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Saturday, August 06, 2011

Today's Survey Question

What should we be more concerned about, Debt or unemployment?


Anonymous said...

The debt! Jobs will come back if business has a sense of stability but first we need a president with a clear vision.

Anonymous said...

Creating jobs will create more tax revenue to help reduce the debt without raising taxes. Job creations should have been the #1 priority over healthcare that doesn't start until 2014.

We need job creation, like yesterday.

Anonymous said...

government can't create jobs. Reduce the size of government and it's subsequent over regulation and business will come back on it's own. Thje government should focus on reducing borrowing and debt and the increased revenue created by job growth in the private sector will augment the decrease in spending and debt creating a much better economic picture. Once this picture becomes more clear and convincing to the American public, consumer confidence will increase. Then the snowball starts rolling in the other direction. Small government and large private sector is the key. One need only look across the Atlantic to see whats coming next if we stay the current course.

Anonymous said...

The government doesn't create jobs all they can do is provide some stability and get out of the way but they don't.

Anonymous said...

The two are connected.
More jobs = less debt.
Less debt = more capitol for investment

Anonymous said...

dittos to 9:22. the job creators aren't going to invest their capital until bo makes it possible by getting rid of the regulations and taxes that make it impossible to create new business and begin hiring. many businesses have "parked" their money out of this country because they will be penalized 35% plus if they bring it back and begin or expand business. would you like to pay the government 35% plus of your monies just to bring it back into this country? not hardly....

bo needs to go / 2012 in our sites.

Anonymous said...

Both are critical problems, but I think the debt is more important. We don't seem to be on track to reduce it and good jobs will not materialize in an uncertain economy. We need a president who is pro business and all we have is one who is pro Obama.

Anonymous said...

The debt. The government addiction to freewheel spending has, in turn, generated laws (like Obamacare) and regulations and an attitude of omnipotence that tries to control business that should be left to the free market. Reign in government, break the spending addiction and omnipotent need to control and the debt will go down. At the same time, because businesses will feel free to act and react to market conditions, the economy will start to turn around and employment will soar.

Anonymous said...

The debt. Nothing will change until we get BO and the tax and spend democrats out in 2012,

Anonymous said...

The debt problem CAN be resolved. In America, one should ask, who can afford to go shopping without pitching pennies? Who can afford the gas prices without pitching pennies? Who can afford to buy grocies without pitching pennis. Who can afford to pay their mortgage and other bills that they may have, take 5 weeks vacations in one year, fly 1st class or private airplanes, spend more time with their families, other love ones and friends? The Rich, big busineeses and corporations. In order for America to pay off their debt; the have to increase taxes on those who make more than $250,000.00 dollars. These people need to pay their share of taxes. This is what the Former President Clinton did. This government also need to eliminate tax loopholes and subsidies for the rich. Also, create tax penalties for those companies who ship their businesses/corporation oversea for cheaper labor.
If these people can realize it's cheaper to keep their businesses and corporations in America, then they will be force to hire people right here in America. The more money the middle class and poor makes, the more we will spend right here at home. The more we spend, the more people will be hired. The people are hired, we can reduce the rate of unemployment. Simple.
Thr Rich have rode the backs of the middle class, poor and the unemployed for SOOOOOOO many years, they have absolutely lost respect for the average working American. The rather pay servients for their cheap labor then help a family of four struggling everyday to feed their family. It's time for Americans to say, I have had enough of this crap and tell grover norquist, the house of representative, the house of senate and the President: Stand up for all citizens of the United States of America. Otherwise America, send their azz packing in 2012.
They ain't suffering during this crisis.

Anonymous said...

We should be concern about the unemployment.
Americans who work for big businesses/corporations such as general electric, auto company, banks,insurance, Wal-Mart, gas company stc; pays taxxes. Why don't these big businesses / corporations pay their share of taxes. Get rid of their tax loopholes and subsidies. This will reduce the debt and create more jobs. American greed is killing this country. Not the middle class, the poor and the unemployed. We don't have the money to waste.

Anonymous said...

The debt. Unless it is brought under control jobs won't matter because we won't have a country anymore.
BTW, pitching pennies is to gamble with them. Pinching pennies is to be thrifty with you money. Obama obviously prefers the former.

Anonymous said...

How come we never see unemployed Politians?

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 10:07, Wayne Gilcrest and Frank Kratovil.

Anonymous said...

5:43 "The greedy rich" are the corporations who are run by a board of directors who answer to stock holders who in turn invest the 401K investments of the working man. So when you hysterically and blindly shrill "Tax the rich" you are in reality calling for the taxing of the middle class and working poor. You wish to create an unfriendly environment to business which force jobs overseas for cheap labor so they can stay profitable instead of closing their doors causing more job loss.

Anonymous said...

I think its too late, we are bankruupt and wont admit it. Start a revolution and lets start over. S.D.