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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chinese Yuan To Be Used For All US Traders

Remember the video you put up a few days ago warning about America's impending economic disaster.  Well right now on - there is a news release whereby China is now allowing US traders and citizens to open up Chinese bank accounts.  The measure is to allow americans to buy Chinese goods in Chinese currency verses US currency.  It plans to expand to all other countries. 


Anonymous said...

I will admit to not looking into this, but based off the post, the headline and the statement don't match. Are the Chinese forcing every to use the yuan or is China now giving the option of switching to the yuan? And doesn't it just make since for them to allow domestic goods to be purchased with their domestic currency?

Anonymous said...

To 3:24
I believe you are missing the bigger picture here. The Chinese are now making a concerted effort to replace the US dollar - as the international standard - with the Chinese Yuan. Next - the Chinese will make it the preferred oil commodity currency.

Remember the old adage - 'The debtor is servant to the lender'

The same applies today as it did in biblical times.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised your US government allowed this information to be released.

The State of the Union address is scheduled for tonight and I'm sure you'll not hear a word uttered to about this late breaking news.

Anonymous said...

Now the devaluation of the US dollar will accelerate. Inflation will now begin it's ascent. Those of us who can grow our own food will be on our toes to stop those who can't from stealing to eat. I don't blame them for trying to survive but you also can't blame those who grow from doing what they can to stop them. And so it begins.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Democrats!

Anonymous said...

Run-a-way inflation is to soon follow. 5:35 is right - prices will start to escalate real fast now. China will also start unloading US bonds as they wean themselves from our economy to the other developing nations.

Where is Congress? They are going to try and run for cover as wrath of nation builds.

Anonymous said...

The next major crisis will be the municipal defaults. I heard on MSNBC this morning - Meridith Witney - she expects some States and municipals to start defaulting by June. She is the same one who predicted the fall of Fannie Mae & Freddy.

Anonymous said...

china has had phenomonel growth in the past, long before it was communist, and still was unable to overtake the usa even back then.
those who don't know history are bound to repeat it!

Anonymous said...

Seems to me the US is purposely weakening the dollar to assist in increasing exports.

Anonymous said...

Those of you who have had your head in the sand , beware , if I need , I will take. Survival of the strong and prepared.

Anonymous said...

missed the video , can someone tell me where to find it? What's the name of it , is it on you-tube?

Anonymous said...

I would have expected many more comments , Mmmm , heads in the sand , what a nation of followers.
Let's see what other country we can help with NO money , Mmmm , how about our own country , not a good idea.
We made China what it is today , now they own us!
I've often heard the saying "if you don't like it here , then go else where" , not a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Walmart still has ammo , going fast after the video post.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese are sick and tired of the United States strongarm tactics regarding the Dollar. We have monetized the debt and therefore all of their US Dollars are losing value compared to commodities. Oil, Food, Water will all go up in price - when priced in US Dollars.

Anonymous said...

Don't complain. "Free market capitalism" has sent tons of jobs overseas to be replaced with us mopping floors and flipping burgers. Reps. would rather cut taxes so the richest Americans can invest in the stocks of these same companies that send the jobs overseas. While Dems. want to give out more money and 'hope' things magically change.