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Monday, June 06, 2011

LIVE BLOG EVENT - FY2012 Salisbury City Council Budget Hearing, Debate, and Vote


Anonymous said...

this is not working for me.

Ray Wisniewski said...

Or me.

Anonymous said...

or me.

Anonymous said...

Debbie Campbell -

We were able to abait most of the employee furloughs, especially furloughs for police. Hoping to pay cash for an ambulance.

We made a lot of headway.


How can you say you made a lot of headway when you are allowing your new fire chief to waste money and use up this years fiscal budget. You people need to get a grip and take control of your department heads. This mayor and council needs to hang their heads in shame.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand the "facebook share" icon ever time I am trying to read.

Anonymous said...

Finally back home after running the wife's errands so I can throw in my two cents!!!

Shanie Shields, WTH? What she did was dishonest if you ask me. All she did was complain the entire meeting.

What was up with those folks going on and on about that position? I thought no positions got cut?

Urban Salisbury, wah, wah, wah. Why don't all those plane fliers and hoity toities just cut a check to their own group? It sounded like they wanted all their funding - all of it - from the city. And that one woman who went on and on said she left downtown, so where does she get off speaking?

Who was the threatening little weasley guy whining about the lights? He reminded me of an ankle biting dog.

What's the bottom line here? They did all that work so the temper tantrum throwing mayor can veto it? He really has become Barrie Tilghman and worse.