
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Letter To The Editor


Yesterday Rick Pollitt and his "council of economic advisers" dispelled any doubt that Wicomico County voters were really snookered in last year’s election.

Now Rick is all for ("sold on") a study by a consultant – probably for a cost upwards of 6 figures or more – to tell him how to cut the budget by trimming the fat. Recall how he responded when his opponent, Joe Ollinger, proposed a similar "in-house" effort and even offered specifics such as a county police force and eliminating the "public information officer" that accompanies Pollitt almost every time he appears in public. Rick repeatedly ridiculed Mr. Ollinger’s suggestion that change was in order.

And just last week at his public input meeting at the Civic Cebter, when a speaker whined about possible closing of parks, Pollitt promptly told her not to worry because that was off the table.

No study by some hot-shot consultant is needed to match County expense to the lower revenue it will receive during the next few years. We know from having furloughed employees and, thanks to Mr. Pollitt and the last Council majority, giving them birthdays as a paid holiday, that the County’s work force is oversized and that some positions (including the "PIO") can and should be cut. And like many other employers are doing, pay levels can be reduced.

And that’s just for starters – let the public and the Council examine and "revise" a detailed budget proposal by making line item cuts and the rest will follow. We don’t need a study to tell us that we should raise taxes because we can’t cut costs, which may be the real reason why Rick is "sold on" getting a study.

Don’t forget that we got a similar study by some consultant about 10 years ago. And don’t forget last year’s budget, when Pollitt could have asked for a tax increase but did not do so, and what was different last year.


Anonymous said...

I suggest that our new county councilmen look over the budget. They are both businessmen and know how to stretch a dollar.
Bob show them how it is done.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Tricky Ricky has a problem seeing the elephant in the boxcar. As a retired county employee I can easily see seven (7) positions removed from Parks and Rec. without changing services. (not including removing "Mr. Wonderful" as the department head) Of course, IF the county department "heads" were given the "power" to speak for their departments without Tricky Ricky's approval they would not need the Public Relations Funerin's "joke" position. The "good old boys have to take care of the good old boys" again at taxpayer expense.

Anonymous said...

We don't a public relations position, all we need is a press release duh

Anonymous said...

Again another good reason to be from Wicomico county!! Ricky is ruining it! Higher taces is just what we need when trying to jump start our local economy! He must be sitting on his brain!!!

Anonymous said...

Here is what really drives me nuts! From Wico Co to the federal government, most of the talk is about cutting payments or services to the 'customers' of those programs. What the politicians at all levels fail to realize is that they could achieve real savings by improving efficiencies by their employees. Duh! I do agree, cut PIO, Cramer, Shea, Pollitt and Mackes.

Anonymous said...

And, what about the tax differential for city residents who are paying twice as proved by the joint study conducted last year.

Anonymous said...

And what about the council de-funding those unnecessary positions that the County's Grand Imperial Potentate refuses to eliminate?
The PIO, Ted Shea, etc etc

Anonymous said...

Just as a note and thought of the "waste" within the county government. I occasionally frequent the city/county building and in so step into the Wicomico County Planning & Zoning Department. In doing so the other day, as I was waiting to talk to the person I had requested, I noticed that one of the receptionist was at her computer... as usual... PLAYING VIDEO GAMES! REALLY?? WHAT A FRIGGIN WASTE OF MY TAX DOLLARS to pay a county employee to sit at her cushy desk to play games as she works towards drawing her pension! HEY RICK… how about checking into the waste right in front of your nose!!! EVEN better… Mr. Lenox WHY DON’T YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?????? IF she has time to that on county time, you dont need her in there!!

Anonymous said...

1:29pm I can think of a lot of things city resident taxes don't even come close to covering for which the county provides. Just a few: Court System, Health Department, Detention Center,Recs & Parks and the big elephant in the room SCHOOLS. So, as a county resident I say NO to a Tax Differential. Hey, it's your choice to live in the city and pay both county & city taxes. It's my choice not to.

Anonymous said...

I suggest the new county Council stay just that. Please I beg you do not follow or get mentored by the three stooges. They know who they are.

Even though I agree at least five of those people need to go that where mentioned as postions noit needed. It would no even svratch the surface of the budget shortfalls. People we need a real fix. That would be like putting a q-tip on femoral bleed. Hollaway that is the big vein in your leg that would allow you to bleed out. I did not want you left out of the coverastion.

I am sorry folks blaming Pollitt for all the budget woes is like Blaming Stevie P. for the botox shortage its just not fair. The blame here can be spread far and wide.

The thefts that occurred under the councils very nose. That had been going on for years and years.

The planning of state funded revenue cuts should have been planned for over the last decade.

The people of this county spoke and that is why there is a county exec. The council needed a babysitter and we knew it. So C.C. stop moaning and groaning and all put on think cap instead of finger pointing.

Oh yea forget the speed cameras they would generate revenue what a bad idea that is. Oh thats right the three stooges did not want them. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I would pay five hundred a year more in taxes to see the council abolished. Along with Craemer, Shea, and Thompson. There are your suspects. They were at the wheel long before Slick Rick showed up. Rick grow some coconuts and take the gloves off man.

One disgusted Wicomican.

Anonymous said...

I am so fed up with having to pay for wasteful spending. Every year my house payment goes up because of taxes. Get rid of the wasteful spending. I can proabably do a tour of offices and show you the wasteful spending. Why does it take three to five people to perform the job of one.

Anonymous said...

To the county coucil I voted for now is the time to take charge of this county and not to burden the taxpapers anymore. Propert Tax is a damn tax.

Anonymous said...

2:30p I'm one disgusted Wicomican--at you. Go back to school and learn to complete sentences and type correctly. Of course you didn't exclude Holloway from your conversation--me believes he is smarter than you. And as for Stevie P., she's not only smart but adorable, too, and I can tell you are neither.

One disgusted Wicomican--at you 2:30pm

Anonymous said...

I am sure that the 4 cent increase is going to kill you all. In actuality, most people taxes won't go up. I know that is hard for some of you to understand, but then again, most of you voted for the tax cap. I have asked this question several times on here and nobody seems to want to answer. What services would you like to eliminate to continue to have the second or third lowest tax rate in the state?

Anonymous said...

3:53 it is not a term paper. So grade this. Did you grow up under the power lines or what ? I guess you are one of the good ole boys. I have been living here for 20+ years and I have never seen anything as corrupt as our local politics. I may not totally agree with the person, but they have a point. Taking pot shots at the actual person is a little harsh. The people were so disgusted with the coucil system they voted in an elected county executive. There had to be a reason. I know I voted because it gave a checks and balance to the local budget. I think the Feds. need to come in here and take a long hard look at the books. Something stinks.

The tax cap is killing us as well. The roads are poor condition. No big business will come here. I guess the council wants to blame the people of the county for that as well.

One does not have to be a Rhodes Scholar to see the council has failed us in planning for the future.

I.P. Daily

Anonymous said...

5:23pm--No, I'm not one of the "good ol boys" and I didn't grow up under a power line.(somehow I've seen that said before so why don't you get a new line to use)

I'm a "from here" and I believe in our government---don't always agree with some of the decisions.

Please give me some examples of corrupt politics you speak of. You seem to be in the know, so please share with us here.

Anonymous said...

My belief is the people would be no better off with Ollynger. He ran a terrible campaign, had little to say and is connected to the worst in my party, the likes of Louweasel, Alessi, etc.

Both parties need some real candidates. Or we need something from neither party.

As a loyal elephant, even I'm sick enough to say Forget IT!

Anonymous said...

The problem with a consultant study is Pollitt won’t like what they have to say leading to a complete waste of revenue. If Mr. Pollitt can’t make decisions we the tax payers need to find someone that can. Pollitt & the county council should be able to work out the cuts among themselves without paying an outside agency to do their job.

Anonymous said...

As peewee herman said, thats for me to know and you to find out. ha,ha

Anonymous said...

Do you people have a few drinks and then decide to comment on here. You are all so funny. lmaorotf

Anonymous said...

unfortunately rick is above his pay grade and doesn't understand how to make a real budget. he doesn't see what's happening in our nation, state and local economies and certainly is always playing "catch up".
a real leader sees the problems that are ahead and changes course to avoid major problems.
thank God our council voted against going forward this year with the BMS project. rick couldn't see this problem of "no money" because of property values dropping hence lower revenue. this is scary. again a real leader could have seen this coming. do you see all the forclosures in our area; all the businesses closing etc.?
there are many cuts that can be made in this budget rick. now get to work and make it happen.

Anonymous said...

8:04 What a childress response. You shouldn't make statements you can't back up with facts. Let's have adult conversations here. I would perfer that and I'm sure most of Joe's viewers would too.
You should comment on the other blogs--they accept those kind of responses.

Anonymous said...

4:04 back again, What services would you like to eliminate to continue to have the second or third lowest tax rate in the state?
..................Thats what I thought, you people would rather complain than contribute anything more than "cut the fat", "stop the waste". Those lines have become so worn out.

Anonymous said...

enough has been spent on studies. forward that money to some worthwhile,truly needy program already in place.

Anonymous said...

Now that would be M.T. and M.C......

Anonymous said...

Some of the reasons we don't have new big business moving here is taxes. The work force pool is terrible, can't pass criminal or drug screenings.

Smart people that want to locate here do research on crime and our school system.

I told someone I know relocating here that was concerned about schools that he may want to think about living in Snow Hill or Berlin and commute to Salisbury. Money saved in city and county taxes would pay for gas.

Anonymous said...

I suggest cutting Joseph Arthur from Public Works. What does he do all day? Review SWM plans? As far as I know, there are NO plans to review because of the economic slow down. He is making like $65,000 to sit around and do nothing. Not to mention they hired him as an engineer and he failed the engineering exam. (Multiple times) Your tax dollars - hard at work.

Anonymous said...

Cut public works. No roads are being paved....what are those people doing all day? Until we have the money to do the work - lay them all off.

Times are tough - hard decisions have to be made - who has the guts to do the right thing?

How about a little leadership from SOMEBODY. Council is a dud and Rick is floundering. Prettyman should have hung it up last election and Holloway (Joe that is) can't get out of his own way. The arrogance of the old guard is laughable. What a freeking mess.

Where have all the real leaders gone?

Anonymous said...

Cut Public works and give the jobs to work release inmates from ECI.

Save money from the Public Work Budget by cutting them out...

Give the Police in the Area more to do daily and you would see cops more often...

Allow unauthorized visiting for the inmate population on work release and give them something to do besides playing ball all day...

Anonymous said...

10:02am Seems like you have a personal beef with Prettyman & Holloway(Joe that is). Ricky was elected to be the leader to prepare the budget. It hasn't even been to the council table yet and you are judging the council already for not showing leadership.The council showed their strength & leadership when they realized there was no money for Bennett Middle School and didn't fund it this year. Did you not pay attention to that?

Anonymous said...

4:04 I'm not sure where you get your information about Wicomico county having the 2nd or 3rd lowest tax rate in the state. Of the 24 counties in Maryland, Wicomico is the 5th highest at a rate of .310. Howard, Montgomery & P.G. counties have the top rate of .0320 followed by Somerset at .0315 then WICOMICO. Worcester is the lowest at .0125.

Anonymous said...

10:02, You must not pay attention. Public works (roads) has been slashed tremendously. There is much more to that department than paving. Besides, the county doesn't pave themselves anyway. They hire a contractor to do it. Do you realize that without peventive maintenance, (paving, chipseal, slurry) that it increases maintenance needed in other ways? You have no idea of what is involved with maintaining roads. It's lots more than paving.

Anonymous said...

3:05, I am referring to the property tax rate, not the income tax rate. Property tax is the main source of revenue for the county. Wicomico is the third lowest in the state. What you would find interesting is the total operating budgets vs. the populations. I think you will find that even in total, Wicomico County has one of the lowest budgets vs. population.