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Friday, May 06, 2011

Pollsters: Debate Makes Herman Cain Overnight 'Star'

Atlanta talk-show host and businessman  Herman Cain stole the show in the GOP debate in Greenville, S.C., Thursday, and may have vaulted himself into the front tier of Republican candidates according to several pundits and observers.

“If you want the real headline today it would say, ‘A star is born,’” Matt Towery, the conservative syndicated columnist and CEO of the nonpartisan InsiderAdvantage polling firm, told Newsmax Friday.

Cain, he said, could be the come-from-behind candidate this season, like others have done in the past,  including former President Jimmy Carter, a relative unknown who won his party’s nomination anyway.

Towery’s evaluation seemed to mirror that of Fox News contributor and pollster Frank Luntz, who said a focus group’s reaction to Cain’s articulation of conservative principles was “unprecedented.”

Only one of the 29-member focus group initially was a Cain supporter. By evening’s end, however, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, who also served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, had won an overwhelming majority among those on Luntz’s focus group.

“I have never had this kind of reaction until tonight,” said Luntz. “Something very special happened this evening.”

Read more on Newsmax


Anonymous said...

go herman cain. this man has common sense; street smarts; business sense and knows how to be a great problem solver. he isn't too proud to call in people he needs on his team. he would make a great president.

oh no; i forget myself. i'm a white, female conservative. i'm supposed to be a racist. what happened? can anyone explain?

no, you can't because i've never been a racist. i don't care if you're purple. character is everything.

Anonymous said...

@8:50 - It would have been just fine to have your comment end after the first paragraph, but instead, you chose to go out on a tangent that clouded your post. Don't kid yourself into thinking that everyone thinks the way that you do because there are quite a few people who are defined by your second paragraph.
So, as you have shown, this 'race card' thing can go both ways.

Anonymous said...

you are certainly correct - the race card can go both ways but you NEVER hear it expressed by the right like you do the left

this comment was tongue in cheek as to show how STUPID the left is. many of us on the right are sick and tired of being called racist because we don't agree with the lefts liberal agenda; policies and ideas.

again, character is EVERYTHING.....