy is watching reruns of "Divorce Court"
Whatcha say, Romeo?
"Apparently those of you sticking up for Stephanie Moses have never been on the receiving end of her nastiness."
I don't know what this is about, and frankly, unless you are very close to the situation, neither do you. Therefore, anything anyone has said here is currently a moot point. Because we don't know what the exact issue is, does that make it ok to personally attack those involved? If, after an investigation, it is revealed that those two have acted improperly, THEN comment about that.
Wow--it surely appears that Ms. Moses is/was a very polarizing figure in the Frederickson BOE administration!
Sadly, the entire BOE needs to be investigated. There are so many improper practices at the BOE and in the schools that it is sickening. It really is time to clean house from the top all the way to the bottom. The state of the Wicomico County Board of Education is shameful. I hope for the best outcome for those who really do their jobs, and while I hate to see anyone out of work, it's time to get rid of those that misuse their position in any way. Unfortunately, there are far too many that need to go. Let's really make this about education and start to do things right! Get an independent investigative team in there and let's get everything fixed!
At this point why is this newsworthy or even a point to defame someones charachter. At this point it is a personel matter. Nothing more. When the facts are released then lets all comment.
Who is the pious, arrogant, cocky Dr. Fredericksen sleeping with? It always comes back to you when you attempt to destroy others. Be sure your sins will find you out.
Did Dr. F. make the decision ALONE to place Messick and Moses on leave? Did he chose interim placements ALONE?
5 words for you...
Back it up or shut it up!
Well, for a society that's just celebrated a season of fellowship and goodwill towards all men, we sure didn't waste any time hanging these two individuals out to dry did we? Based on nothing but rumor, innuendo and in many cases, ignorant speculation at that. I hope if I'm ever in front of a jury in this county, it's made up of individuals showing more impartiality before and after hearing the facts!!!
My experience with those who are dissatisfied with H.R professionals are either people that were caught doing something they weren't supposed to be doing or not doing that for which they're being paid.
Just as important is the fact that any time something like this happens..with or without merit, everyone in the BOE is painted with the same brush. The Board has more than 3000 employees, 99% of which are honest and sincere hard working people, not only directors and administrators but everyone in all aspects of the organization that are there to do a common further the development and education of our children, no matter how small or large their participation in that endeavor
There are two sides to EVERY story and I feel sure that at this point, we're only being told what certain people believe we NEED to hear.
Shame on those who found it necessary to comment on Ms. Moses' personal life....once again...without merit and nothing more than a lurid opinion Did no one stop to consider her teenage children that might read those comments or have them cruelly repeated by someone that had?? If all this proves to be unfounded and no wrong doing discovered, what lasting damage might be caused by such thoughtless comments.
Are there things in the BOE that are broken, things that need to be changed?? Positively! If it turns out there was impropriety and rules were broken then action should be taken, nothing should be swept under the carpet... BUT let's make sure that everyone was playing by the same rules.....everyone!
Tried following this from the top but still don't understand "what supposedly happened"? Can someone fill me in?
Joe riddle me this..I have so many questions maybe some of your witty readers can relate!
How much does the 3000 BOE employees SKIM off the top? (Before one of these kids they constantly throw under the bus to make a point) see any benefit?
Is this the topic of the Union discussion “issue” going on here teacher recert?
Why are so many teachers not fulfilling the requirement?
Why do we have a BOE that sucks up to 30-50% of the funding?
Why do we have a BOE to suck up most of the funding, before the troops (teachers) in the trenches, see such high salaries as the BOE administrators?
Why are the schools producing educated idiots?
How many administrators/$ does it take to educate my child?
Is it Unions?
Entrenched bureaucracy?
The State rice bowls?
Fed rice bowl? Or
All of the above?
I for one am sick and tired of seeing my hard earned tax dollars supporting the likes of the BOE and this education mess
anon 8:21
There are so many "investigations" gone wrong lately it would be hard to keep up.
At this point, most of the investigations would only be considered hear say because the BOE has buried them so deep, and no one talks about them accept for the parents of students involved. The BOE has turned a blind eye to a number of incidents that would make your stomach turn. Yes, I have first hand knowledge of something amiss, but I am not done with my part as a parent.
They use the phrase "it's being handled by HR" to make it a personnel issue, so there for buried and kept guarded.
Since this was a personnel issue that was made public, I feel they should make all of them public. Why not? These people (teachers, administrators, etc) are with our children 8 hours everyday, we should know exactly what is going on.
Still, I have no idea what these two ladies did to warrant this? Does anyone know? There is a lot of speculation but nothing concrete..
Investigations involving personnel issues are investigated internally. Dr. Fredericksen then determines the outcome.One person should not have so much control.
There are many things the BOE chooses to "cover up". In this county, many supervisors support employees not doing their rather than protect the students. As a parent of children n the system , I am not happy. But from first hand experience, if you report to a department head, they protect their own, even at the expense of a child.I dont think there is enough time in a year to investigate our BOE. I say, bring in a team from the FEDERAL department of education.
8:40 supervisors always protect their own. I have 4 kids in schools and 1 in special ed. To your face they want to help and after the meeting they talk about us. glad there are teachers and assistants that care about our kids or we would never know what was going on. Maryland state department we need your help in this county
Karma is a -----, This woman put my family through hell and we are still feeling the effect, we are facing many financial difficulties. We won the battle but the repercussions had a ripple effect on our financial stability. So Ms.Moses I truly hope you rot where its nice and hot.
My first dealing with Ms. Moses was to obtain financial help, which the board did in an emergency situation. It was a guaranteed pay back. You just had to explanation why you needed it. Ms MOSES embarrassed. And belittled me. You would have thought it was coming out of her personal account. She is not a people person. She has the entire HR department following her lead to be cold and bothered if you need assistance. They are called UNhuman reasorces. She has gotten away with being a bully to teachers and other employees. Saying and doing things others would lose their job over. They were scared to report or act on some of her tactics. Not professional.
As an employee of the BOE, I am concerned as to how this junk will impact students as well as staff. When you work for an organizatio n with administrators, supervisors and department heads who continually manipulate others into doing what they want them to do,we cant be surprised by the actions taken this week. We have weak leadership yet fear of termination inhibits employees from speaking. I am on board with a fellow responder, bring on the feds.
8:21 ... what's wrong, did I hit a nerve? There's no need to post any PROOF on this blog, as it will serve no one. The proof needs to be presented to the investigators, and I am hopeful it will be.
I must say that if it is in fact true "The Good Lord is watching over those that get in her path to become Queen of the Nile"! The two have been two peas in a pod for as long as I can remember. Moses is a NASTY, NO GOOD PERSON who will receive hr just receipts when she meets her maker. As for Messick...she can fabricate lies that would spin your head. I do believe that the Americans with Disabilities Act are hot on their trail as well. Oh...and why did Somerset County totally refuse to hire Moses??? Reputation I imagine. Just because something happens in one school district, doesn't mean others won't hear about it. Sooooo. How does it feel Stephanie and Stacey??? Just desserts I would say.
Thank you for the heads up on the following suit. I will be looking into it for my own purposes Miss Queen of the Nile...or should be say bar and bedroom. LARRY FRANCIS WILLIAMSv.WICOMICO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION et al.
Civil Action No. WMN-10-3582.
I believe that many people have lost their positions unfairly without the benefit of being able to prove their side because of the Moses/Messick gang (More like the Soprano's". In previous discussions there have been many complaints and much fewer supportive gestures. That should say something about the way the Board of Education has been run and who is actually running it. Certainly not Dr. Fredericksen. He'll sign anything you put in front of him as long as it keeps his secrets hidden. There are a lot of employees that keep to themselves just to get thru the day at Central Offices, believe me, and yet those are the ones that get pushed out. Mainly because they won't choose sides.
Weak leadership in almost every department. Dr. Fredricksen will be the demise of this county if we dont get him out. Ron Wiley, for the sake of the children you say you care about, step up and see the truth for what it is. The climate for a good work environment is horrific. Supervisors threatening jobs if you stand up for whats right. I know firsthand, I see it every day. Our school system sucks.
I have to agree with you and am VERY thankful that my child has graduated! Unfortunately the comment above that states employees are in fear of their jobs if they speak up is true. Termination is eminent for those that try to defend themselves against their supervisors and HR. Mr. Ford is no better. I believe (my opinion) that he is also in fear of speaking up not for himselves but for employees. Meetings get you nowhere with Moses' temper. She will overspeak you every chance she gets. If this ever happens to you and you wind up in a meeting with her, bring backup (attorney or someone that takes shorthand). No tape recorders are allowed though it is not written in ANY of the Board policies! If going to the Superintendant does not work, contact the State Superintendant of Schools for further investigation. No MOSES, I don't think with your reputation you don't stand a chance with him either, so just pray hard for yourself if you at all have any belief in the final judgement day.
I am a parent with four children. I know Messick and she is nothing but kind and caring. I do not know Moses. What I do know is that the system has major issues with people in charge. I have had several years of experience with the infants and toddlers program. The teachers and therapists are nothing but amazing. The director of that program needs to be on leave until she learns how to put the best interest of children first and talk to parent with respect. Change has to start with administration. CB
What is happening in this county? I am one of those employees, fearful to report wrongdoings and fearful to stand up for whats right but fearful of losing my job. We all may need to rally togethe, hire a lawyer (not the union) and change our county. Hats off to you Moses and Messick and to others who are fighting this war.
My supervisor has told me several times that I would lose my job if ........I went to her supervisor and nothing was done. They talk a good talk, most of them are fake and children are not the priority in most departments. Kim Miles, the best the boe has, yet you never hear anything about her. Can she be interim superintendent? I can make that decision.Can't I?
I smell class action lawsuit.
Sounds like the entire BOE needs to be investigated, every employee. And if an outside source investigates, we can be free to share the truth, without fear of losing our jobs.
January 7@4:32 I think you have a good point aboit Dr. freddy signing anything as long as his secrets are kept. Maybe that is where the root of all this evil lies.
I believe those that want in on this "class action suit idea" that we need to get together somehow, some way. I'm serious!
The only way to meet and be sure our jobs are secure is with legal representation. For those of us fearful of losing our job, why not start with letters to the BOE for their next meeting? They can be signed or not signed, depending on how secure you are in your job. After the events of the past two, no job is secure. We can make a difference, but it will take all of us.
From experience, sending letters to central office doesn't do a thing. If you mean the BOE as in Ron Willey, might make a difference. At any rate, that is a start.
9:03 when and where? I am confident there are many who would support a class action suit. How do we, as employees begin this process without losing our jobs? The union? Employment commission? EEOC?
There are very few people , at the central office, that are trust worthy. Children are not a priority in our county. It is more important to go on "business trips", conventions, trainings, business luncheons and professional development. Let us not forget to look at the money spent for laptaps, iPads and company cell phones. Then to hear talk of four day school weeks and closing schools. Stop spending money on things employees don't need. Do we really need laptops and iPads? Do we need to spend thousands of dollars on food? Talking about the need for investigation. Administrators areusing money that needs to be spent in the classrooms. I believe the wrong people are being investigated.
I am no longer employed with the Board for the exact thing we are speaking about. You are right about writing letters. They fall on deaf ears so to speak or are sent thru the expensive shedders all departments seem to have to have. I would be more than happy to write a letter to the State Superindendant of schools. That is what my attorney has stated should be. Just need everyones input. Not junk, but justifiable facts.
I have spoken to someone at the state department of education. I was told they have no protection for employees just services provided for students. However, letters to the new state superintedent can't hurt. For those of us still employed, e have to report anonymous. Jobs are hard to find. There has to be protection for us. I think that answer is private lawyer.
Has this story made the local news? The Daily Times? The focus needs to be on the mis-treatment of employees which then interfere with the services provided to students. Someone has to take the lead.
RUMORED: stephanie moses sent e-mail to many people stating she had been officially terminated
anyone else know if this is true?
If that rumor is true, then we all should be aware we could be next. This is unbelievable.
Rumor has it it was for embezzlement is why they were gone.
Trying to destroy the credibility of people who have evidence of your own wrongdoing is a tactic that usually backfires. Time will tell.
There are a lot of shady actions from the BOE currently happening, yet the union who staff pay out of pocket to join are just allowing all of the employees to be subjected to mistreatment. I think they should be enjoined in a lawsuit against the WCBOE. Since these employees are being terminated, they have nothing to lose by starting a class action lawsuit and everything to gain!
Which is why I never joined the union. If the embezlement story is true it is not the only employee "rumor has it" that has been in that position. Someone in finance has appeared to have that problem when a large sum was missing and suddenly turned back up. Something to do with buying for financing a home. Anyway, I'm sure most people from the BOE are reading this so I would suggest a start by writing to the State Superintendant of Schools, that was a good idea whomever said it above. I would be more than happy to sign mine and let them know why there will be a number of letters arriving annonymously. I have nothing left to lose. Don't let Central Office send you to a local psychological office as the office themselves let it known that that is pretty much the last step before you are terminated. Something about them being a "hinchman" for the BOE. My attorney did suggest that the State Super is the next step so if that doesn't work, we can bring in the big guns. NO ONE should be subjected to the abuse and mind games that the BOE plays. Mr. Ford will be the first to say "we are here for the children". How can we provide for the children if we cannot keep a straight thought or report any fraud/waste/abuse that takes place with the taxpayers HARD EARNED dollars.
Teachers haven't gotten a pay raise in years...and they keep raising services and insurance. And pension. Teachers make less today in this county than they did a few years ago. And this happens. I think the law suit to sue the county and union should involve the teachers. They have take the economic hit from this while the boe swims in it. And the union does absolutely nothing.
Teachers make less now? You didn't get furlough days like everybody else.....and.....get a raise the first year eveyone else got furloughed. You all want the best of both worlds, you claim your raises are separate from county employees because your funding comes from the state, but then blame the county for not getting a raise. Be thankful you have a job and quit crying. That union has gotten you all "take care of" over the years. Who ever heard of a government worker having a contract. Ridiculous.
I used to work at WCBOE as a teacher. I left because of how awful the pay and benefits were. I was a teacher of the year nominee one year, and I did a lot for the school and community. I left and went to another school district and make more, and get more respect. The Wicomico county community don't respect the teachers, it is an awful place to be a teacher and I am so glad I left, especially now that this is all happening. And when I read comments like "9:21 AM" I thank God I'm gone and it reinforces exactly what I thought! This county will be left with the bottom of the barrel when it comes to teachers and education, because any hard working highly educated teacher will leave for greener pastures, and the community has no one to blame but themselves. I make more, have more and have more respect and support now, And I don't have students that have parents that are incompetent when it comes to raising their children. I feel for the teachers of WCBOE. It isn't any easy job to work in those schools.
I left WCBOE and went to teach in a near by district 2 years ago. The school I work in now has very supportive parents, no gangs, low poverty, and excellent pay. I love it. I washed my hands of Wicomico county and could never look back!! When I talk to old friends that are still their I laugh and tell them to let those kids end up like their parents and move on to a community that actually values education and educators. Wicomico county is stuck in the past, and that is where I left them!
Sorry, you are wrong, but I know explaining that to you wouldn't change your mind so I won't waste me time.
I moved to this area a few years ago. I am originally from VA. I would like to tell a little about myself. I went to school when I was younger to be a teacher. I graduated with loans to pay after getting my master's degree in education. I worked as a teacher for about 4 yrs. After only 4 yrs of teaching I left the profession. I got a job in sales and advertising and work at that until I retired. I did not leave teaching because of the terrible pay or all that, I left because it was too hard! Way to hard. I listen to people around here knock teachers and put them down. When I ask if they ever taught they say "NO". I then say if they think it is as easy and cushy a job why didn't they invest in the time and effort to become a teacher and "live the easy life" that they seem to think that teachers have. All I have to say is that anyone who never taught, they don't have any idea what they are talking about. I do because I did, and unfortunately, I couldn't do it. It was way to hard, way to time consuming and way to stressful. I just couldn't keep up, and do it. I admitted that and went on to a job that payed more and surprisingly, had more respect attached to it. Teaching isn't just hard, it is nearly impossible to accomplish what is asked of you on a daily basis. Those that stay should be thanked, not insulted. They should be applauded not boooo'd. Making 30 or 40K a year with a master's degree, going in a 7am, and leaving with a bag full of work to do at home at around 7pm, and making hardly enough to buy a home, or put a child to college is bad enough, do we really need to degrade these people too. I know that the culture of this area is to do this and it won't change, I just ask for you to think about how hard it is to teach. I promise you, it is I know because I taught, and I moved on to something easier. I hope this fall on some of the ears in this community that do value teachers and believe that they deserve more respect and appreciation. You can commment and tell me I'm wrong, that is fine. But the simple truth is, I'm not!
well said!!
re: 2:07
The Wicomico county community don't respect the teachers, it is an awful place to be a teacher and I am so glad I left, especially now that this is all happening.
Wow, with THAT grammar, perhaps it's this county's students that are better off with you not teaching here. just sayin'
Lol...I doubt she thought u were grading her
Is this article about the teachers of WCBOE or Stephanie Moses?
apparently the Board thought it was about Stephanie Moses and Ms Messick since they voted to terminate the employment of both. This is clearly not just about Dr. Frederickson and the two of them. As someone posted much earlier- when there is smoke, there is almost always fire.
9:28, They voted to terminate? Fantastic news!! Now, do we know exactly WHY?
I think when it comes to personnel matters, we'll never know the whole story- which is the way it should be- I just have to believe that just cause was involved. This was not a decision by one person.
I would never knock those of you that are or were teachers. My daughter graduated and turned out wonderful due to the teachers in Wicomico County. However, it is all of the "behind closed doors" actions of the administration that are to blame. Truth is never told to those lower than the absolute butt kissers or those that are in a power play position. God Bless the teachers that are willing to stick it out for the lousy pay and many extra hours they put in after a full day of teaching! HATS OFF TO ALL OF YOU!!!
Signed: Previous Employee
So Joe...have you heard anything else regarding the subject of S. Moses or S. Messick?
Yes, I know the entire story. Just waiting for the right time to publish it. Put on your seat belts Folks, it's going to be a wild ride.
When all the cards are finally on display this will be no more than the persecution of two women who stood up against the unwritten rules and regulations of the “good ole boy” politics. Corporate America has spent millions in closing the door on such injustice and I say, “You go girls”!
As a matter of fact, enabling or condoning such obtuse behavior would certainly bring into question the accuracy of one’s moral compass regardless of their gender.
8:46.... Well stated. It is happening all across the "board". You stand up for right and you lose your job. There are others in this county who have been treated unfairly. The day will come when we all will be able to speak freely.
Please tell us the rest of the story.
This topic needs to be atop of the news feed every day. Letters ca be sent to Bernard Sadusky at the State Department of Education and to EACH member of the BOE. If you fear job loss or retaliation of another sort, snail mail an anonymous copy. One person has the power to terminate. If we want our educational system to change, it must start at the top. Contract for the superintendent will be renewed in March. To my knowledge, a search for a new super has not been launched, which can only mean one thing.....Joe, can you confirm a search has or has not begun?
Let 'er rip Joe. I feel a lot of the people that have been commenting on this matter deserve the truth. I for one was terminated without the "back-up" of Stephanie Moses. She actually was shouting at me and banging her hand on the table for which Mr. Ford did nothing nor did my manager. I feel there are a lot of hidden spiders among the BOE and we need an exterminater quickly. The children do not need to be in jeopardy because of a serioully ill run BOE.
Thank you all for the support - both teachers and staff (existing and unfairly terminated)
Come on already Joe, if you know the whole story then come on out with it....
anonymous 1:19, Shut Up. The day you PAY me to deliver the news is the day I'll do what you demand.
Until then, I have my reasons for being patient andtoday I do not have to answer to you or anyone else.
Now got back to your Blog with the Readers Digest keyboard because your fingers are so fat.
I do apologize if we have offended anyone, especially you, Joe. Most of us have been done so much wrong, that we want to see it righted (if that is a word???). Anyway, we (I anyway) truly appreciate the fact that you are out there to keep us posted on the happenings around the county.
Thank you very much and once again, I apologize.
anonymous 9:13, thank you for the kind words.
Let me just say this to all of you. This situation is VERY complicated. From what I understand, these two women have been wronged, (if that's a word, lol) and the BOE truly doesn't care if they spend your tax payer money to fight them in court, which I can assure you this case is heading.
Unfortunately I have seen this kind of thing happen far too often and financially these two women will lose, even though they shouldn't.
Like them or not, the whole thing is bogus. There are people who should be thrown out of the BOE at the very top as a select few know what's really going on.
There are times in which you work for someone and the boss tells you to do something you KNOW is wrong or illegal. Let me just say this Folks, DON'T DO IT and allow me to quickly explain why. One day that wrong or possibly illegal move WILL come back and haunt you.
Because certain people did what was right/legal, they are being punished. Out of respect for these two ladies I am holding back what I know and when the timing is right you will get the real side of what happened, not a political side, like you get from the Daily Times and most of their staff's spouces who work for the BOE.
One thig is for sure, the BOE has NO control over Salisbury News and that's why they have Salisbury News blocked from their computers. And some wonder why I can't stand the leadership there. These people want money from taxpayers and claim they're all about education. WHAT'S THE FIRST AMENDMENT DR. FREDERICKSEN AND WHY DO YOU BLOCK IT???
Their day will come and in the court of public opinion, (just like Bennett Middle School) they will fall. The public finally had a resource, (Salisbury News) in which they not only got an outside opinion, we delivered FACTS that blew their BS new school right out of the sky. I don't care what anyone says, IF Salisbury News were not here, ALL of that would have gone right through.
The same will go with this case. In time we will expose the truth once again and certain people will be held acountable, just like the Zoo and the ltimate dismissal/removal of most of that staff over time.
So relax, give it some time and we will deliver the facts. When I'm told it's time to let it fly I will do so. Until then you'll just have to wait. Thanks.
Thank you for answering so quickly and claifying some things. It is possible that she was forced to do what was done to me. They needed my salary and probably others. Can you tell me if I have a legal standing to formally request a copy of my personnel record. I know as an employee I had the right to review if with an appointment.
Thank you again for allowing us room to vent our feelings and other things that have been bottled up inside us without having all the facts.
You absolutely have that right, it's your record. This is America.
I will say this, no one was forced to do anything in this case. Now, mind you, allow me to explain "forced".
Forced means you did it. Pressured might be a better word but these women did the right thing.
Don't let RUMORS fool you on this one.
Joe, can you please get a Google+ account so I can follow you on there
For future employees, their contract needs to include the following: 1. You must follow and obey your supervisor at any cost. If not, you will placed on "administrative" leave, sent to a counselor and ultimately terminated. 2. If your supervisor asks you to do something, do it no matter what. If not, you will be placed on "administrative" leave, sent for counseling and ultimately terminated. 3. If you approach your administrator's supervisor and report wrongdoing, you will be placed on administrative leave, sent to a counselor and ultimately terminated. 4. The best interest of children and employees will be considered as long as you abide by 1,2 and 3.
Thank you for explaining that in such a matter of fact manner. It IS true. However; how does an employee PROVE that they were told to do something so they don't take the fall. I know whomever wrote "January 19, 9:31 am" must have been in the position to have to follow those rules, and I really have compassion for you. You were stuck in the middle OR you were let go through all of the above steps. Keep smiling and don't give up on your dreams! Maybe this just wasn't the place for you or me. There is something bigger out there. Maybe not pay wise, but mentally, (you may not believe it now), you will be better off taking a position that you are actually happy with. It makes a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! Good luck and keep smiling. Our faces don't need wrinkles because of what someone else has done or has had done to you. Put it behind you and move on. :-)
I'm wondering where this might come into play - MD is an "at will" state. If you don't have a contract, you work at the will of your employer. I think many of the directors/supervisors work at the will of the man in charge. Many jobs are like that. I'm sad for how these people's lives have been turned upside down- regardless of who did what and who was right or how it was perceived- people's lives have been hurt terribly.
I agree. I'm still on unemployment. When MD Unemployment checked with the BOE they had "no comment" which actually means that I had done nothing wrong enough to be unemployed. The goo thing is my unemployment had no waiting period, but on the other hand I have begun to feel worthless and questioning my abilities to perform for what I have trained continually for the last 15+ years and am living on less than half my salary. I, for one, will never be the same. I feel as though revenge would make me feel better, but I know it wouldn't. The BOE wouldn't even give me an in person "trial". They decided to do it based on any evidence they had which in turn means they only used what they wanted to be seen by others.
There is something about losing a job that does leave you feeling worthless and questioning abilities. I feel so sorry for those who have lost their job or are in the wings waiting for the verdict of employment status, at the hands of one whose best interest are his, and his only. The attitude of "I am looking out for me", "I will do what is best for me", and "I will only care about looking good" is the attitude of many of our administrators. Can we expect children to be placed as the top priority when those at the top do not care? I would challenge the BOE (Mr. Willey and team) to begin going into the schools and talking to teachers and support staff. Take time to talk to parents. It would make PERFECT sense to obtain outside interviewers to do an internal investigation regarding treatment of children, working conditions, treatment of staff and financial audits, and make changes. But that will NEVER happen. If it means terminating administrators instead of "promoting" them, terminate them. Don't move them from position to position just because they are tenured. It would be interesting to take a poll of how many administrators are in leadership position because they were not successful ANYWHERE. I know of three. And thats without thinking too much. Two are at central and one is a program coordinator. Our community is begging for change! How can we make it happen?
I'm not sure but count me in. When I saw an attorney, they suggested I contact the BOE, if that doesn't work, go the the State Superintendant. But, unfortunately, the attorneys also told me that it wouldn't probably get me anywhere. If I wanted to hire that attorney firm, it would cost, up front, each hour of work they did. Being unemployed, how does one do that? They also told me that that is what usually happens. The terminated employee cannot afford to pursue the issue. They hit it right on the nose. There MUST be somehow to get the upper management investigated without the terminated employees having to lay out thousands of dollars. I'm thinking of maybe the Governors's office or Congressman....
Oh, and thank you Joe. I am writing a letter and sending it return receipt certified to obtain a copy of my personnel record...maybe I should make an appointment to view it first so as not to set them off. However; they are probably keeping tabs on this site as well. Maybe if all of us do the same, they will be so bombarded with letters and requests, they wouldn't have time to pull anything out of them or enter anything into them. However, before I left, I DID print out many emails that could really light a fire under not only my manager, but HR as well.
6:31 you are so right about the cost of hiring a lawyer. Being unemployed, one cannot afford to do so. Class action lawsuit is what needs to take place. There are places you can contact that will help you file grievances. The EEOC, Civil Liberties Union, The Employee Commission and the Ethics Board are places to start. I have contacted all four places and have started the grievance process. I will be filing suit in the near future as I have found a lawyer who is intrigued by my case and has accepted it pro bono. The BOE, administrators and program directors are going to be held accountable for the choices they have made. Letters need to sent ASAP to many people. I hope there are many people that have already sent theirs or are in the process of sending them. Locally, letters need to go to Ron Willey and all members of the BOE as well as Bernie Sadusky at the state department. The Daily Times/DelmarvaNow need to allow freedom of speech and print some of the articles they have received regarding this MESS.I don't believe that will happen. They do their best to protect the BOE. Sad. Best wishes to each of you whose lives have been turned upside down at the hands of evil doers.
I was unable to get any of my emails printed. Once I was placed on leave, my email was immedistely locked. There is so much evidence of wrong doing in emails from the superintedent to the director to my immediate supervisor. I would encourage anyone that has information stored that could be used to help you, in the event you are fired, please get it on a flash. No ones job is safe. Be careful and watch your back.
Is your attorney wanting to do a class action or just a sole case? I would be very interested in learning what he/she has to say. Is it a local attorney? I'd like to find a way to start a new google acct and get it to you all so we can swap what happened to us, but don't want the enemy to get their hands on it. hmmmm Let me think on it. I have seen an associate at Cockey and Brennan already and she is the one that told me about the cost for moving ahead for which I didn't have and oh by the way still don't. :-) I will however write the letters and make sure they go to the above peeps home addresses.
Thank you for keeping the faith. It gives us all a little push to move along with this as well.
The lawyer I am working with is interested in class action. When I am at liberty to share information, I will do it in a public forum. To those who have been treated unfairly, hang in there! Justice will prevail. There are people from other government agencies investigating those who are investigating "us". The tables WILL be turned. It may take a while but it will happen!
Class action lawsuits can be beneficial if a group of employees file similar complaints against the same employer. In the case of the WCBOE, there are several that have been wrongfully terminated, placed on leave without just cause and others waiting to be wrongfully terminated. While "at will" employment gives employers right to terminate just as employees have the same right to quit at will.However, there are protections set in place through the legal system. The following are a few examples of wrongful termination claims:
1. I believe I was terminated by my manager under discrimanitory circumstances and because of personal reasons. 2. I was wrongfully terminated from my employment. 3. I was terminated for a minor violation following a formal complaint to corporate against the department supervisor. 4. I was wrongfully terminated from my job place due to walking out of a hostile work environment. 5. Terminated without just cause and employers cover it with lies.
6. An employee who was mad at me made up a lie about me and I was fired. 7. I was terminated because
I was terminated due to health related problems. DOES this sound like what happened to you? How many of you have experienced a wrongful termination at the hands of the BOE? How many have been treated unfairly by the BOE?
If the attorney decides to go forward with a class action lawsuit, which it seems there are enough "wrongfully terminated" employees who have been subjected to retaliation or just blatantly fired with either no proof of accusation or a false account of events.............please let me know!! I have consulted with 3 attorneys who all say I have a lawsuit, but all want money upfront. If a lawyer really believes this type of case, they should be willing to take it on pro bono because they will be fully paid for it in the end.
A word about Cockey & Brennan....many of us have gone to that law firm for representation. So they obviously see the whole picture and know as a fact that the WCBOE is in the wrong. So why do they not take the case without making us pay up front? Are they afraid of the WCBOE? Maybe scared of some retaliation? So they just sit there comfortably and watch us get **** on.
I am working with a lawyer who recognizes a class action lawsuit could be in order. I am in limbo at this moment with the BOE. Once free to to initiate the suit, I will go public. I am in the process of setting up a group as well as email address. I will not stop until wrong is made right.
As a former employee who was subjected to 'pressure' tactics, I can speak first hand of how employees of the BOE are poorly treated. Up to now, I have remained silent on the advice of my attorney(and why I choose to remain anonymous) and will continue to do so until such a time as it will benefit me. With that said Mr. Alberto, thank you for providing a forum for others to step forward, in a fashion, to at least make their voices heard. Like many large employers, there will almost always be the disgruntled who feel they have been wronged. In these types of cases, they gripe with false claims to be heard because they are angry. This is certainly readily recognizable through some of these posts, but more importantly, there are several other posts that sound as if they have merit. To this end, I would like to personally thank you and your team as this forum has allowed for significant questions to be raised in regards to the practices the BOE utilizes to force out employees. To do what is right is certainly not popular under the current leadership, and I know all to well the pain of persecution faced in the court of public opinion by the uniformed. It is my hope that as this case comes to light, that other similar cases will do so as well. Again, thank you for providing this forum, and the work that you do in service to our community.
Whomever you are...all of us appreciate anything you can do to right the wrongs done. I do see in the Sunday Daily Times there is an opening for Director of Human Resources for Wicomico County Public Schoos. I'm sorry Stephanie, but now you know how we feel, even though you may have been following orders while you were imprisoned with the BOE. I figure now that they got rid of those of us that were evidently in the way of their "master plan for thier good", you were the last in the line because you knew what was going on. Looking back, you were under a lot of stress (now we know where it came from). Not saying what you did was right covering your own butt to keep your job, those of us that went before you stood up for what we thought was right are are now gone. Keep us posted.
"short stuff"
ps. Where is Stacey Messick during all of this? I haven't seen her position listed as "open" yet in the Classified Ads.
So, I wonder who will interview the potential HR director. Wonder if "they" will promote from within the department? Vincent? Stanley? Tubbs? Or maybe a principal or vice thats not doing their job will get the promotion. That seems to be best practice".
Good darn question....Where is she????? In hiding....Already gotten with an attorney without considering that the rest of us are all in this together? We are not out to do anything except get what we deserve, not what others decide is best for them and screw the rest. Sorry for the bluntness.
"Short Stuff"
Shows who has integrity in this county and deserves a job in the education field...those of us who stood up for what's right even if it meant our job. Not the ones who screwed all the good people just to keep their $105,000 job!!! Could have done the right thing and exposed all the corruption...could have saved a lot of people with good character all this unjust treatment...But some people do not have character, and that is just the way it is!
I am FED up with the stuff taking place in this county! FED UP! Ron Willey and team, MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION! DO NOT RENEW HIS CONTRACT!
Big picture....
If one is exposed, they are scared they all will go down with him/her.
So, they all crowd around each other like a pack of animals trying to protect each other's dirty laundry. If any of them stray from the pack, they risk being eaten alive by the others...
Great analogy!
We MUST attend the board meetings. We MUST send letters to EVERY MEMBER of the board .Our county will continue to fall apart under the current leadership and board. Why can the seven team board not see what is happening?
Here is a heads up for those of you in fear of your position. If you wind up being sent to see a "counselor", beware. I was told by a "counselor" that that normally means that you are on your way out the door and that he/she was tired of being a hinchman for the BOE. It is pretty much the last step before the boot out the door.
Umm. Rude. They're both wonderful people doing their jobs well.
I no longer live in Salisbury and haven't kept up with WCBOE issues and only recently found this article regarding the suspension and subsequent termination of Stephanie Moses and Stacey Messick. I am ex-teacher with firsthand knowledge of the type of behaviors described. I spoke to Mr. Cockey regarding my illegal termination (including forgery) and was told I had a valid case but the costs involved in pursuing the matter would exceed any possible returns. I am interested in the current status of the matters regarding WCBOE regarding inappropriate or unlawful actions against current and former employees. I ask anyone with knowledge of current discussions or actions to post a link or provide information on how I can follow up on these issues. Thank you!
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