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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Both Sides Prepare Medicare Attacks

Accusations are flying in the political world over who would do what to cut Medicare spending, as a new analysis shows even President Obama's plan would cut benefits for seniors.

But Democrats are fixated on Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan's budget, which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he plans to bring to a vote in the Senate.

"The primary conversation this week will be about the Republican plan to kill Medicare," Reid said Monday on the Senate floor.

Most Republicans see it very differently than him, noting Medicare is tens of trillions of dollars short of paying for promised benefits and is headed for bankruptcy.

They argue Ryan, the House Budget Committee Chairman, is only trying to save the program, not kill it.

"[R]egardless of which approach you take, Medicare is going to change, or it won't be there for anyone," Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.



Anonymous said...

This is really a simple solution.
The only thing wrong with the medicare problem is fraud. Stop the fraud and medicare will be fine. Oh , how can we do that , well, the government employees have to go to work and do their jobs.
Now I know we will have to form several committees and study this for another 10 years , but what the heck , we elect idiots and this is what you get.

Anonymous said...

The Dumbocrats won't be happy until the Chinese communists take over this country on a loan default.

Anonymous said...

Medicare & Social Security for that matter would be fine if our government would stop dipping into the till for whatever other projects they want. Stop paying benefits to dead people & junkies (who will soon join the ranks of dead people).
Funny, my verification word is: grabings. Ironic.