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Monday, June 06, 2011

Wake Up Call

To the American People,
Last week Mitt Romney announced his Presidential Candidacy and vowed to make the American economy his number one priority. As our 45th President, I will re-empower the American people and the private sector with the freedom's that they need to restore our economy and the American dream while my number one priority will be to protect and to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Period.
Thomas J. Miller
Registered Candidate R., President of the United States of America 2012 
Federal Election Commission ID: P20001947
Principal Campaign Committee:
Reduce Government Miller for President ID: C00462010


Anonymous said...

Mitt Romney does not have the track record of a viable Republican candidate. Maybe back in the day when moderate Republicans were not an endangered species. Still, he has flip flopped TOO many times.

He was pro choice:
Romney in 2002: "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose"

He says he supports the second amendment. . .but:
"would have signed the assault weapon ban"

He says he is in favor of gays being able to serve "openly and honestly". . .but He now says it would be a mistake to interfere with the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

. . .and flip flopped on immigration. . .and campaign finance. . .and on. . .and on

This guy can't take a stand on anything.

This lack of compelling candidates is just the tip of the iceberg for Republicans. . .

the tea party has grown. . .they have more influence. . .this causes (R) candidates to take an extreme right wing stance to be considered. . .this places them RIGHT outside of what is acceptable to the majority of Americans. This is what happened with Medicare. They actually thought people would support them. . .they don't understand that most people are not backing them. . .that they are a small minority of fringe right wingers. Just a red crayon away from the sovereign citizens. What a laughing stock the Republican party has become. They eat themselves alive like rats while the liberals sit back and laugh. Just look at Palin VS Romney for example. . .Ryan vs Gingrich. . .


dan said...

*freedoms. No apostrophe needed.

ConservativeAtheist said...

uh... what? This blog post is so very vague... is this a condemnation of Romney and an endorsement of Miller?

Anonymous said...

Mitt Romney or anyone else but NObama in 2012. Talk about flip flop! NObama has been worse than a flip flop, he's been a total liar! He hasn't kept one campaign promise yet. He doesn't know what he's doing with the economy either and we can no longer afford an "OJT" president.

Anonymous said...

Anotehr candidate that has forgotten that the President can't do much of anything without the vote of Congress.
He should have said "I will work with Congress to empower....."
I'm so sick of all the elected officials with big heads!
Start voting for people who want to do the JOB and doesn't want the job just for the money and pension, which is what we now have as a majority in Congress today.
Forget party lines and vote with your concience AFTER you've done your research!

Anonymous said...

Where has mitt been for the last 4 years. Since he lost his last bid, he just disappeared. He's had no opinion on anything! Wish he would stay gone.

Anonymous said...

5:31 Have you heard of "No harm, no foul" in basketball? I'd rather have someone who hasn't crushed our economy, lied about nearly everything, been a total failure, brought in a healthcare plan that is terrible for everyone unless you want a freebie, the list goes on and on and on! Obsama has hurt our country like no other president ever, in the history of our country! At least Romney hasn't hurt our country and has ideas that can help it. Much more in-line with American ideals rather than the socialist ideals of Obsama, Reid and Pelosi. Obsama has fouled out of the game and needs to be replaced ASAP. Idiots voted in Obsama last time just like we re-elected the waste of breath in our county executive office. Both are very similar. Both are filled with hot air, tax/spend ideologies, and redistribution of wealth mentalities that hurt the American way of life. We need a change in both, quick!