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Thursday, March 31, 2011

House Votes Target ObamaCare Slush Funds

House Republicans are reigniting hostile disagreements over the President’s health care law this week with a series of votes to eliminate billions of dollars tucked away in what they say are unaccountable slush funds.

Higher premiums, fewer jobs, less access, and people losing their current health care plans are also at stake, says Rep. Joseph Pitts (R.-Pa.).

“We are receiving reports almost weekly that show that the true cost of ObamaCare is worse than what any of us expected,” Pitts, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health, told his panel Wednesday.

Democrats countered that the plan is financially sound and won’t saddle the deficit with billions in more spending.

If anyone is to blame for the current fiscal crisis, Democrats said, it’s former President George W. Bush.

“The deficit crisis we find ourselves in is a man-made crisis,” said Rep. Henry Waxman, (D.-Calif.).  “In fact, it is a Republican-made crisis."  Republicans countered that ObamaCare will cost 800,000 jobs, and that 2.4 million Americans are officially excused from participating in the plan, including the Service Employees International Union, because they say they can’t afford it.

“The rest of Americans, you are stuck with this thing,” said Rep. Mike Rogers (R.-Mich.).

Here's more


Anonymous said...

umm...hello? The Democrats controlled the house the last two years of his service...???? If there is any blame, it is the entire USG, not just one man.

lmclain said...

Its Bush's fault. Again. 20 years from now, you will hear obama STILL complaining about how the car was so deep in the ditch that even HE couldn't drive it out. 3:00 is right.. it's all of them.