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Friday, February 04, 2011

AFP-Maryland’s Statement On Gov. O’Malley’s State Of The State – Maryland Is Stuck In A Financial Hole

Americans for Prosperity Maryland’s Political Director Nick Loffer issued the following statement.

Annapolis“Commonsense policy decisions and help for small businesses is once again ignored by Governor O’Malley’s and Annapolis leaving Maryland in a financial hole that they are digging deeper.

Freezing spending is not a solution that moves Maryland forward when you have been stuck in an ever deepening financial hole. Sneaky tax hikes buried in the state budget and borrowing money claiming to “balance” Maryland’s budget is dishonest to the Free State.

Well intentioned programs like invest Maryland ignore the needs of small businesses and the necessary conditions that all businesses must have. No matter how much upfront money businesses receive, if the business climate continues to add more job killing taxes and maintains stifling regulations, businesses will not stay in Maryland.

Gov. O’Malley and this General Assembly should choose fair policies that help all businesses and families equally, rather than benefiting certain sections of the economy that they deem “new” and “emerging.”

Cutting taxes will benefit all businesses and give families relief that they desperately need. Spending cuts, not spending freezes, will bring us out of the financial hole that we are in.

Adhering to these two critical policies, with a firm commitment to no new taxes, will allow Gov. O’Malley truthfully to say the State of Maryland is becoming strong. Until then, continuing with the same fiscally irresponsible policies of taxing, spending, and borrowing will place an unfair, yet avoidable, burden on taxpayers that forces Maryland to stay in the hole.”

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