
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cowards On The Prowl

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this email to let you be aware that there is a building consensus for people to boycott any business that chooses to advertise on Joe Albero’s SBY News. His blog has been know to post unsubstantiated and false information about people without facts to support his claims. Many times, if people try to comment on his post to clarify his inaccuracies, he will simply not post them. The reason? Because his blog is hateful and vindictive. Most of the people that view his blog no a daily basis, feed on this type of behavior. He is not responsible the have to follow normal truth in reporting laws as are other media outlets.
His blog has truly made life hell for certain people, without cause. It has become “anything for hits” to him.
If you support this type of mentality, then continue to sponsor his site. If you don’t support this behavior, please do not support his site. It is also possible, as I have found, that you may not even be aware that your business is listed as a sponsor on his blog. To find out you can check at
 However, I, along with many others, will not support a business that condones his behavior.


A citizen concerned for the well being of our area

Editors Notes: While I have refrained from Granny's unsubstantiated and unfounded attacks recently, letters like this are going out to our advertisers attempting to stop them from being associated with Salisbury News.

First let me start off by saying this. JT, T M, Granny, JR and JB have been on the war path for years trying to bring us down. Their obsession, (some even going so far as calling me a pedophile) with me is quite mental. Nevertheless, some of these same people have gone after the Salvation Army and Pohanka, organizations who have donated back to this community by the hundreds of thousands of dollars. NONE of these same people are our ringing the bell to help our community. None of these people are donating large amounts of money back to our community. Instead, they will say and do anything to discourage someone like me who spends 16 hours a day, 7 days a week keeping this community informed as well as donating much of my time to pay it forward to our community.

Each and every Salisbury News Advertiser is a paid advertiser. Each and every Advertiser is well aware of our paying back 100% of the funds being brought in to local non profit organizations. Joe Albero is NOT lining his pockets with all this money, not that I haven't earned it or deserve it, I do. I simply choose to "Pay It Forward" because I'm in a position to do so.

For these people to constantly attack Salisbury News or me personally, making false and defamatory statements is against the law. Has anyone ever wondered why a guy like Howard Stern makes $15,000,000.00 a year. While MOST people may not like him, millions of listeners go to his radio show and advertisers pay massive rates to run ads on his show. Why, because EVERYONE goes there. Advertisers don't care if people hate the man. They advertise because he gets hits!

Howard Stern doesn't donate 100% of every penny that comes in back to the community. I do. We have proven results for our advertisers. Each and every one of you following Salisbury News should be very proud of the fine line up of Advertisers we have and let me tell you why. Every time this group of people get ticked off, (which is quite often) they start sending these kind of letters and or call our advertiser and disrupt their professional business/day. You don't see advertisers dropping like dead flies on Salisbury News. These people aren't stupid! They see the good we deliver to this community and they are proud to be a part of it.

While the cowards behind the letters and phone calls always remain anonymous, there's NO credibility, NO proof behind ANYTHING they claim, just like Granny's rant the other day.

So in closing I'd like to thank each and every Advertiser on Salisbury News for not falling for such crap. Together we change many lives for the better. 


Anonymous said...

I can say because of Salisbury News we are now customers of Pani Pit Pizza and my cat will soon be a client at Cathy's pet salon.

Phil said...

As always Joe. Keep up the good work. No right thinking person believes any crap anyone tries to spread.

Anonymous said...

That group can boycott all the business' they want. None of them have any money anyway.

My word verification is "fighting" how funny is that!!

Anonymous said...

There are people out there that can't handle the truth! This post is about the only place left that your voice can be heard. I do not allways agree with everything on this post, however, its my choice to view it or not.

Tim Chaney said...

Like I'm not going to go to the Red Roost, SoBo's, Market street or call Simpson's when I need a tow because someone holds a grudge against with Joe. Don't think so.

Howard Stern said...

Thank you and BabaBooey to you all.

snap said...

OMG, YES! Pani Pit Pizza for lunch..thanks 10:50, i was wondering what i was gona do today :D

Robin Quivers said...

Signs by Tomorrow got my business

Fred Norris said...

Let's fight back and increase the amount of business for the folks who advertise here.

Ronnie Mund said...

Joe, why even publish their nonsense. Don't pay any attention to these haters. lfsh

Anonymous said...

11:48 I agree!

Anonymous said...

You are trash Albero. The clock is ticking...tick..tock..tick..tock

Joseph Albero said...

Ronnie, I published it becasuse I'm not afraid of these people.

Let's look at yesterdays interview with WBOC for a moment. They wanted that segment to be all about anonymous and hateful comments. I turned it right around and threw it right back in their lap by saying, can you prove the comments on WBOC's Website are ALL fact, or on your Twitter page. What you didn't see was their response, NO.

ANYONE making an anonymous comment, telephone call and or letter cannot be taken seriously.

Have I been arrested or charged with any crime/crimes? NO! God Forbid they go in that direction because once they come to see the bank account and ALL that we have done, law enforcement and the states attorneys office will eat crow instantly. Some might call that abuse of power, we'll see in time.

Nevertheless, Matt Maciarelly and Mike Lewis KNOW for a FACT where my heart is. They may not always agree with me but I'll be DAMNED if I'll ever allow them to come after me for no reason.

Anonymous said...

I've used both Signs by Tomorrow for small jobs and Gardiners for the larger jobs and have been pleased with both places.
I do need a clock repaired and refuse to go to JR's. It's a vintage glass New Haven. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Joe just remember the higher road is always the one to take - don't get down in the mud and gunk with the likes of them.

Gary Del'Abate said...

Joe, you're right on. I think this bring even more advertisers to the site.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with you lots of times on issues but I support your right to let the people know what is happening in our community. My only words of advice are stand your ground but honesty is the best method ALWAYS. Please be sure that your information is truthful. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

To 12:07. We had great success with an expert clock repair man who owns Barren Creek Clocks in Mardela 410-749-2505.

Anonymous said...

If these bottom feeders have so much time to spend harassing the advertisers they need to have a JOB!
I'm sure the advertisers are aware that the people that are calling them don't have any money to spend in their business anyway. These business should start pressing charges for harassment. They are free to advertise where EVER and with who they want!
All you bottom feeders go stand in the welfare line. We have work to do.

Anonymous said...

That letter came from Julie Brewington.

Anonymous said...

The rant of that letter must have been what I was smelling outside last night. The smell of manure was certainly in the air. Joe, your blog may be opinionated, bias & one sided at times but you state that right at the top of the page. You also tell us things that MSM won't tell because of politics. Thanks for plugging away, Joe.

Anonymous said...

A boycott? Yes, let's do what the anonymous letter tells us!! I got one the other day that told me to stick a fork in an electrical outlet. Anonymous letters have never steered me wrong.

Anonymous said...

Joe--this too will pass. Your advertisers will profit from your readers. You will continue your blog site. The community will benefit from your input. Law Enforcement will continue to play their games with the State Attorney's Office. Maybe some day the whole truth will evolve.

Underdog Lady said...

Joe, please don't compare yourself to that cretan Howard Stern. He is an abomination to all humanity and women especially. There is a special spot in hell reserved for his kind. You however have a kind heart which you have demonstrated through your charitable endeavors.

Anonymous said...

I was laughing when I was referred to as a cult member because I followed your blog. What a bunch of small minded losers....

Joseph Albero said...

Underdog Lady, perhaps I came off wrong. I was simply trying to say that ADVERTISERS go where the traffic is. Salisbury News is by far the biggest Blog Site on the Eastern Shore and easily in the top 5 in the state of Maryland.

NO ONE else can claim they come anywhere near our numbers, kind of like Howard Stern. I am in no way like that man but you cannot knock his/their success.

Anonymous said...

Joe I don't agree with you 100% of the time, but I do respect what you do and what you have done. Keep up the good fight!

Anonymous said...

This was one of the stupidest things I have ever read.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous! Every time something is going on here on the shore, this is the FIRST place I go to find out what's happening.
For this person writing this letter to say all of the people who follow your blog feed on any kind of behavior is mental! I am another one who does not always agree with you but you DO put the information out there for everyone to make up their own minds!
Obviously, this person who wrote this letter doesn't know how to think for theirself and that's why they're doing what they're doing.
Keep going Joe. The shore NEEDS you!
One more thing THANK YOU for what you do in keeping us INFORMED!!!

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact Bill Gordy tells his people (work and fire station) not to use businesses that advertise on this site. His right L guess. But he is a crook ripping off the community for years. Now I hear his wife is being sued for being a racist. Maybe those businesses don't want his business?

Anonymous said...

This sites posts a lot of opinionated information but it's your choice to read it. Freedom of speech. Someone can open a blog saying just the opposite if they want. Without freedom of speech what do we have? Granny has the right to bash Joe just as he has right to make comments about their family....but I also believe people should be held accountable for what say. if a newspaper writes something incorrect they are held responsible and so should blogs or any other medium for information. I don't think Joe crossed the line nor do I believe granny did. She doesn't have to like what she reads on Joes blog, whether he gives back to the community or not.

Captain Janks said...

Underdog Lady,
What is your problem with Howard, if you don't like him. Don't listen. Joe is right, you cannot knock his success.

Richard Christie said...

Joe, you're spot on. While Howard Stern may sound rude and crude advertisers still flock there because of the number of listeners.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:06PM sure sounds like they might be John Robinson, who is as well-known for his feud with Joe as for his businesses. Maybe not, but that would be my guess.

As for that letter, I would bet that at the very least he agrees fully and completely with it. What these people are doing is just an updated and modified version of the classic Mob protection racket. Bunch of bullies who have to use threats, intimidation, and blackmail to get their way when popular support does not exist in sufficient amounts to get it done that way. I suggest that anyone who gives in to this anonymous blackmail (yes, I see the irony here, but don't you love how they don't have the intestinal fortitude to put their names out there or provide examples and evidence?) should be the ones that are boycotted. I will patronize whoever I patronize without regard for any beef that a third party may have with Joe. That is between them and does not concern me.

Anonymous said...

1:42 coming after one of the stupidest things I have ever heard-Weschler's ramblings. Sounded to me like she had a few too many.

Anonymous said...

According to the Tatter someone is planning on giving Del McDermott what they perceive to be a good old dressing down. Any local media outlets should not give these people the time of day. The other day was a good example of how they fly off the handle. Don't be tricked again. That goes for any of the officials involved also. Stay away from these people.

Anonymous said...

1:42 PM

I hear ya man.

afactisafact said...

Someone please tell me how targeting innocent advertisers is going to help anything.

Grandmom Wexler, none of this absurdity is going to bring Sarah back. Please stop making this a three ring circus.

Let's say all of your accusations are true. The only person responsible for Joe Albero is Joe Albero, himself. Others should not persecute these businesses for his views and opinions.

The Sarah Foxwell case has really brought out the best in some and it appears it's brought out the worst in others. Sad. May her soul be at peace even though her family members are not.

Anonymous said...

get a life and stop blaming joe for all that is wrong with the world... good grief people!!! and p.s. grandma, your family OBVIOUSLY has more important issues that you should focus your attention on, not to mention that you lost her granddaughter in a horrendously violent manner and yet you chose to verbally attack a man of the press and not the killer himself?!?!?! wow.

Dennis said...

If Granny is the matriarch of that family, it's easy to see why there is such dysfunction..and the letter writer is illiterate, who would take that seriously??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That letter came from Julie Brewington.

1:03 PM

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Julie Dilweed Brewington did write that letter for that insane woman.

Does anyone know for a fact if she is Archie Bunker on the fat mans blog?

Anonymous said...

2:37 PM I know for a fact Bill Gordy does make those comments and I know for a fact he and his wife are in litigation with the Feds over racism.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Dennis this "family" really needs to look within, not lash out. I get the "not on my watch" comment Joe and I agree 100%

bury_voter said...

i with you and your advertisers joe

Anonymous said...

This letter will be thrown away and ignored. No worries there. Joe says it right at the top of the page that this is page is opinionated only. If you DON'T like what he has to say, hit the big red X in the corner. Then don't come back. Being the mental cases that we are, we won't miss you at all.

Anonymous said...


I think you brought a valuable source to Delmarva, a place where people can post what is going on without the fear of retaliation. In a small area it is a reality that you will deal with someone if say your opinion. In today’s times and in this area I find people are threatened by your opinion and do not look at it in a healthy way but a threatening way. So, I am grateful that you have provided that place for us.

I also think the two worst parts of this site is your style of attack when you do not like something or someone, very arrogant and lacking finesse. The other is you taking someone’s words and posting and making it a fact on here and having people taking that belief and spreading it.

For example your attack on Sam Vincent, he was truly one of the greatest person/man I have ever met and dealt with. His moral standards were extremely high and hard to match. His commitment to Wicomico County could not be matched. He was the epitome of a trial lawyer for all to learn from.

Now to your latest on attacking the evidence in the Sarah Foxwell case to have people lose faith in their local law enforcement. I personally reviewed the evidence in this case and NOT ONE piece of evidence was in question. If it was the defense would never took a plea, ever. The ripple effect that will happen you have started in having people lose faith in their local police and prosecution could be devastating to investigations and solving crime. When the police respond and investigate a crime you have to have the victims trust and faith or you will never get the full story.

All you had to do was make some extra calls, talk to a few more people and you would have seen that both of these above situations could have been verified and been just. Instead you had harsh and harmful words laid on a great man that died without showing the community you were wrong.

Another area you fail is to post the comments that come in disputing your "facts". This is an injustice to the community.

With these situations I don’t see how we can trust you or work with you anymore.

You have a unique position to be a very influential person who makes a difference for a long time to come, but I feel that you are slowly alienating yourself from the people that will allow you to be that.

Do not get me wrong I believe in the truth but it always has more than one side.

I hope the best for you and the future of this community.

Anonymous said...

Like they say, the nut doesn't fall far from the tree

Anonymous said...

OMG! I haven't had the opportunity to watch the press conference until now. That was ridiculous. Funny how Sheriff Mike Lewis left during the statement. Then later on you see Sarah's mom leave too. The statements that she made about her the aunt were just insane. Joe I give you a lot of credit for standing there and listening to her for almost 10 minutes. It was NOT the time or the place for such a statement. She should have just kept her mouth shut. That woman is nuts. Signed, One of Joe's Sociopaths.

Anonymous said...

Bill Gordy and the new fire chief Jethro Simpson are the reason a long time minority employee left before he could retire. Those 2 rednecks are as racist as they come. They both need to be ran out of town.

Anonymous said...

I heard the discrimination case is now being filed in Delaware Courts because Gordy Fuel is a Delaware Corporation. Of course he complains this blog should not deal with Salisbury issues because the owner lives in Delaware (Delmar.) I hope this lawsuit against his wife brings the whole mess of a family down!

mp50 said...

7:06, why do you come to this site? Just stay away. There are more people that would back Mr. A then any other person that trys to make their blog as honest as this one. They seem to hate him because they don't know what the word honest is. Mr. A doesn't take from the system (like them) he only gives back,that I may say also helps them. If they want to be like Mr. A., they wouldn't delete so many comments. They seem not to like Mr. A. because he shows us how they are. UGLY, Ugly people and no I'm not talking about looks. I will keep coming to site every day to see what is going in my county. THANK YOU MR. A.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,

I got a call at 9 PM tonight from someone who said their name was Josh 410-251-5268. He said he was calling people who support Joe Albero. I hung up after that. I assume it was the "Joe Haters" Fan Club. Don't they have anything better to do?

Nail-d said...

Hi Joe:

I believe this site is a good thing-it seems when you do so well that all your haters are going to do everything they can to bring you down-They cannot stand to see you succeed and doing so well so they will try to do everything they can to crush you. You handled yourself very well during the news conference and after keep up the good work by keeping us informed what is going on in our area and what our local business have to offer.

catjowill said...

Thank you 10:50...don't forget to mention where you saw our ad when you set up your appointment with your kitty! cj

Nail-d said...

Hey Joe I left a comment under my husbands user-Naild520-I wanted to let you know I support you too-Gail

Anonymous said...

7:06p "I believe in the truth but it has more than one side." I don't understand your thinking. The truth is the truth---there are no other sides to the truth. What the heck are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

7:41 PM I talked to that new fire chief and he is definitely weird. Something isn't right about him, but this is typical of Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

The slime blogger and all of his minions have a special place in my heart -- it's the piece I had removed in surgery a year ago. I feel so much better now.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Joe,thank you for all you do for the community. I, like others,come here to see what's going on in the county.

Anonymous said...

I've shopped at or used the services of several of your advertisers this week alone.
I admire their courage for advertising with you and know that many of them see you as a vanguard. So do I. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

well spoken 706pm!

he puts it more eloquently than i could.

and thank you joe for actually allowing him to post that. he speaks what is on alot of our minds.

Anonymous said...

"Josh" works on Mathias' campaign.
Google "410-251-5268". His email is Perhaps registering his for some promotional spam would be appropriate....just sayin. fight fire with fire.

Anonymous said...

Everytime I see someone state,' I know this to be a fact', it automatically sends up a red flag. Not always, but usually, it turns out to be the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same josh that's Mitchell's campaign treasurer?