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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On The Budget, Obama's A Real (Mis)Leader

With his speech Wednesday, President Obama will try to claim leadership in the fight against the debt tsunami. But he's already had his chance to lead -- many of them, in fact -- and he blew it.

According to White House aide David Plouffe, Obama's speech will 'lay out his approach ... in terms of the scale of debt reduction he thinks the country needs so we can grow economically and win the future.'

That's a bit odd, since just two months ago Obama claimed that his 2012 budget plan 'lays out a path for how we can pay down these debts and free the American economy from their burden.' Is he now admitting what everyone else quickly figured out -- that his last budget was a complete sham?

It isn't just that the president hasn't been leading the fight for fiscal responsibility. It's that he's been consistently misleading the country about what he's doing. For more than two years, he has constantly talked about cutting spending and deficits while doing nothing to achieve those goals.

The topper came this February, when Obama produced a budget that he claimed (and the media mindlessly repeated) significantly cut federal spending. It didn't. In fact, Obama proposed spending $252 billion more in 2012 than the feds spent in 2010 -- at the height of the stimulus spending spree.

That budget also did nothing to address entitlements and made no attempt to balance the federal books. Instead, it proposed adding $6.7 trillion in red ink over the next decade, pushing the national debt to more than 75% of gross domestic product, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Obama might think that, with a nice new speech, he can wipe this sorry slate clean and redraw himself as a responsible and reasonable fiscal hawk. Republicans, and the public at large, would all do well not to take him at his word.



Anonymous said...

Gosh, I hear this all the time about OBAMA and his lies.
You do not understand do you? George Sorros and Chinese dictator makes the rules, and Obama just does what he is told darnet!!!

Anonymous said...

Most people who have a little smarts can see that obamie is an idiot and a liar.
I will say it again , I believe it is a culture thing. He doesn't know any better, that is the truth. He is dumb a a brick.

Anonymous said...

A great president once said "It's not that liberals are not smart. It's just that most of what they know is wrong". I don't believe that Ohama is not intelligent I believe he is corrupt and dishonest. Just like his buddy Soros.He is lining his pockets on the U.S in the downturn of our country. When you know what's in the deck to be delt you have a huge advantage.

Anonymous said...

Obama does not represent the United Statesof America.
He represents the following : the Arab nations and muslims , the african americans , the illegals (mexicans).
$5 a gallon will be here shortly how do you like your president now? By the way, he's not my president, I now consider him an enemy of the U.S..

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to feel the same way 3:09

Better start learning my Mandarin and Cantonese, China owns this country now.

Anonymous said...

7:15 and 3:09, yet it has been many of your conservative buddies shipping jobs TO China! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hay 8:32. You got it backwards. The left has driven up the cost of labor in the United States through regulation and wage laws to the point that it is now cheaper to produce many products over seas.

Axiom: Capital seeks cheap labor.

The only reason why the United States is still near the top in the production products in certain categories is because no amount of cheap labor can replace highly skilled labor.