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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tighten Your Belts!

Seaford DE. The highest gas price I have seen so far. You better gas up tonight before it hits Salisbury tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Politics aside, does anyone have a valid explanation for this? Unreal!

Anonymous said...

The prices that I am seeing for gasoline is going to put the brakes on any type of economic recovery.

Crude was up again today and is moving closer to $100/barrel. Some say it could go to $130/140. The Shell oil exec won't be far off in his estimation of $5/gal.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Gordy's Exxons will lead the charge. They are always a penny above the competition in Delmar and Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Not really tightening our belts. It's more like bend over, we are getting screwed!!

Anonymous said...

Gordy Tigermarts are usually the highest in town. Mafia

Anonymous said...

I guess we should be thankful that U.S. prices are not similar to those in Europe, where they are anywhere from $5 to $7+ a gallon.

Anonymous said...

yea this sucks have a wife and 2 kids 1 dog and 1 cat. i live in and work 4 wicomico co. local gov, where all county employees have not had a pay raise in almost 4years.not even a cost of living raise.but all the big shots uptown can give their cronies, a nice $5000.00 raise and take home cars and county ,matt creamer, the big kahuna pollitt.thats shows how u really care about your employees.what b sssssssssss. should i say anymore

Anonymous said...

High gas prices are killing the economy.

Anonymous said...

Remember---Gas makes everything else go up too so yes , Get Ready!

Everyone is hurting when this happens, but especially our Sr Citizens on minimal , fixed incomes. My heart goes out to them especially!!

Matt Creamer needs to go----his job was Made for Him --- and so do a lot of the others including Pollitt
Nice , yes, but his position is way over paid like lots more!! They need to be held accountable for exactly what their work week consist of ---except meeting after senseless meeting!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

BP has already recooped its loses in the GULF.

Daddio said...

You can't give a good explanation without involving politics.

One factor is the recent shutdown of the Alaska pipeline.

Another is speculators have been bidding the prices up.

Still another is printing and spending money we don't have. This makes the US dollar less valuable. Since oil is traded in US dollars, that makes the price go up, simple economics.

Beware if they are successful in getting the world's oil markets off the US dollar, however. If that happens, you ain't seen nothing yet!! If you think inflation has been bad recently, just wait `till hyper-inflation! IT is beginning ...

Anonymous said...

We been lucky for a long time, the rest of the world has been dealing with this for awhile, decades. Its our turn now. American Dream, its worth fighting for. Were gonna loose, it cost to much to do it so big now. Its over for awhile and time will pass by so many people of my generation will simply fall threw the cracks and sun will come up again. Theres worse things in life. You go with God and faith, not me. If I was God I would of made people so much better. He made them perfect and we ruined it, dumbass. What kind of sick game is this?

Anonymous said...

Gordy's Exxon is higher because it is an Exxon. The price of brand gasoline is always higher than unbranded like Wawa or Royal Farms

Anonymous said...

Just think, Mike Miller thinks it is a good idea to raise the gas tax in Maryland this year. Maryland drivers will be paying close to $5 a gallon for gas soon.

Anonymous said...

Obamas plan to destroy the country is right on track.

Anonymous said...

9:31PM Can't get rid of Pollitt-he was just voted back in for another 4 years by the voters. Ha Ha.

Anonymous said...

Good go to $6 a gallon it'll get some of the idiot soccer mom SUVs off the road!

(personally I hate pumping gas and can usually get 10 days, sometimes 14 day out of a tankful 14.5gal. I drive a "sports car" and get 30mpg, if I drive like an idiot 26-28mpg out of it. I laugh when I see all the idiots with $45,000 SUVs that get 11mpg)

Had friends from France here in 2001 and gas was $6 to $8 a gallon there then, they couldn't believe how cheap it was here.

Let's keep in mind it's been this high (over $3) before, places like UPS have been ripping you off for years, as they raised to account for $3 gas, then have used that same excuse every 6 months to raise rates another 5% each time, meanwhile, gas prices were falling.

Anonymous said...

Exxon the most profitable company in the world and continues posting record profits. Is it any surprise they alligned with the Gordy Marts?

Anonymous said...

Why do you care what car someone else drives?

Anonymous said...

BOHICA---Bend over here it comes again!

Anonymous said...

Whaaaa....Get over it. The increased demand from China coupled with our (the united states) debt to china will continue to drive the price of oil up until the US allows drilling of the reserves that we have off our coasts and in Alaska. The greenies will fight it all the way until the price of gas starts to impact their wallets. Food prices are about to spike as well. ADAPT. Change your driving habits, grow a garden, learn to fish and hunt rather than rely on Foodlion or Giant for your food otherwise pay the price.