Phusion Projects, the marketers of malt beverage Four Loko, have agreed to change their cans to settle claims of deceptive advertising with the Federal Trade Commission. Phusion Projects, the FTC alleged, said one can was the alcoholic equivalent of one (maybe two) beers. The FTC says it clocks in at more like four (or five).
In the FTC's eyes, that means drinking one can of Four Loko, a "supersized, high-alcohol, fruit-flavored, carbonated malt beverage," in a single sitting is the equivalent of binge drinking—defined as men drinking five (women four) alcoholic beverages in the space of about two hours.
They have always known it had that 4 drinks worth of alcohol in the drink....hence the name FOUR loko. loko is code speak for alcohol with the youngins.
It can't have too much alcohol content or it would only be sold in county liquor stores locally....over a certain percentage alcohol the Mom and Pop stores cannot sell it under their license.
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