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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Obama Administration Eyeing Gun Control 'Under The Radar,' Groups Warn

The Obama administration, after keeping gun control on the back burner for over two years, is prompting concern among gun rights groups that it's slowly starting to squeeze the trigger on tighter regulation. 

In the wake of the January shooting of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others, President Obama remained mostly quiet on the firearms front as lawmakers clamored for new restrictions. But the president has since made a public call for tougher background checks. The Justice Department launched a series of meetings with officials and advocates to examine gun control policy. And while gun-control bills in Congress have languished, the administration has started to chip around the edges with its own proposals. 

"They're doing a pretty good job ... as Obama has said, 'under the radar.' There's a lot going on under that radar," Gun Owners of America Director Larry Pratt said, referring to a remark Obama reportedly made in a private meeting with gun control advocates. "They've shown us how much they are prepared to do through regulation." 



Anonymous said...

Be ready to have to turn in your Guns when the Obama Police knock on your door.
In Obama's world; King Obama is above the law and Constitution.

Anonymous said...

I love my AK. And my 30 round mags.

Anonymous said...

Come and get'm boys. I got something waiting for ya!

Anonymous said...

Just wait until after Obama wins his second term. That's when the fun is really going to begin.

Anonymous said...

Toughs guys are full of shit.

Anonymous said...

The only people that will be hurt by stricter background checks are criminals, the insane, and perhaps habitual drunkards/drug addicts. All of these people should not have guns. I am a gun owner and I shoot all the time. Innocent people should not be getting killed with guns that were bought LEGALLY by the criminally insane. This has happened at Virginia Tech and in Arizona. So, I am in favor of stricter background checks and I have been shooting since I was 10. I see the benefit. I would support even getting 3 character references prior to purchasing a firearm (like DE has before you can concealed carry). We have to do something about guns getting into the wrong hands THROUGH LEGAL CHANNELS and, as much as I dislike more regulation, I feel that the future of gun ownership will depend on gun rights activists and gun control advocates' ability to comprimise. I know that people can still get guns illegally and, like prohibition on alcohol, we may never win that battle. We should however work to make sure that the wrong people don't get guns THROUGH LEGAL CHANNELS. So we might have to wait a little longer before we get our gun. . .if that saves the lives of women and children like in AZ I am all for that. I also think that we should be less focused on the types/features of weapons that citizens are able to own and would support the ability of private citizens to purchase automatic weapons in the same manner that they are able to purchase semi auto as long as they have passed a STRICT background check. I also support a shall issue Maryland Concealed Carry permit because I feel that everyone of sound mind who is not a criminal has a right to defend themselves.

Anonymous said...

10:04 people said stuff like that before the first term and nothing radical has ever happened. Take your guns and go hide in a shelter somewhere.

Anonymous said...

relax people guns are not going anywhere
nobody is worried americans are going to shoot their way outta debt and apathy
the means of control being exacted is far more sophisticated than ballistics and futile threats of bodily harm and the romantic patriot notions of baring arms
its a non issue
guns thin the ranks of ghetto thugs on their own and thin the ranks of the weak via suicide
guns are a good thing
and permits and registration creates an important data base of the fearful and paranoid and suspect domestic terrorists
when they come for you it won't be with guns
your far more valuable to the industry of incarceration than dead
and most are to fat or too medicated to really be effective marksman anyway
gun fetishism is just a modern joke
id stick to shooting Coyotes

Anonymous said...

He won't persue gun control Joe , he would lose most of his minority votes. How could these guys make a living?

Anonymous said...

The day they come for my guns is the day I become a criminal. I will defend my rights to the death!

Anonymous said...

defend what rights?
the ones you don't exorcise until you feel personally threatened
by then it is way too late and a gun is not going to make a difference
I think people have seen Heston in Omega man and think Zombies are coming after them
Enron and Bernie Madeoff were not armed and ya still got rammed royally
the end game is not going to be some shoot out
it is just silly faulty logic of people brought up on westerns and living in a paranoid fantasy to think that guns make any difference
the 9/11 terrorists were unarmed and the government and no civilian could have stopped them and your stupid if a home invasion is worth killing someone over.......what are they gonna take a wide screen TV or DVD player.......that is cheap shit I'd be more worried about the robber barons that have taken your pensions and sold you sub prime mortgages