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Monday, April 04, 2011

Are You Looking To Adopt A Kitten/Cat?

Two weeks ago I looked out my front door and saw this beautiful cat eating out of the food bowl. Thinking it would run off, I slowly opened the door and this little girl didn't budge. In fact, she started meowing and walked right up to me. When I reached down to pick her up, my God, she as all bones and no meat.

It was very clear she hadn't eaten in a very long time. We took her inside and put out a bowl of soft cat food  for her and she ate the entire bowl in no time flat. Now let me tell you what she's like. I have never seen a cat that is more loveable than this little critter. She loves to snuggle and she loves attention.

Other than feeding her and giving her attention, we have not brought her to the Vet. I can't tell you if she's ever had shots or been spayed. I can tell you she now has meat on her bones and she'd make a fantastic companion.

If you're interested, contact me at or 410-430-5349.


Anonymous said...

Oh, so kind of you to take her in for food / water & attention.

Sure hope she finds a Wonderful Home. You do so much good in posting the animals who need a home & helping find the lost ones.

Gods Blessing ! EW

Anonymous said...

Joe....I live nearby you, and I too have had a recent influx of obviously house cats who have been abandoned by their owners. Recently a black cat showed up at my door during the after-Christmas storm, and she was nothing but a bag of bones. I must say, she is now a fat cat and won't leave the house. To everyone losing their houses, please and I mean PLEASE drop your cat off at a shelter instead of letting them defend for themselves in the wild.

Alex said...

Thanks for what you did .