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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Obamas Gas Price Speech

Mr. Obama,
You recently gave a speech explaining the cause of high gas prices within the United States. Please allow me to provide the truth to the American people. On 11/30/2010, the Congressional Research Service documented that the United States has more than 400 years of documented available energy resources today. This amount is 3 times greater than all of Saudi Arabia and more than double the resources of China. Our energy prices are high because the Federal government is restricting and controlling access to our own natural energy resources and technologies.
It is time to elect a President who will allow the private sector to bring the best energy products to the people and to our free market (without government interference, subsidies or quotas). By supporting the people and our economy to be free once again, we will not only be energy independent within a generation, we will be a global energy supplier. 
Thomas J. Miller
Registered Candidate R., President of the United States of America 2012 
Federal Election Commission ID: P20001947
Principal Campaign Committee:
Reduce Government w Miller for President ID: C00462010


dan said...

Not trying to be picky, but he should be addressed as "Mr. President." That is how protocol for the office works.

Anonymous said...

Maybe people would address him as that, if he actually acted like a president. Since he bows down to dog dirt or anything else that crosses his path... Screw you Mr. Obama...

Anonymous said...

Amen 3:58 Traitor in Chief would be a better term for him.